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Marechallannes last won the day on February 4 2020

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About Marechallannes

  • Birthday 06/02/1976

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    We play WoW monthly in the Nürnberg area. Because of shift working, I can't organize fixed gaming dates.

    If you need help for questions for Wings of War in German:

    Wenn Du Hilfe bei Fragen zu Wings of War auf Deutsch brauchst:


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Marechallannes's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Nice pictures - really need to upload mine…
  2. Unfortunately missed that game!
  3. Circus Circus
  4. Bad luck !
  5. I would not call this „introducing“. Great Con an wonderful days in Prague. A little bit to cold by the temperatures, but games, food and beer were excellent.
  6. The brush will be back this year... @ Dan Please enlist Cappy Tom for the Masters. I'll borrow him the planes to participate.
  7. Speedy recovery, my friend. No masters for me. I'm absent at Sunday for gaming and will return Sunday evening. "Double cookie" - ice cream - good idea...
  8. Good find. Interesting to read. Especially that he shot down two 110s in March 1944 over Berlin.
  9. I could offer to host the "Circus Circus" mission from 2016 https://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/showthread.php?22240-Prague-Summer-Con-2016&p=385925&viewfull=1#post385925 ...and an AH/Italian WWI dogfight if needed. Friday & Saturday
  10. Question: Masters are Saturday & Sunday?
  11. Did the preorder yesterday - both balloons & 3 planes…
  12. Nice camouflage, Fabrizio.
  13. Yes - thx for the nice picture. Already printed.
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