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chee911sc last won the day on March 22 2023

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About chee911sc

  • Birthday 01/01/1961

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  1. Osprey Aircraft Aces n°74 Soviet Lend-Lease: views 3 images In the absence of statistics and deck cards ... and CCB/CA seems fair to me
  2. Hi Dan-Sam I'm right all along # 3 is not a P-38 but a... "Chat-ours" reread my PM:thumbsup: # 1 P-51D Mustang # 2 P-39 Airacobra # 3 F-8 Bearcat # 4 F-6f Hellcat
  3. PM send:confused:
  4. Bien vu redfox.... Pas une situation d'avenir le Liberator:dazed: Good point redfox.... The Liberator is not the way forward
  5. Salut vah_han le gone! 11 ans passés sur l'aéroport de Lyon je connais un peu le coin... Bienvenue; comme le précise Simon (monse) on (WoW & WoG) existe aussi sur "le cirque volant" https://wingsofwar.1fr1.net/
  6. All This aircraft series is made of plastic, not resin or pewter. Of the BRS miniatures I've painted, only the F4U Corsair is in pewter and very heavy indeed on its stand.
  7. Mosquito : 6 from BRS to WoG Already big W on the Mosquitos, the BRS planes were 3mm too long... Unbelievable, isn't it? So we cut, glued and sanded the wingspan/length proportions to suit: Indeed, as soon as you "open the bouate", the general silhouette of the Mosquito BRS casts doubt on the length of the fuselage, and it's only after measurements that the confirmation of a defect was confirmed. The version is a Mosquito FB VI ; Span: 54 ft 2 in - Length: 40 ft 6 in Or : Span: 16.52 m - Length: 12.34 m At 1/200: Wingspan: 82.6 mm - Length: 61.7 mm BRS: Wingspan: 82.5 mm - Length: 65 mm The option is to match the ARES WoW/WoG aircraft on a "Tappeto di Gioco" meaning (blades) propellers in place and transparent cockpits. Therefore application of the method of making 2 bubbles and 6 canopies with the same recipe as the Me 262 : https://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/showthread.php?23716-Official-Me-262-Schwalbe-Painting-Thread&p=581488&viewfull=1#post581488 For the (blades) propellers : https://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/content.php?258-Official-Morane-Saulnier-MS-406-Painting-Thread 1 Mosquito NF II - 3 FB VI - 1 B IV - 1 PR XVI The camouflage pattern can vary from one aircraft to another, with a grey-green inversion; note also that grey is often common to both the lower and upper surfaces of twin-engine aircraft. (already seen on WoG's Beaufighter) Light gray wash (but not too much) traces of exhaust gases on the engine nacelles and light aluminum on the leading edge and propeller spats; not on the aircraft, which is made of wood! "les moustiques piquent la nuit" :sleep:"mosquitoes bite at night" Mosquito FB VI SMoW sqdn305 Polish - practical invasion strips one W for coding is enough Mosquito NF II YPoE sqdn 23 Manston 23-08-1942 Mosquito FB VI oH sqdn45 8-44 Burma Mosquito FB VI 3oW sqdn235 7-44 Portreath >> gray-blue conforms to the top right, but the flash at the bottom "blues" the model too much... Mosquito B IV HSoF 109Sqdn Wyton 1-43 "Obeo Marker" Mosquito us PR XVI B 25th BG 654 BS 325 Photografic Wing I decided not to make any aircraft from the same squadron for a possible scenario... I feel like ARES releasing a Mosquito Pack with 6 decorations ;) Images/profiles Osprey Publications - World War Photos Specific planes cards captured on the "Aerodrome" (thanks to the authors) and modified.
  8. Better like that?
  9. "... Après moi le déluge ..." In french
  10. Bon Anniversaire:pint: je bois un coup à ta santé!
  11. Welldone:thumbsup:
  12. Thank you all for your feedback and impressions it's my pleasure to share this subject and these pictures The method is targeted on an existing cockpit whose shape is used as a mold to obtain the same thing in transparent... You get a small part of an airplane; not the whole one
  13. Good AAR with planes rarely seen on the "tappeto di gioco"
  14. Une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps… « dicton français » One swallow does not make a springtime... And 6 "Schwalben"? "From BRS to WoG" or the transformation of 6 1/200th scale models designed for the Blood-Red-Skies rule. A Me 262 A-1 makes 12,5m of wingspan and 10,6m of length; that is to say in 1/200e 62mm of wingspan and 53 mm of length. The 6 BRS miniatures are 61 x 52 mm ... côôl. The RBS box is nevertheless to be advised because the rendering of the Me262 is very good The plastic is a bit soft, so some of the wings and tails are crooked. The molding presents unsightly vertical hollows along the fuselage: it is indeed the fashion to accentuate the pseudo-lines delimiting the plates. Moreover, some people underline with black wash these hollows whose proportions kept because of the 1/200th scale would make in reality 3 L x 3 cm of depth... berk!. The same highlighting is sometimes found on the camouflage of the wings... Fashion effect but very ugly. But this is only my humble opinion.... And good news, no propellers to glue :clap:like on BRS piston engine planes; just a pitot on the left wing tip; just in case for the propeller blades some (humble) advices : https://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/content.php?258-Official-Morane-Saulnier-MS-406-Painting-Thread Of course it is necessary to adapt a specific WoG pin under the planes. But the big drawback of the BRS series is the lack of a transparent canopy; everything is molded in one piece and to give the impression of the sky and the clouds on the plexi I don't know how to do it... Solution: make a "cockpit canopy" from transparent plastic So the + to achieve is to give the impression that there is a pilot in the plane. HOW TO: Few supplies: Hot spring (candle), transparent plastic packaging sheets, small softwood block for template making, size +- 40 x 30 mm (diagram). Drill an oval hole of dimension L x M; make a rounding of shape D and F and fit (precision) directly on the fuselage of the Me 262. Sand and avoid sharp edges that will press the clear plastic onto the fuselage and cockpit shape. Heat the rhodoid without darkening it, once it is very soft apply it to the aircraft and press it with the template so that the clear plastic "fits" the shape of the cockpit-fuselage. Make several tests to find the right temperature before pressing, advice: a dozen copies of molding for 6 aircraft is a wise precaution. The next step is to remove the plastic layer used as a canopy. Be careful ! It is irreversible we have no tool to « thicken ». It is not a question of "digging" a cockpit but of flattening the top up to the canopy-fuselage joint. Then you'll have to cut and fit the canopy to the aircraft as best you can, perhaps with one or two misses (hence the x12). Before gluing the transparent curves we will position a "pilot's head" with different colors imitating straps, leather helmet, glasses and dashboard color ... Give an atmosphere what! Once the gluing is done, puttying and painting of the canopy frames according to the original drawings. Questions ? Properly manage the priming and the background of the airbrush colors on the underside: especially in the order before and after gluing the canopy Opt for the fine brush and delimitation with masking tape for the extrados and the camo. It is now a question of choosing the decals of the jets by diving into the recovery of decals because I do not have a specific board available. This is in my opinion the most interesting point to find an original painting. The uncertainty of the interpretation of period B&W photos gives several possible base colors. Me 262 A-1a III-EJG2 Lechfeld 3-1945. Note that one way to hit the Me262s by the Allied fighters was to surprise the slowing jet in its approach to the field. The Luftwaffe countered by putting Flak along the approach corridor, then a Staffeln of FW190 D-9 on patrol over the Me 262 bases. And a specific card (sorry I don't remember the name of the author) ) giving the usage info: Deck R* - resistance 20 - fire markers DDDD / DD. JG7 with two machines and blue-red identification bands: Me 262 A-1a 1 Maj R-Sinner III-JG7 Brandenburg-Briest 1-1945. The other 262 #4 is from a profile but no photo evidence on authenticity. ErprobungsKommando262 / EK262 "Nowotny" Lechfeld 7-1944 Profile found of a night fighter intrados black matt without confirmation photo Me 262 A-1a 2 10-NAG11 colors RLM82-81-22 Patrol of two EK262 jets Patrol of the two JG7. No "post-combustion" to climb; only 2 x 900 Kg of thrust Article explaining the procedure of attack of the "Viermots" by the jets. And demo with 5 miniatures behind a B-17G Oops finished! Put away the magnifying glass and the tweezers... It's small the 1/200th ;)note that profiles and b&w images are from "Osprey", "Aerojournal" and "Avions"
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