These cards are part of my project to create cards for all of the models of all planes of the ww1 combatant nations, along the lines of what Zoe is doing...I think. I originally intended to do it for my own amateur enjoyment of creating new plane cards for which there were not yet examples. Then I realized that i couldn't figure out how to do all of the "tricks" required to make high- quality cards in a total vacuum, without seeking the advice of the masters..Sort of like trying to cover a Billy Joel tune in your basement, simply for your own enjoyment, but then realizing you can't figure out how he does this or that thing, so you end up contacting billy joel and asking him. THEN billy Joel knows you are covering his music, and he suggests you post any songs you've recorded on you tube...for better or worse! So... I give all credit to the creators of any cards, or parts of cards, that I used to create additional examples of models of planes that have already been created. I love doing the graphics work, or simply the challenge of learning how to create cards anywhere close to the quality of the masters, such a Guntruck, who encouraged me to create this album. I didn't originally, nor do I still, have the skills to create cards totally from scratch, nor did I want to wait until I DID have those skills, before I started making cards. So, as I have said, any work here that belongs to someone else in whole or part, hopefully will consider it flattery, and not stealing your thunder. If there is something you don't want here, just let me know. i will remove it. If there is anything anyone else wants to use, have at it! I would be flattered!
Most of my cards are representations of top-down or side profiles that I have found on the web. If I have pilot and squadron names, I use them. If not, I don't, as, at this moment, I don't consider that part as super-de-duper important as getting the plane graphics down. those things can always be corrected.
Some cards may not be totally finished. As I make time to finish them, I will do so.