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bigpetr last won the day on June 1 2022

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About bigpetr

  • Birthday 05/14/1974

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  1. I am building paper planes myself but looking at the template I did not think the model can look so good. It does under your hands. Great job Larry
  2. I wash a plane with hot watter and the ink started bleeding. I was surprised because I thought that they are waterproof. Do you have the same experience?
  3. Yippee, I will get Nieport 24 for sure. You are the man, Daryl.
  4. Daryl, by any chance, have you some of this plane on your TODO list? Halberstadt D.II/D.III Junkers J.1 Nieuport 24bis RAF F.E.8 Morane AI Dorand AR.1 A2 A. Whitworth F.K.8 Airco DH.9
  5. I just got my order (BE2c and Roland) and I must say thel level of details on textures (little numbers and graphics) seems to be better than before (I can read tiny serial numbers on rudder with no problem). Did you upress the texture resolution, Daryl, (if yes, than it is worth the work) or do shapeways upgrade the print technology? One or the other the prints are beautifull. And absolutely no print errors on colour, only this time one model has bended tail. But shapeways will send me replacement for sure.
  6. Thanky wery much for your beautifull work on BE2 and Roland planes, Daryl. I will surrely get few of those.
  7. Fow WW1 we have our beloved ReducedAircraftFact, who is filling the void with coloured prints. But nothing like this for WW2. There, the KS would be nice idea
  8. Yes, I did. Salmson 2 and D.W.F C.V had cages. Colors are OK compared to colored prins I have from the past. Planes seem to be bit dusty from printing powder, some dust was in the bags planes were on. I did not have this in the past orders. It is more comlicated for them to clean it properly in the cage I suppose. But no problem to clen it after cage removal. On one plane there was cage pattern slightly visible (little different colour hue) on upper wing. But I have this in the past too. Did they print the cages earlier too, only remove them?
  9. Oh boy, i have bad luck with Shapeways. They messed up my order again. This time the print quality and color is OK. But I ordered 5 models and two of them are totaly different models from what I ordered. Complaint sent to Shapeways. They reprinted everything bad so far, so there is good chance they will solve this too.
  10. Thank youf for your oncoming hard work on new planes Daryl, you are the best. Few new pieces ordered and coming my way soon. Now I can concentrate on big bombers with my paper modeling effort, because I believe all the small planes will be sooner or later in your shapeways collection.
  11. I vote for Albatros D.II
  12. I am realy looking forvard to Honzas second edition.
  13. Yes, that is the way I (and many others) did it. Saw one stand peg in a half and place the magnet and ball there. That way you do not need to modity the plane in any way.
  14. Nice idea with Lego part. Here is something for inspiration: https://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/showthread.php?1931-Gimbal-Mounts&highlight=gimbal
  15. I just got email from Shapeways.They will reprint the four bad models from the reprint . I hope that none of this reprinted models will need another reprint
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