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Thread: Hawks on the Hunt, or The German Media Chimes In ;)

  1. #1

    Default Hawks on the Hunt, or The German Media Chimes In ;)

    From the Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung, late 1917:

    Once again, an aerial assault on our brave footsoldiers of the Fatherland has been defeated, thanks to the courage of our bold flyers of Jagdgeschwader 1! Like hawks on the hunt, these bold warriors of the sky fall on their prey swiftly and remorselessly, striking down the English bombers before they could rain destruction upon the sons and brothers of Germany.

    Following a brief lull in the aerial war due to harsh winter storms, the Allies launched an attack by their bomber squadrons two days ago. Waves of DH4s and the newer Breguet 14s advanced inexorably toward German-held territory, their droning engines echoing across the horizons.

    Answering this challenge was a trio of pilots led by Jasta 10's newly-promoted commander, Hauptmann Karl Von Klepperman. If there is a word this reporter would use that describes this pilot, it is "Jager" (hunter). While some pilots are known for their fierceness, and others for their unpredictability, Von Klepperman--affectionately known to his comrades as "Kleppi"--is a patient, precise bird of prey in the air, scientifically stalking the enemy with the same careful methods he learned as a boy hunting deer, boar and bear in the Bavarian Alps. Our reporter received the singular honor of an exclusive interview with this admirable officer, and we shall pass on the details of this thrilling battle exactly as he described it to our magazine.

    As a pair of enemy bombers and our fighters made contact over No Man's Land, Klepperman directed his flight to concentrate fire on the closest foe. His first shots, unfortunately, jammed before he could do much damage. Other pilots would lose their nerve or panic facing an enemy aircraft head on with disabled weapons, but Klepperman's resolve and trust in his fellow flyers never wavered. He calmly cleared his guns as his wingmen provided covering fire, guessing that the enemy would not have the will to continue a head-to-head engagement. His instincts, as they often are, proved correct--the bombers lost their nerve, turning into each other to avoid the fire and inadvertently spoiling each other's attacks on our lads!

    Klepperman's wingmen turned to the left and right and began making wide, banking maneuvers to come around and re-engage the enemy. Having cleared his guns, Klepperman then performed an Immelman to engage one of the targets from behind. "I always stay calm and attack from as close a distance as possible," he said. "As in hunting in the forest, a sure shot is always better than a wild one." Following his own rule, he closed, firing steadily. The bomber, too slow to escape, took another hit, then a third...and then fell in flames!

    Klepperman gives as much credit to the plane he flies as to his own skill. "The Pfalz suits a patient hunter like myself," he said. "She is steady, reliable and sturdy. Yes, she is not as fast as the Albatros, nor as maneuverable as the Fokker--but I can turn tightly, fly without fear of mishap, and exchange fire with the confidence my scout can take the punishment. It is everything I seek in an aircraft."

    Klepperman's wingman took a few more shots at the surviving bomber, but with his comrade lost, the Englishman chose retreat over continuing the mission.

    Our stalwart pilots returned home, escorted by the cheers and gratitude of their fellows on the ground. It is this courage that shall ensure victory for our country in this great struggle!

    (Game Notes: Whew! I'd like to take a break now, please. I think this was the last of the missions from the past few weeks I haven't written up yet. At DaveZee's request, I decided to make this one a tribute to the leading ace pilot of our current campaign, Karl Von Klepperman, with 7 confirmed kills so far. And as we've had some French reporters bolstering the other side, I decided to give the German media a few innings. Also, I had to reconstruct a lot of this from DaveZee's description, as I was stuck on the other side of the board chasing the second bomber for most of the match, so any errors can be attributed to the author.)

  2. #2


    As my great-grandfather was a jager in the Empire's army in the mid-late 1800's, your description of Kleppi as one brought a smile to my face!

    A fantastic story, as always. Take a well-deserved rest - and let's get some flying in!

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveZee View Post
    As my great-grandfather was a jager in the Empire's army in the mid-late 1800's, your description of Kleppi as one brought a smile to my face!

    A fantastic story, as always. Take a well-deserved rest - and let's get some flying in!
    Zzzz...whuh? RAKETEN! RAKETEN! Oh, wait, I'm at the office. Please disregard.

    If I was to characterize each pilot in our campaign:

    Lord: Audacious--he goes for the fast, one-shot kill and pulls it off!
    Milton: Heroic--he puts himself at risk to save his wingmen
    Wolfram: Lucky and unpredictable--no one's figured out how to spell "Von Thun-Hohenstein" on a bullet yet, thank goodness, given all the fire I take.
    The Baroness: Ruthless and confident! Siezes every opportunity to fire!
    Kleppi: Precise and scientific. Sets up the kill, and patiently carries it out.

  4. #4


    For the Baroness, don't forget "best evil laugh in the game!"

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveZee View Post
    For the Baroness, don't forget "best evil laugh in the game!"
    Quite so. James heard her laughing about an unrelated matter yesterday, and mentioned it sounded a bit scary.

  6. #6


    Another good one,
    mind eh, putting me down on the list? (nudge,nudge)
    Just kidding.

    Well at least I thought it was funny

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Hamburger View Post
    Another good one,
    mind eh, putting me down on the list? (nudge,nudge)
    Just kidding.

    Well at least I thought it was funny
    I did too.

    You have to come out here and get a few games in before you can get the Wolfbiter treatment! (Be quiet, Wolfbiter. I'm your attorney. I know what to say... )

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveZee View Post
    I did too.

    You have to come out here and get a few games in before you can get the Wolfbiter treatment! (Be quiet, Wolfbiter. I'm your attorney. I know what to say... )

    Hamburger, all I can say is...mmffr mrrfl mmbl mfff! (gag order from my attorney!)

  9. #9


    Memo to the pilots of 40 extra B squadron R.F.C. Have you noticed how these far fetched reports dropped over our airfield as propaganda never have any real substance. No allied planes registeration numbers are ever given nor the area over the lines where our so called downed planes fall. If these Hun fabrications were true there would be no allied planes left in the air by now. H.Q. states that no two seaters of any kind were lost in the last two days. Do not let this report give you any concern. We are winning control of the airspace over the lines.
    Kyte. Wing.Com.
    Note. I will be writing a stiff letter to the Times about you very naughty Germans.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Officer Kyte View Post
    Note. I will be writing a stiff letter to the Times about you very naughty Germans.
    Would that be appearing next to your "positions vacant" advertisement for aircrew?

  11. #11


    Love the report, David. I like how it was written from the reporters point of view. Another stellar piece!!

    I have GOT to make a trip out to game with you guys. I may have to talk road trip with Hunter when he's done with school in June.


  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Goering Ace View Post
    Love the report, David. I like how it was written from the reporters point of view. Another stellar piece!!

    I have GOT to make a trip out to game with you guys. I may have to talk road trip with Hunter when he's done with school in June.

    Reporting is my day job in real life.

    I admit, it's not usually as fun to write real life stories. Of course, they mostly involve topics like, say, real estate. Which is not as exciting as furious World War I aerial battles. Or ducks.

    Dave Zee and I would certainly welcome you and Hunter visiting. But if Hunter and Ben Zee team up, I think that's all she wrote for JG 1.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfbiter View Post
    Dave Zee and I would certainly welcome you and Hunter visiting. But if Hunter and Ben Zee team up, I think that's all she wrote for JG 1.
    Oh jeeze!! I didn't think about that!! That's a truely scary thought having the two of them team up together. They would make a deadly team, for sure!!

  14. #14

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    I do like your writing style! Just curious what publication do you write for? (that is if your Attorney will let you divulge that info...)

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Goering Ace View Post
    Oh jeeze!! I didn't think about that!! That's a truely scary thought having the two of them team up together. They would make a deadly team, for sure!!
    That would be so cool....

  16. #16


    Yeaaah... heh heh heh heh *Psst! Benzee! Be expecting me!*

  17. #17


    Doh!! I wanna come to California for a game!
    (after finals, oboe, piano, clarinet and sax lessons, school, Boy Scouts, and a myriad of other random things my parents will think of for me to do....

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Knowitall View Post
    I do like your writing style! Just curious what publication do you write for? (that is if your Attorney will let you divulge that info...)
    Oh my day job writing isn't nearly as fun...I write and edit news for a professional association's magazine and web site. Fiction and fun stuff I write on the side.

  19. #19


    What would it cost me to get you to write my AAR's for me??? I could send you all the pertinent details and photos... and you could your literary flare!

    I am sure I can't afford you... but thought I would ask!
    Ken Head - "The Cowman"
    “You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it.” Robin Williams

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