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Fallen Airmen
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Setarius last won the day on November 2 2018

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About Setarius

  • Birthday 03/29/1959

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    May you forever fly in blue skies
  • Country Flag
    United States


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    Welcome to my humble abode. Sit down relax, have a drink, we don't bite...here.

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  1. Thanks guys for the encouraging words and prayers. I've heard from several people here who have had colon cancer and survived it. I'll be keeping an eye on the business going on here.
  2. Gentlemen, It is with great sadness for me to announce that I am going to have to withdraw from the DYM Campaign due to health reasons. Recently I was diagnosed with gallstones, possible liver problems, and possible colon problems, turns out I have colon cancer. On top of all that I was also diagnosed with acid reflux disorder. I will be on here keeping in touch with everyone and reading the AARs.
  3. Joe, If you look at the plane list provided in the scenario outline, you will find a list of planes available for each side with their stats listed beside each plane, including movement deck, damage deck, hit points, and other additional information you might need.
  4. Merry Christmas to the guys I will be shooting at in the New Year. And Merry Christmas to the rest of you.
  5. Pilots have been posted to my squadron. Now all I need are a few early war kites to complement the ones I have.
  6. Neil, I take it you've had a pint or three. This was exceedingly funny and welcome.
  7. Hello again guys, I have the names of my pilots ready I'm just trying to decide which one to fly. Since I'm on the German side this time I'll take a glass of Schnapps to join everyone celebrating this new campaign.
  8. My decision is usually based on what kind of game I want to play. Normally I will play two countries against each other. There have been very few times where I have mixed up planes for a game, that doesn't mean it won't happen in the future.
  9. Peter, Like you I wasn't sure about what this meant or how it would work. My interpretation of this ability would be that the bombadier would be the one who would get this ability. This would mean you would have to have a designated person to drop the bombs or as we have done in OTT BEC the observer on a 2 seater was the bomb dropper. This probably should be a duo skill with the pilot keeping the plane on track and the bombadier dropping the load at the right time. My suggestion would be that the bombadier would get credit for a direct hit as well as hitting the target but not covering the dot. Once the bombadier got 5 hits he could choose this ability and if the pilot flew with the same bombadier he would also get the ability automatically. I know most 2 seater crews worked together so this should not be too big of a problem. Bombers bigger than 2 seaters a person could roll on a d6 or whatever to see if the bombadier has this ability. This is just my thoughts on that particular skill.
  10. David, My condolences on the loss of a friend and comrade in arms.
  11. From what I've seen so far Dave, this is looking good. I agree with the other guys, get rid of the tailing and Shadower, because Shadower uses the tailing ability. As far as RTB goes I think the +1 will work just fine along with a -1 for rookies and anyone WIA. I do like the idea of actually playing one pilot through the whole campaign and would even suggest that if your pilot got killed or captured, you would have to "skip" a mission as your replacement pilot will take time to show up. Having said that I do mean you can still fly the next mission, just not as a specific pilot. While I would like to get in on this campaign, I do not have any planes that early and would have to use the cards for my stories until such time as I have the appropriate aircraft. I know it would look and feel strange doing this.
  12. This sounds like the start of a familiar old story. By the minis and get a pilot card and a ship card. Pilot not good enough, buy a booster pack. Ship not good enough, buy a booster pack to get better weapons or shields. Still not good enough repeat the process. Need a mini, there will be an over abundance on the shelves, aka X-wing and the Star Trek games. Our local game store has about 30sq. FT of wall space dedicated to each game, yet they only host Magic The Gathering tournaments.
  13. Setarius

    Direction of Attacks

    I try to make my initial attack from the side, that way my next attack can usually be from behind.
  14. Setarius

    WWI vs WWII

    WGF because I'm in the OTT Campaign and the guy I was doing WGS with passed away last year about this time.
  15. Base color doesn't matter to me either, I currently have a pink Game Plus bag empty for my odd planes.
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