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Thread: 2011 Historicon in Valley Forge

  1. #1

    Default 2011 Historicon in Valley Forge

    While not as big as Origins, Historicon is a LARGE gaming convention held in Eastern PA - this year in Valley Forge PA (Philly).
    They are currently looking at getting the GMs sorted, and the Drome should be represented.

    Not knowing what my schedule is going to look like in July, its hard for me to commit to running anything, but I fully intend to go even if its just for the day.

    For those in the MidAtlantic reenacting crowd that know him, Bob Giglio seems to be the director for the con this year.


  2. #2


    I took Lisa and the kids up there last year when it was in Lancaster, thinking I'd pick up a bunch of Wargames Foundry pirates. I left with nothing, and Lisa bought over $100 worth of Pulp Figures.

    I did notice they had a couple guys with planes, but I didn't notice if any of them were selling Skytrex or Reviresco.

    Actually, the thing that amazed me most was the huge amount of Battlestar Galactica miniatures this one dude had for sale.

    I talked to Bob for a few minutes last year, but other than Brett, I don't think I saw any of the usual suspects (Chort, Dave) since I never even got a chance to walk through the large gaming room.

  3. #3


    Oh, and the next big miniatures con to come our way will be Cold Wars.
    And looking at their schedule, they actually have a game listed for the Friday night of the con.

  4. #4


    Yeah, I was considering starting a thread for Cold Wars too, but did not as I think it is too late for the Drome to plan games there. I am thinking about going to CW though, at least for a day.


  5. #5


    I'll be looking into setting up a game (or two or three) at Historicon. So far I don't think there are any family schedule conflicts that would prevent me from doing so. I've never been to any of these conventions so luckily I have plenty of time to see what will be necessary to set things up. Hunter has plenty of large scale sceanrios he's been working on for a year or more, so those might be perfect to unleash at the convention. I'd love to have an Aerodrome presence at Historicon. It would be a blast!

    I'll keep the Drome updated as I find out more info.


  6. #6


    let me know what help you need, or miniatures. The big games often benefit from more then one GM. Also, companies like Flight of Fantasy, Nexes, Revieresco and Skytrex *may* give us swag to hand out if we ask nice.


  7. #7


    I have always wanted to go to Historicon... Due to my inability to drive it is difficult for me to make it to cons that are 8 hours away... but maybe I can find someone who is going for a couple of days, this year. One can always hope!

    You guys should list Historicon and Cold Wars on the Events Calendar. (I need to get Origins listed there as well.)
    Ken Head - "The Cowman"
    “You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it.” Robin Williams

  8. #8


    So... have any of you given further thought to Historicon? I have, and I've been thinking big... like Zeppelin big.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by jbmacek View Post
    So... have any of you given further thought to Historicon? I have, and I've been thinking big... like Zeppelin big.
    I'm still hoping to get things set up for a table or two. Haven't decided on the mission yet. What did you have in mind with the Zeppelin(s)?

  10. #10



    I live just North of Trenton in New Jersey. I would like to help you out if you get something set up for Historicon.


  11. #11


    I used to live in the area...never had an interest in the mini side of wargaming that I live 9-10 hrs away, it's just not feasible to attend ;-( Have done a fair amount of Rev War reenacting out that way though "back in the day"...

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Goering Ace View Post
    I'm still hoping to get things set up for a table or two. Haven't decided on the mission yet. What did you have in mind with the Zeppelin(s)?
    Really, at this point, just thinking out loud. I've been spinning Zepp ideas around in my head, but I haven't actually given serious though to building one. Yet.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Jmac View Post

    I live just North of Trenton in New Jersey. I would like to help you out if you get something set up for Historicon.

    Thanks, Joe. I'll keep in touch as I try and work things out.

  14. #14


    I was toying with the idea as well. I attended Historicon two (or was it three?) years ago. Got my first exposure to WoW there-- a guy was running simple introductory games with the (recently released?) Series 1 miniatures. I was hooked-- I added the game to my wish list and got it that christmas. I went out and bought all 12 of the series 1 miniatures. (I'm now up to 22 planes in my collection.)

    I taught the guys in my plastic model club to play-- we play several times a year after our monthly meetings.

    I ran my first "CON" game last year at HAVOC here in the Boston area. It went well, so I'm thinking about registering to run a game at Historicon this year. (Did some research just last night.) Deadline for submission is 15 April, if you want to get into the PEL. If I do run a game-- it won't be too elaborate-- though I might bring my balloon along.

    It is about a 6.5 hour drive from Boston-- but my daughter graduated from Franklin and Marshall college a couple of years ago, so I was used to driving to Lancaster-- so I know what I'm getting into. And VF is a little closer......
    Last edited by rcboater; 03-31-2011 at 14:52. Reason: fixed typos

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by rcboater View Post
    I was toying with the idea as well. I attended Historicon two (or was it three?) years ago. Got my first exposure to WoW there-- a guy was runnign simple introductory games with the (recently released?) Series 1 miniatures. I was hooked-- I added he game to my wish list and got it that christmas. I went out and bought all 12 of the series 1 miniatures. (I'm now up to 22 planes in my collection.)

    I taught the guys in my plastic model club to play-- we play several times a year after our monthly meetings.

    I ran my first "CON" game last year at HAVOC here in the Boston area. It went well, so I'm thinking about registering to run a game at Historicon this year. (Did some research just last night.) Deadline for submission is 15 April, if you want to get into the PEL. If I do run a game-- it won't be too elaborate-- though I might bring my balloon along.
    Woah!! Thanks for reminding me about that!! I got busy with other things this month and completely spaced out with looking into registering some games. I'll look into it over the next few days. I'd like to get at least a few decent sized missions registered for the event.

  16. #16


    Question: If you were to run a game at HC, would you use altitude rules?

    When I introduce newbies to the game, I usually dispense with altitude rules the first couple of times. But at a gaming convention, myabe that isn't necessary.....

    I guess another option would be to register a couple of games-- maybe advertise one as "basic" and one as "advanced".....

  17. #17


    Egad! Time is flying! My gaming thoughts have been on the back burner these last couple weeks while I finish up a writing assignment. I suppose I'll have plenty of time between now and the 15th to think about it, especially if the govt shuts down.

  18. #18


    I'm trying to figure out what the maximum number of players should be for a game at Historicon. I'm thinking about 8-10 as the max. I'm also trying to figure out a relatively simple but fun scenario for a larger number of players. I'm leaning towards a bombing mission on an aerodrome or a multiple bombing run with 2 or 3 targets. Attacking force would be two or three 2-seater bombers with three escort fighters, with the defending force being 4 fighters plus ground fire. I'd also like to register a second game going more advanced with altitude rules. This one could be a dogfight with 8, maybe 10 planes. I'd possibly run both scenarios on two different days, or even multiple times on one day. Not sure if there's a limit. But I'd like to be out there at least 2 days.

    Here are some questions for those who've run games at events like this -
    Do players usually bring their own minis or does the Gamemaster supply them?
    How much help would I expect to need for running a game the size I've mentioned?
    Do you let the players choose their planes or do you make it a random draw?

    Any input is welcome.
    Last edited by Goering Ace; 04-07-2011 at 11:25. Reason: more questions

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Goering Ace View Post
    Do players usually bring their own minis or does the Gamemaster supply them?
    Though people sometimes bring their own minis, you have to be prepared to provide all of the figures in case they don't. Also be prepared to disallow figures that aren't official, or that are inappropriate for the time period of the scenario.

    How much help would I expect to need for running a game the size I've mentioned?
    You should be able to run WoW alone, or with Hunter's help. It is probably best at a convention to not have a close relative play in your game unless you are playing too on the opposing side. As soon as a ruling goes to your relative's advantage, NO MATTER HOW FAIR. people are gonna grumble.

  20. #20


    Thanks Larry. Good advice. I'm really not sure if Hunter will participate in the games or not. At the moment, I don't think he will. As far as help goes, I've had offers from Zach vacca rabite) and Joe (Jmac), so I possibly wouldn't have to go it alone. But even if I did, I'm pretty sure I could handle it.

    I'm not real up on historical accuracy, so I may need some help matching planes. I take it historical accuracy is a must at an event like this?

  21. #21


    Probably just being sure all the planes were around at the same time would be enough historical accuracy for a convention game. And if someone shows up with their Zooperkampfflugzoid two-seater - with the firing arcs of a Roland, 20 hit points, quad machine guns that give it AA/AA damage, and that flies with the L maneuver deck - say no!

  22. #22


    I know someone came out with a chart showing when each plane was active in the war. Does anyone remember that chart and where I can find it?

  23. #23


    Never mind. I found it!

  24. #24

  25. #25


    Thanks Larry. I actually found it about 5 minutes after I asked for help. LOL!

  26. #26


    From what I gather from the chart, almost every plane was in service with the others except for the N16/17/23, which went out of service at the end of June, 1917. Even the Albatros D.III overlaps the Snipe for the month of August, 1918. All others have at least a reasonable overlap, with most overlaping by a sizeable time frame. So as long as I keep the Nieuports out of the mix, I should be able to use almost any plane. I'm thinking of using the Pfalz D.III (or D.IIIa), Albatros D.Va and Fokker D.VII for the German side and Camel, Spad, and S.E.5 for the Allied side (for the fighters). Haven't decided on the 2 seaters yet, but will chose from the RAF R.E. 8, Breguet, and DH.4 on the Allied and the Rumpler and UFAG on the German side.

  27. #27


    When I played WoW at Historicon the first time, the game the guy was running was quite simple. He had 12 miniatures (all the series 1) on the table. He had 12 people signed up, and a couple of others were hangining around to get a spot in case of a no-show. Maybe one of the twelve has played once before. After a brief intro on the rules, we were off and running.
    The next day, he repeated the same game. We had about a 50% return rate, and 50% new players. Players could pick their planes in the order that they had signed up. (The GM is given the list of those that pre-registered for their games.)

    For nearly all the games played at HC, the GM provides all the necessary supplies.

    I'd feel comfortable running a game with 12 players, especially if only fighters were involved. I haven't decided if I'll use altitude rules or not-- still on the fence with that one.

    It might be fun to run a "super game", where we all get together and pool our resources...........

  28. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by rcboater View Post
    When I played WoW at Historicon the first time, the game the guy was running was quite simple. He had 12 miniatures (all the series 1) on the table. He had 12 people signed up, and a couple of others were hangining around to get a spot in case of a no-show. Maybe one of the twelve has played once before. After a brief intro on the rules, we were off and running.
    The next day, he repeated the same game. We had about a 50% return rate, and 50% new players. Players could pick their planes in the order that they had signed up. (The GM is given the list of those that pre-registered for their games.)

    For nearly all the games played at HC, the GM provides all the necessary supplies.

    I'd feel comfortable running a game with 12 players, especially if only fighters were involved. I haven't decided if I'll use altitude rules or not-- still on the fence with that one.

    It might be fun to run a "super game", where we all get together and pool our resources...........
    Pooling resources would be fun!! Right now I'm hoping to have at least 2 games on each of two days, and I may look to add a third. I want one game to be a basic dogfight game, no altitude rules, for beginner players. I was originally thinking 10 planes, but after hearing your input, I could go 12. Game #2 would be a bomber mission as I described above - 2 bombers (to kill 2 targets) with 3 escorts and 5 fighters defending with ground fire. Again, no altitude so beginners could join in. Game #3 would be a dogfight with altitude rules. I may limit this to 10 planes as it will take longer using altitude. With the game layout I have in mind, it will take a minimal amount of prep (mostly figuring the bombing mission) and will allow plenty of room for those new to WOW.

    I still need to look into potential prizes, but I have time for that. I just need to get the games registered online before the 15th, which won't be a problem. Then I'll let my squadron mates know the deal and see if any want to help out.

    So you are definitely registering some games, Bill?

  29. #29


    I'm seriously considering it-- will sort it all out in the next few days.

    I wasn't planning on providing any prizes.

    If it all works out, and we go "jumbo" , I've got a lot to contribute-- I did an inventory-- I've got 32 planes and one balloon. (Yikes!)

  30. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by rcboater View Post
    I'm seriously considering it-- will sort it all out in the next few days.

    I wasn't planning on providing any prizes.

    If it all works out, and we go "jumbo" , I've got a lot to contribute-- I did an inventory-- I've got 32 planes and one balloon. (Yikes!)
    LOL!! Hunter and I have over 40 planes, one balloon and the two game mats! I'm pretty sure we could do a whopper of a scenario!!

  31. #31

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    I'm going to try to make historicon...Can't promise anything with my work schedule, but if i do make it, i will be bringing all my WoW gear. I currently have 1 of each plane from all 4 series, plus a couple of Hanriot Hd.1's, also about half a dozen repaints. If all goes well and i can get enough snipes tracked down, I will have all of 4 AFC done to bring along as well (A, B, & C flights - totallying 24 Snipes, all with squadron markings - a shout out to Dom for his decals here!!)


  32. #32


    It pains me report that I am scheduled to work for the duration of Historicon

    The hospital where I am employed requires we work "every other" weekend; and to think of missing a convention in my own backyard! Philadelphia! ARRRGH. Oh well, there'll be other opportunities down the line I'm sure -- perhaps Goering and I can set up something small and regional in the future, as I have a rather large table at home with 2 balloons.


  33. #33


    I plan on going, but still haven't actually made up my mind for real. Since I've never played a game at a con, maybe getting in on this would be a further incentive to go.

  34. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Lugburz View Post
    It pains me report that I am scheduled to work for the duration of Historicon

    The hospital where I am employed requires we work "every other" weekend; and to think of missing a convention in my own backyard! Philadelphia! ARRRGH. Oh well, there'll be other opportunities down the line I'm sure -- perhaps Goering and I can set up something small and regional in the future, as I have a rather large table at home with 2 balloons.

    That's too bad, Keegan. But I'd definitely be up for getting a game together with other nearby members of the Aerodrome. Let's keep in touch and look to set something up during the summer.


  35. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by jbmacek View Post
    I plan on going, but still haven't actually made up my mind for real. Since I've never played a game at a con, maybe getting in on this would be a further incentive to go.
    I'd love to see you make it to Historicon. There will be 4 events hosted by myself (and Hunter), with another 2 GM'd by RCboater (Bill). Should be fun. I need to go to the Historicon web site and see if anyone is signing up for our events.

  36. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Goering Ace View Post
    That's too bad, Keegan. But I'd definitely be up for getting a game together with other nearby members of the Aerodrome. Let's keep in touch and look to set something up during the summer.

    Sounds good! Since I work every other weekend, and July is filling up fast, here are the two weekends I'm free in August: 13-14 & 27-28. Just something to think about

  37. #37


    Would have loved to go; but went to Origins instead. It's closer to me and I have a prior commitment that weekend...on the plus side; wife-unit discovered she likes miniatures (besides WoW of course), might be able to do next year?!@

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