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Hedeby last won the day on April 8

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About Hedeby

  • Birthday 05/14/1963

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    UK Wing Commander
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  1. Tim definitely at all 10
  2. And Steve and Mike obviously…
  3. Awesome… be great to see you again Dan
  4. Unfortunately not…
  5. In the space where you can’t please everyone…. The venue has been booked for the weekend 14th 15th and 16th of November (we needed to avoid their Remembrance weekend). I hope that a good many of you are able to attend. Let the planning begin….
  6. Yes please
  7. Will try and swing by the venue tomorrow in between meetings.
  8. Congratulations Dave, as first man to the bar looks like it's your round !
  9. I'll see if we can get 2nd weekend in November then. Fingers crossed...
  10. Congratulations Jim and thank you Postman Pete
  11. Thank God for that... well, thank Keith for that.
  12. So… will we get our previous web address back again? Or at least something close to it?
  13. It worked Rob…
  14. Time to start thinking about next year. As mentioned to some of you already, we have an issue with dates for next year, in so far that the only weekend in either September or October that is available clashes with the St. Leger horse race, probably the busiest weekend of the year in Doncaster. This means that hotel availability would be really tricky and probably twice as expensive. To that end, we have realistically only two choices; one is to hold the event in November or two, to seek another venue. Your thoughts and or suggestions would be very welcome. Obviously, we want to ensure we can get as many folk there as possible.
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