Hi All, Train Busting.
For those who haven't seen or played this, it was a demo/participation game run at a few shows to demonstrate WW2 Wings of Glory on a smaller scale than the Battle of Britain set up.
4 Whirlwinds attack a train, while 4 Bf109es appear to beat them off/destroy them.
This is quite a short game for up to 8 players.
As we have a 2 hour slot, we will begin in late 1940-early '41, but respawn through the months into 1942.
The British will have the options for Spitfire IIa, IIb, Whirlibombers, SpitfireVb and Spitfire IXs.
The Germans may have 1 Bf110 at any time, and move through 109 f2s f4s/g2s and end up with Fw190 A3/4s.
These raids on French infrastructure and German airfields were designed to get the German fighters up to be then thumped by escorting squadrons of Spitfires and other fighters, while the Whirlwinds ran for home.
In the game the Whirlies will try to kill the train then dogfight the Germans, respawning as whatever is right for the changing date. Same with the Germans
Multiple trains can be run to keep things interesting, and as an excuse to fly Whirlibombers.
My altitude rules will be in use, e.g. when a pilot wishes to climb they will use a small blue chit with a C to climb with any manouver card with a white arrow, diving will be a chit with a D and any blue arrow.
Team points may be won for successfully destroying the train (which will include Flak cars) and on the other side by successfully shooting down all designated Train Busters.
Other wise it is 2 points for a kill, and -1 point for being shot down.
Amy will be assisting me in running the game, to help keep score and to make sure no-one gets too excited and gets ahead of the game turns.
I hope enough of you are interested to fly all 8 spaces so I can concentrate on running things, but the number of players must be the same on each side.
If it looks like one side has an unfair advantage in aircraft types, players can swap sides at half time.
Mostly though, just have fun.