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ShadowDragon last won the day on September 24

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About ShadowDragon

  • Birthday 11/03/1953

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  1. Well done, Girard! Pity to lose Wolff, but them's the way of war.
  2. Wing Commander!
  3. The attachment limit for gold (and I presume silver) members has to be re-set. As of the official re-opening, I'm at 1330% of my attachment limit. It appears that my gold subscription needs to be reinstated.
  4. Finally circled back to read this. Well done, Mike. You are right, your pilots could do no wrong! 😁 RIP Otto Gerbil 5 Stars and a Like for your post.
  5. Glad you liked it, Mike. It seems that I might tarnish my reputation for overly, complex, tiring scenarios. 🥲 Well, the request for a "keep it simple, Paul".
  6. A clear win for the Hun, but the damage results show that it was a close fight. Good to see AAR posted in our new home. The only niggle is giving out 'likes' instead of 'reputation points' seems so social-media-generic to me.
  7. I'm wondering if we could create BRF tags with the name of the campaign as part of the tag (e.g., BRF DYM). This would eliminate a separate post to collect the scenarios as one could just click on the tag to see the relevant scenarios. But, it's okay doing it as it is. Just an idea of ways to use the tags.
  8. I've only noticed my earliest AAR (DYM01) has all the photos at the end of the text. I'll wait for a bit to see if it changes; if not, I'll go back and integrate the text and photos. I didn't notice any other AAR that were like this, but I wasn't really looking for that. Anyway, I've done all my AAR and BRF posts so that the tags show.
  9. It’s more than happy it’s hilarious. The reason for the delay is that the inbound plane from Calgary was delayed due a snow storm. Travel affected by both a tropical and a snow storm! Wow!
  10. It’s what I expected. Ready to do past OTT posts if, as you say, there’s a demand. Shouldn’t be too much effort for my own. departure time is being delayed to the point we likely won’t get home tonight due to the now very shot layover in Toronto. This is due to double number of international flights here today. The airport isn’t equipped for the load. Oh well. Just go with the flow.
  11. I had the same experience, Mike; I could only do the change for my AAR, but I will try when I’m home and can use my desktop computer. Here the weather is good. The planes diverted to Cancun on Saturday will finish their journey to Belize and then take us home.
  12. Yes, that works. Stranded in Belize at the moment due to Tropical Storm Sara. Flights home delayed by 2 days.
  13. Good idea, Mike. I will add BRF to the title when I’m get home this Sunday. Not going to try with my iPhone.
  14. Hi Mike, looks interesting but with my limited wifi the photos take too long to load. Will read when back home. Congrats on posting to the new site.
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