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Thread: Crossfire booster

  1. #1

    Default Crossfire booster

    More goodness for the card players of Wings of War WWI.

    This time a Bristol Fighter F.2B, Phonix C.1, SAML S.2 and a Rumpler C.IV (You will find this one as a miniature in Series 4 as well )
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Bristol_F2B_Fighter_Rutherford.jpg   Phonix_C1_Austr.jpg   Saml_S2_115.jpg   CIV_8455_copia.jpg  

  2. #2



    they all look great can't wait.

  3. #3

    Zeppelin's Avatar
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    Ohio, USA
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    Aug 2009


    Thanks for posting the preview artwork Col. Hajj. They look awesome.

  4. #4


    One word: Brisfit.

  5. #5


    C'mon, we can afford to invest in two of them... Bristol Fighter!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Angiolillo View Post
    C'mon, we can afford to invest in two of them... Bristol Fighter!
    Well, ok ... fine ...

    Now, when the mini comes out ... I will have a fit over my new BrisFit!

  7. #7



    As usual, the artwork looks fantastic. I finally have my favorite plane...GO BrisFit.

  8. #8

    Default Bristol Fighter!

    Ciao Andrea,
    non ti proccupare se parlo Italiano, lo sanno che il mio inglese fa schifo, e Keith mi ha giā dato una mano nelle traduzioni troppo lunghe o scritte in maniera poco scolastica.
    Volevo chiederti, visto anche che il giuoco č italiano, cč l'intenzione di ampliare il range di modelli che combattevano sul fronte italiano?, per ora abbiamo solo lo Spad e il Nieuport 17 (se coloriamo le coccarde e cancelliamo la testa dell'indiano) per l'Italia e l'Albatros DIII e l'UFAG per l'Austria-Ungheria
    Magari un biposto italiano, visto anche che non erano per nulla male, non sarebbe una cattiva idea
    Grazie per l'attenzione

    English translation by admin:

    Hello Andrea
    you do not have concerns if I speak Italian, I know that my English sucks, and Keith has already given me a hand in translations too long or written in a little school.
    I wanted to ask, especially as the game is Italian, do you intend to expand the range of models who were fighting on the Italian front?, For now we only have the Spad and Nieuport 17 (if colored ribbons and clears the head of the Indian ) for Italy and the Albatros DIII and BLW for Austria-Hungary
    Maybe a two-seater Italian, especially as they were not at all bad, would not be a bad idea
    Thank you for your attention

  9. #9


    (Post asking for more planes for the Italian front, maybe a two-seater) Yes, actually there are several on the cards (Pomilio PC, now Saml S.2). Take into account that some other Allied planes (as Barker's Camel) ort German (as Albatross D.Va) fought in Italy. But as long as miniatures are concerned, the next one for Italy... will be the Caproni Ca.3!

    Sė, in effetti ce n'č diversi sulle carte (Pomilio PC, ora Saml S.2 - e per i caccia Hanriot e Nieuport 11). Tieni anche conto che altri aerei alleati (come il Camel di Barker) e tedeschi (come l'Albatros D.Va) hanno combattuto in Italia. Ma per le miniature il prossimo italiano... sarā il Caproni Ca.3!

  10. #10

    Default Preview Artwork

    Those four planes look great!

  11. #11


    Bring on the Brisfit mini!

  12. #12



    I would be happy with any of the above - particularly for the Austrians and Germans!

  13. #13


    HOORAY! The Bristol Fighter is finally getting a guernsey, even better an Aussie one at that too!
    Oh yeah! The others planes look nice too!

  14. #14

    Default Aerei italiani e austriaci

    Ciao Andrea e a tutti gli altri!
    Si, infatti io mi riferivo alle miniature con piloti italiani o austriaci, il Caproni Ca3 č un'ottima idea e anche un bel "bestione", ma anche un Hanriot DI ci starebbe bene visto che questo aereo era pių usato che lo Spad. Anche gli Austriaci hanno aerei interessanti come il Phonix monoposto o l'Hansa-Brandenburg CI e DI
    Io ho modificato un paio di Camel e ho riprodotto gli Hanriot di Baracchini e Scaroni. A proposito di Barker, se non sbaglio, č il pilota che ha ottenuto pių vittorie sul fronte italiano.
    Grazie per l'attenzione
    Un ringraziamento speciale al mio traduttore

    English translation by admin:

    Hello Andrea and to all the other! Itself, in fact I reported myself to the miniatures with Italian pilots or Austrians, the Goats Ca3 is an excellent idea and also a fine one "oaf", but also a Hanriot OF there would be well seen that this airplane was more used that the Spad. Also the Austrians have interesting airplanes like the single-seater Phonix or l' Hansa-Brandenburg US and OF I changed a couple of Camel and reproduced the Hanriot of Transceivers and Scaroni. By the way of Barker, if not mistake, is the pilot that
    obtained more victories on the Front Italian. Thanks for the caution A special thanks to my translator Paolo

  15. #15


    I to would like to see some more Italian planes. But as I know nothing of the air war in Italy can some one direct me to a web page where I can learn more; eg what types of aircraft were used by both sides?

  16. #16


    Great looking artwork!

    I can't complain at all about lack of WoW updates, but I might need another job to keep up...

  17. #17


    Barker's Camel has been the single aircraft scoring most victories in all WW1!
    (Il Camel di Barker č il singolo apparecchio che ha effettuato pių vittorie in tutta la prima guerra mondiale).

    Can't name a site about the Italian front, but I did a boardgame for the Italian Air Force Ministry back in the early '90s ("La Squadriglia degli Assi", with aviation historian Gregory Alegi as a co-author), and the counters included most of the planes that fought on the Italian front (with Italian and Austrian colors, but French, English, German too). Some are missing, as the Nieuport 27, but many are included.

    Here they are, they can be a checklist for you:

    Last edited by Angiolillo; 10-07-2009 at 10:54.

  18. #18


    Certo, Andrea, conosco il tuo gioco da molti anni, lo trovai come allegato nella rivista "areonautica e difesa" č molto carino e anche molto curato tanto da soddisfare uno. spesso, molto esigente come me ( ma sai sono un appassionato, per hobby, ho guidato aerei per 15 anni). Ti dirō una cosa, su dei grossi esagoni, costruiti per altre ragioni da un mio amico, ho fatto una partita con la "Squadriglia degli Assi" usando i modellini di Wings of War
    Ciao Paolo
    Grazie ancora Admin

    Translation by admin:

    Sure, Andrew, I know your game for many years, I found it as an attachment in the magazine "aeronautics and defense" is very nice and very well cared enough to meet one. often very demanding as me (but you know I am a passionate hobby, I have driven aircraft for 15 years). I'll tell you what, big hexagons, built for other reasons by a friend of mine, I did a lot with the "Squadron of the Aces" using the models of Wings of War
    Hello Paul
    Thanks again Admin

  19. #19




    Grazie mille,


  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Canine99 View Post
    As usual, the artwork looks fantastic. I finally have my favorite plane...GO BrisFit.
    And another favorite... the one of your avatar! Here it is, wit the same 2 and the same cock...

  21. #21


    ho visto il progetto dello Spad VII e dall'Aviatik D.I (fronte italiano!) sono bellissimi, quando arrivano?
    una curiositā, da ignorante, ma come si fa ad inserire l'immagine dell'aereo nello spazio dove c'č il nickname

    Translation by Admin:

    I saw the draft of the Spad VII and dall'Aviatik DI (Italian front!) are beautiful when they arrive?
    curiosity, by ignorant, but how do I put the image of the plane in space where there is a nickname

  22. #22


    Vai nel menu USER CP (sopra destra), doppo cerca al menu di sinistra Edit your Avatar. Cosi puoi scegliere un aereo come avatar.

    Translation by Admin:

    Go to the User CP menu (above right), double circle to the left menu Edit your Avatar. So you can choose a plane as avatars.

  23. #23

    Thumbs up Avatar

    Thanks for the information Red Baron, I have chosen the airplane of Ruffo of Calabria, because he is a pilot that lived in my City and there is buried: Ronchi of Massa (Versilia)

  24. #24

    Default Crossfire product contents revealed.

    Bristol F2B Fighter Lieutnant Andrew Edward McKeever
    Sergeant Leslie Archibald Powell 11 Squadron Royal Flying Corps
    Bristol F2B Fighter Captain Alfred Clayburn Atkey
    Lieutnant Charles George Gass 22 Squadron Royal Flying Corps
    Bristol F2B Fighter Lieutnant Keith Rodney Park
    Aircraftman 2nd Class H. Lindfield 48 Squadron Royal Flying Corps
    Bristol F2B Fighter - 39 Squadron Royal Flying Corps
    Bristol F2B Fighter Capitain D. W. Rutherford
    Lieutnant J. McElligot 1 Squadron Australian Flying Corps
    Bristol F2B Fighter - - Koninklijke Luchtmacht
    Bristol F2B Fighter porucznik Wacław Makowski
    podporucznik Robert Vanderauvera 1 Eskadra Wywiadowcza Wojska Lotnicze
    Bristol F2B Fighter - - Fuerza Aerea Mexicana
    Rumpler C.IV - 2.Marine Feld Flieger Abteilung Luftstreitkräfte
    Rumpler C.IV - - Luftstreitkräfte
    Rumpler C.IV - - Luftstreitkräfte
    SAML S.2 Tenente Innocenzo Paroli e Tenente Livio Palazzi 113a Squadriglia Regio Esercito
    SAML S.2 Capitano Mario Reboa e Capitano Silvio Morelli 115a Squadriglia Regio Esercito
    SAML S.2 Caporale Giovanni Burigotto e Tenente Attilio Poppi 118a Squadriglia Regio Esercito
    Phönix C.I Zugsführer Max Kauer e Oberleutnant Arnold Barwig Flik 28D Kaiserliche und Koenigliche Luftfahrtruppen
    Phönix C.I - - Kaiserliche und Koenigliche Luftfahrtruppen
    Phönix C.I - 1st Fighter Detachment Letalska Stotnija Ljubljana
    Phönix C.I - - Ceskoslovenske Letectvo

    The Bristol F2B will get the H deck with an Immelman added to it (might be have a new Letter name for the deck, not sure at this point). There will be 2 of these new maneuver decks in the booster. The other planes will get the K maneuver deck.

    Since booster packs have no rules in them, below is the rules that will come out in the Flight of Giants box set for two seaters and Immelmanns:


    Some two seaters, as the Bristol F.2 Fighter (not included in this box, but available in the Crossfire booster pack), have the Immelmann turn card in their maneuver decks: they cannot fire to a target in the rear cone after using that card, nor the card just before and just after it. If a such plane fires to a target in the rear cone after the last card of a turn, it cannot plan the Immelmann card as the first card of the next.

  25. #25



    Can't wait for this one!

  26. #26


    Great find Col!!

    Now we know what cards are comming out, we can start buying up the metal mini's!!! Where did i put my credit card????

  27. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Col. Hajj View Post
    Since booster packs have no rules in them, below is the rules that will come out in the Flight of Giants box set for two seaters and Immelmanns:


    Some two seaters, as the Bristol F.2 Fighter (not included in this box, but available in the Crossfire booster pack), have the Immelmann turn card in their maneuver decks: they cannot fire to a target in the rear cone after using that card, nor the card just before and just after it. If a such plane fires to a target in the rear cone after the last card of a turn, it cannot plan the Immelmann card as the first card of the next.
    Nice addition to the rules.

  28. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by aarondpjames View Post
    Where did i put my credit card????

    Sorry, I had it

  29. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Col. Hajj View Post
    Sorry, I had it
    Better you that the "Long haired General", less chance of it getting maxed out!!!

  30. #30


    I don't know what is worth for your bank account:the "long haired general" buying - let's say shoes - or the Col. buying aircraft stuff...

  31. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by The Blue Baron View Post
    I don't know what is worth for your bank account:the "long haired general" buying - let's say shoes - or the Col. buying aircraft stuff...
    ....the aircraft I could live with!! At least my money would be getting spent of stuff I approved of, even if I didn't get to see it!!! Having Model aircraft written on a bank statment would at least look more "Matcho" then having 5 pairs of 6inch stellotos!!!!

  32. #32


    Another release I can't wait for!

  33. #33


    And WHEN are we actually going to hjave these in our hands?!?!

  34. #34


    FYI: My FLGS called me last night to tell me this is in.

  35. #35


    Thanks for the heads up Todd I'll have to check it out.

  36. #36


    Just remember: The F2B is a *fighter*, not a recon bird or bomber -- so have your dancing shoes on. >;)

    (The F2B is my second-favorite WW1 unit, after the Hanriot.)

  37. #37


    Does anyone know if we get a twin mount rear gun version of the F2B. Could be nasty to have to tackle in a dogfight, as it is I fear the std version will probably over power just about any other plane released so far.

  38. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Wilco View Post
    Does anyone know if we get a twin mount rear gun version of the F2B. Could be nasty to have to tackle in a dogfight, as it is I fear the std version will probably over power just about any other plane released so far.
    There are 6 B/B, 1 B/A and 1 AB/A. So, yes.

  39. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by ChaosChild View Post
    and 1 AB/A.
    OK, as my copy hasn't arrived yet: What names and unit does this one have attached to it?

  40. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by csadn View Post
    OK, as my copy hasn't arrived yet: What names and unit does this one have attached to it?
    Unknown Pilot, Royal Flying Corps 39 Squadron

  41. #41

    krolik's Avatar

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    Just picked up Crossfire today. 2 S decks & 1 K deck. Now I have a card & deck to go with my Polish Brisfit.

  42. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by ChaosChild View Post
    Unknown Pilot, Royal Flying Corps 39 Squadron
    OK -- can't find any data on a 3-gun F2B....

  43. #43


    Try this one for size.F2b B1162.Sgt. Ernest Elton and Lt. Roland Critchley.
    Standard plane with the addition of an overwing Lewis and double guns for the observer.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  44. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Officer Kyte View Post
    Try this one for size.F2b B1162.Sgt. Ernest Elton and Lt. Roland Critchley.
    Standard plane with the addition of an overwing Lewis and double guns for the observer.
    Need to get a copy of _F2B Aces_....

    "Rule 37: There Is No 'Overkill'; There Is Only 'Open Fire' And 'I Need To Reload'." >:)

  45. #45


    The AB/A Bristol F2b doesn't have a rear arc. Does anyone know how it shoots?

  46. #46


    Just a typo, very sorry for that: please draw it at the rear of the plane.

    Thanks so much,


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