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Killer Moth

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Killer Moth last won the day on March 7 2023

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About Killer Moth

  • Birthday 03/28/1996

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    Du doch nicht!!

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  1. Pretty! Thanks for sharing!
  2. I'd say checkers—it's more fun to just shoot things up. But that doesn't mean that you have to be predictable! I think it's more akin to poker/Texas Hold'em than chess/checkers though. You've got 3 hole cards instead of 2. When choosing your manuevers, you must think precisely one level ahead of your opponent. 1. What shall I choose? 2. What shall my opponent chosen? 3. What shall my opponent think that I have chosen? 4. What shall my opponent think that I think he has chosen? And so on...
  3. I was concerned that the normal number of 0's would make it too difficult to shoot down a plane when you were limited to drawing ~5-6 cards.
  4. That's a really clever idea; landing and restocking munitions. Could not only work for bullets, but also bombs/rockets.
  5. Thomas, serious question: do you mind if we add limited fuel to the topic? If not, I'll start another thread, because that's a subject that also intrigues me.
  6. I like the idea of halving the number of goose eggs in the decks if ammo is limited, and not counting a jam as an ammo expenditure.
  7. Jan has all the information on his site. https://www.hoho.cz/app/wog/
  8. Incendiary Bullets is compromising your cards' alphabetical order.
  9. Oh, well, I have several copies of that card. Silly me.
  10. Where did you see it? I've heard of Sniper and Perfect Aim, but not that.
  11. @monse et al: Ball is not being rereleased. It says: “B/C/D versions.” Ball is ‘A.’ https://www.aresgames.eu/games/ww1-wings-of-glory-line/ww1-wings-of-glory-airplane-packs/nieuport-16
  12. At the same time, the Ancillotto and Ball rocketeers are humbly priced. But, they don’t hold that indescribable, Gallic sex appeal of the others.
  13. Did this captured Sopwith Triplane belong to him? It has a 'K,' like his Fokker Dr!
  14. Good stuff! These are pretty cool, too.
  15. I'll bet that the Nieuports will fetch >$40 before next year. In addition to the fact that the wave is only three planes, and nothing has been released since 2019, the balloons also make them more appealing, and they can't be otherwise grabbed without paying an arm and a leg for a Balloon Busters or Trips/Tripes set. You're forgetting Weber, Jacobs, and Von Hippel!
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