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Wing Commander
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Teaticket last won the day on December 5

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About Teaticket

  • Birthday 08/26/1956

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    United States


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    Really torn who to fly as I have family from US, Canada, Germany, and France, and now a wonderful wife from Wales! I guess in my best interest I better fly for Britain with my Welsh Dragon.

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  1. Not sure where I found the one I sent you but it works.
  2. Dave, I'm emailing you it now.
  3. Sure seem so. Amiot 143 has a ~24.5m wingspan while the B-29 is ~45m.
  4. Surprisingly it only takes an hour or two.
  5. I must be part spider!
  6. Oh you tease!
  7. Here are a few that just need to be clear sprayed and have spinning props attached. Almost done!
  8. Here is a Shapeways Fokker E.II. Otto Lehmann, FFA 9b.
  9. So Tim, you like the Pfalz triplane? Very nice Philippe, as usual.
  10. Oh no, sorry to hear this. I was wondering why Dave hasn't returned my last email.
  11. Got the same email. Hope they can get back our favorite designers. Lots of great non-airplane stuff (besides more planes of course) I was hoping to get someday.
  12. Hope your visit is as fun as the Jimmy Buffett song 'Off to see the Lizard'! We'll be here when you return.
  13. Good to see you back Darrell. New site isn't 100% yet but getting there.
  14. Teaticket

    Northern Indiana

    I know there is a very active group in Dayton OH. Not sure whos flying in northern Indiana.
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