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Thread: Roger Wilco's 3D Game Pieces

  1. #1


    Default Roger Wilco's 3D Game Pieces

    Roger Wilco,

    I am very impressed with the pictures of the 3D ground items you have crafted. This seems like the perfect way to enhance the map and still have the play space flat and playable. As you indicated that these were masters are you planning to cast these and make them available to your fellow WoWers?

    If not, i am ready to try my hand at a similar version of them. What are you using to sculpt them and how thick are you making the pieces?



  2. #2


    Hi Bill and thanks for the praise and I'm glad you like what you see. My intention is to produce them in polyurethane resin and sell them to fellow gamers here on this forum and elsewhere very soon. I picked up all the materials I need to get things running just before Xmas and as soon as the silly season comes to a halt and I can spare the time I will start production. I'll let everyone here on the forum know when it happens, how much, postage rates, how to pay etc.
    I use Sculpy clay for the masters but I don't fire them in the oven, I really don't want any distortion at all on the masters so I will make my silicon rubber molds over the soft clay masters. The thickness of the sculpted bases is only a few millimetres but some of the details tower to a whopping 5mm to 6mm in height. I made everything very low relief so that the details fit under the hollow WoW bases (bad luck to the folks that use the Likto bases) and everything mostly stays stable on the tabletop. Your only problem will be painting the models up. I have packed a fair bit of fine detail into the models and so they may take some time to paint up, but thats half the fun isn't it. If anybody out there wants to try making these sorts of models for themselves be carefull as I have found out the hard way that Sculpy actually has some kind of solvent in it that dissolves Evergreen polystyrene plastic, so I ended up having to remake all sorts of builings and other details I had added and do some resculpting of the clay as I returned after two weeks of holidays to some white gooey and sticky puddles all over my model bases where buildings used to be.

  3. #3


    Wonderful news, I'd been planning to contact you to ask if you'd be willing to sell some copies of those after I saw the original pics you posted. I'll have to start putting some pennies aside

  4. #4



    Roger Wilco,

    Wow (if that is an acceptable phrase to use on this forum) I am now even more awed by the fact that you did them low enough to fit UNDER? the hollow part of the stands? That is genius.

    Ok count me in as a buyer. These will be big sellers. I can think of a couple of stores/dealers here in the US that would carry this type of product (similar to other products they carry.)

    I have a couple different types of hangers and I have been looking at some pictures of airfields from WW1. I was thinking of making a roughly 4 inch square airfield for scenarios. Any plans like that in the work?


  5. #5


    I'll be keen for some as well. Let me know how much and what qty you can do I be happy to collect all of the kiwi orders and fire them through to you.


  6. #6


    I appretiate everyones enthusiasm and the willingness of you guys wanting to help but at the moment lets just keep this all nice and simple for the time being.
    I'll get some of these models made up soon, I'll paint up samples, take photos and post them here. I have already selected a few folk on the forum that will receive some complimentary pieces so that they can give me some feedback or make an independant review.
    At the moment I just want to sell direct and keep resellers at bay, I gladly accept PayPal but I am also open to just trade my models for new planes, old planes, repaints, other 1/144 scale model kits (old or new) or stuff you guys make like decals or whatever etc. Its expensive for me to purchase my hobby stuff locally so I am open to any reasonable offer.
    Last edited by Roger Wilco; 01-03-2010 at 13:58. Reason: typo

  7. #7



    Sorry to let my enthusiasm get away from me. I am happy to have found this community with the rise of my interest in doing some serious projects.

    Of course this is our hobby and not a job, no one will get rich doing it. Just wanted to let you know these look like commercial quality items.


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