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Thread: Please Read: The future of Wings of Glory Aerodrome

  1. #51


    How about some sort of Lend Lease type raffle each quarter, or so, with the money raised going for upkeep of the site.

  2. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Officer Kyte View Post
    $2,229 raised so far.

    Let's make it a challenge, can we get to an even five grand?
    Historical Consultant/Researcher, Wings and Sails lines - Unless stated otherwise, all comments are personal opinion only and NOT official Ares policy.
    Wings Checklists: WWI (complete, FINALLY!) | WWII (complete)

  3. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by BobP View Post
    How about some sort of Lend Lease type raffle each quarter, or so, with the money raised going for upkeep of the site.
    Personally, I'm all raffled-out!

    Anyway, Keith said that the Gold and Silver membership monies would be sufficient to Keep it running.
    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  4. #54


    Maybe Ares could contribute seeing as this site was largely responsible for keeping the game alive after Nexus closed, and does an excellent job of keeping its existence in the wargaming consciousness.?

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by David Manley View Post
    Maybe Ares could contribute seeing as this site was largely responsible for keeping the game alive after Nexus closed, and does an excellent job of keeping its existence in the wargaming consciousness.?

  6. #56


    Happy to donate . Always good to have a bit left over in the kitty for unseen events.

    I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
    Coming down is the hardest thing

  7. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by David Manley View Post
    Maybe Ares could contribute seeing as this site was largely responsible for keeping the game alive after Nexus closed, and does an excellent job of keeping its existence in the wargaming consciousness.?
    Agreed . It would only seem faire

    I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
    Coming down is the hardest thing

  8. #58


    Maybe enough left over for a slap up meal at Mrs. Miggin's Pie Shop. Mmmmm

  9. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Helmut View Post
    Personally, I'm all raffled-out!

    Anyway, Keith said that the Gold and Silver membership monies would be sufficient to Keep it running.
    Still prudent to have some extra coming in to tuck away for a rainy day, like key software going End-Of-Life.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Manley View Post
    Maybe Ares could contribute seeing as this site was largely responsible for keeping the game alive after Nexus closed, and does an excellent job of keeping its existence in the wargaming consciousness.?
    Considering that the Anchorage in tandem with 3d prints is the ONLY thing keeping Sails on life support, and BARELY so at that... OTOH, who pays you controls you and too much investment by them turns the forum into a subsidiary and threatens our indepndence and ability to call them out when needed. And with Ares having that self-induced kneecapping of Market Cap and cash flows... Can one of our Italian members explain what this means?
    "Capitale Sociale € 50000 i.v. Partita IVA: IT02249520467, Registro Imprese Lucca 02249520467, REA LU209954."
    Last edited by Diamondback; 08-29-2024 at 06:49.
    Historical Consultant/Researcher, Wings and Sails lines - Unless stated otherwise, all comments are personal opinion only and NOT official Ares policy.
    Wings Checklists: WWI (complete, FINALLY!) | WWII (complete)

  10. #60


    We do our best to promote the game at the various shows up and down the country, especially at U.K. Games Expo where we have rammed tables across all three days, especially Sails. Might be worth having a chat with Roberto to see if there is anything he can do.

    Never Knowingly Undergunned !!

  11. #61


    Donation sent from france . For all the files I've been able to use and the wonderful friendship on the forum.

  12. #62


    Now that The Drome is safe, as DB suggested we can still raise enough money to keep Sails afloat by raising another $3000. We already have $700 over our target.
    I am now fighting for the existance of my beloved Sails. Please keep the money coming in chaps.

    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  13. #63


    Money for Sails?????


    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  14. #64


    Just threw in my $25, now that I know my paycheck will clear before the transaction processes. AND I covered the Paypal fee on it too.

    If Keith is willing to apply the "overage" donations to Anchorage migration, and the community gets the score to $4850 (my bad, Math Fail - this is why I became a History major), I'll personally write the last check to get us over.
    Last edited by Diamondback; 08-29-2024 at 09:22.
    Historical Consultant/Researcher, Wings and Sails lines - Unless stated otherwise, all comments are personal opinion only and NOT official Ares policy.
    Wings Checklists: WWI (complete, FINALLY!) | WWII (complete)

  15. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Officer Kyte View Post
    Now that The Drome is safe, as DB suggested we can still raise enough money to keep Sails afloat by raising another $3000. We already have $700 over our target.
    I am now fighting for the existance of my beloved Sails. Please keep the money coming in chaps.

    Spoken like a trueSalty Dog. Same funding store (Paypal)or a new one with flags and anchors.

    I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
    Coming down is the hardest thing

  16. #66


    Only asked so that the 2 don't get mixed up .

    I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
    Coming down is the hardest thing

  17. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by David Manley View Post
    Maybe Ares could contribute seeing as this site was largely responsible for keeping the game alive after Nexus closed, and does an excellent job of keeping its existence in the wargaming consciousness.?
    The reality is that the game (or rather, what's left of it) at this point would not exist without the Aerodrome. I would wager that most of the sales now for WoG are generated by people like us who already have a collection of planes. Without the Aerodrome who would even know about, much less care, if they released these new bombers that are theoretically coming? I think we all really like this game to varying degrees, and if we want to keep the game alive we need to keep the Aerodrome completely independent from Ares.

    If Ares were to have any sort of financial stake in the Aerodrome I would be concerned that there could be a loss of freedom to be able to express ourselves without fear of censorship. I've seen this happen before on a game forum. Posts about legitimate problems were regularly deleted, regardless of how diplomatically worded, and persistent complainers were sometimes even banned.

    I think the rapidity at how quickly the funding goal was reached and then exceeded shows that we can count on the community to pitch in when needed.

    Ares needs this forum more than it needs Ares, and I'd prefer to keep it that way.

  18. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Bobsalt View Post
    If Ares were to have any sort of financial stake in the Aerodrome I would be concerned that there could be a loss of freedom to be able to express ourselves without fear of censorship. I've seen this happen before on a game forum. Posts about legitimate problems were regularly deleted, regardless of how diplomatically worded, and persistent complainers were sometimes even banned.
    Was this Wizards of the Coast or Wizkids, perchance? I just had painful flashbacks from both...
    Historical Consultant/Researcher, Wings and Sails lines - Unless stated otherwise, all comments are personal opinion only and NOT official Ares policy.
    Wings Checklists: WWI (complete, FINALLY!) | WWII (complete)

  19. #69


    I hope that Keith will just pool the money for both sites now that we are over the total for the Drome, otherwise I will be becoming a yellowed admiral.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  20. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by Diamondback View Post
    Was this Wizards of the Coast or Wizkids, perchance? I just had painful flashbacks from both...
    Bingo. WotC. The Axis & Allies Miniatures game. When they moved the forum for the game over to the new host ~2 years after they released the game they got really defensive of criticism. A great game concept, very poorly executed. A shame, because it really was a good game if you used the Historical House Rules instead of the rules out of the box (full disclosure - I was on the committee that developed the HHR). I still have my collection.

  21. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Bobsalt View Post
    Bingo. WotC. The Axis & Allies Miniatures game. When they moved the forum for the game over to the new host ~2 years after they released the game they got really defensive of criticism. A great game concept, very poorly executed. A shame, because it really was a good game if you used the Historical House Rules instead of the rules out of the box (full disclosure - I was on the committee that developed the HHR). I still have my collection.
    I was War at Sea, same username as here. When Forumini launched I moved my palavering over there and never looked back aside from direct contacts with Rich etc. (Repaint Reference was my dumpsterfire, so I get your pride in the HHR team. ) Still have mine too...
    Historical Consultant/Researcher, Wings and Sails lines - Unless stated otherwise, all comments are personal opinion only and NOT official Ares policy.
    Wings Checklists: WWI (complete, FINALLY!) | WWII (complete)

  22. #72


    Bump to shame the freeloaders. C'mon, can you spare skipping ONE Starbucks crappycino to throw in a measly five bucks in appreciation of all this site offers?
    Historical Consultant/Researcher, Wings and Sails lines - Unless stated otherwise, all comments are personal opinion only and NOT official Ares policy.
    Wings Checklists: WWI (complete, FINALLY!) | WWII (complete)

  23. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by Diamondback View Post
    I was War at Sea, same username as here. When Forumini launched I moved my palavering over there and never looked back aside from direct contacts with Rich etc. (Repaint Reference was my dumpsterfire, so I get your pride in the HHR team. ) Still have mine too...
    I regret not having gotten into War at Sea. There were just so many problems with the A&AM game, especially the scale issues, that I just couldn’t justify taking a chance on it. When they changed scales to true 15mm for A&AM I thought I’d see if the quality was any better. It wasn’t, so I didn’t buy into the new scale. When they then announced WaS, my assumption was that it would be just as big a screw up, but everything I hear is that WaS wound up being a pretty good game.

    The lesson of A&AM is that no idea is go good that it can’t be ruined by a company that doesn’t know what it’s doing or who their customers are.

    Feel free to apply that lesson to any other game company that this may bring to mind…
    Last edited by Bobsalt; 08-30-2024 at 04:34. Reason: Correcting auto-correct. Sigh…

  24. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by Diamondback View Post
    Bump to shame the freeloaders. ...
    Please, stop with this
    Pushing someone to (any) donation is not a part of this site. At least not for me. Every dollar counts, but I feel it must be from the free will of a donor and we already proved we can raise enough in this way.

    gold member & migration project minor donor
    (SoG player too)

  25. #75


    Better reserve any more requests for the Sails site alone then, rather than alinate Daniel who has done such a lot for us here. Although we have a lot of Sails members who also frequent this one, we must not upset the other chaps.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  26. #76


    I would shove the Sails forum to this forum, just like BG. That is a good idea to me, unless it somehow makes the forum too big to maintain or such. When they are together, there may be more converts. I have personally never visited the Sails forum, i did visit BG, because it was right in front of my nose.

  27. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Officer Kyte View Post
    Better reserve any more requests for the Sails site alone then, rather than alinate Daniel who has done such a lot for us here. Although we have a lot of Sails members who also frequent this one, we must not upset the other chaps.
    Rob, nothing agains Sails, definitely. I think using words like "shame" is not on the list when we hit the target in 24 hours without any troubles.
    I am sure Keith would inform us, if there will be any need of additional money. That is on him: he is the only one who can do the real work with migration and who sees behind all corners.

  28. #78


    Sorry Dan, but this is becoming a bit of a sore point with me. I gave up my real love of running the UK Wing to help to try and save Sails form extinction, and despite all my efforts it has dwindled with not one ounce of care from Ares in spite of DB doing a lot of work on that front on our behalf. I believe Dave Manley also chipped in quite a bit too. The new printed ships looked like a saviour when they came onto the market, but even that has failed. The total posters on Sails this year so far would need to come up with $100 each to save it.

    On the other side, excepting my own posts there have only been 513 posts made this year, and that includes 62 new threads. Most of these posts have come from Dobbs, Diamond Back and James Whitmore. I feel myself that it is not worth the ticket to put in all the time I do, but then feel that whilst one other person is interested, I owe it to them to carry on, hence my last desperate attempt aided by DB to save the site. It would make life a lot easier for me if I just said let us merge with the Drome as it seems like we will do, but inevitably a lot of material which has been assembled over the years by many shipmates will be lost. We will salvage what we can but things will never be the same.

    This is not intended as a whinge on my part, but just a personal view of the status of Sails. I will now shut up and let things take their natural course, having at least made my gesture to try and save the site.

    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  29. #79


    I didn't say a word about whether the Anchorage should be migrated or not and I won't open this topic. My post was about something very different: it is clear we (as a community) can donate money without coercion and blaming other users. As far as I remember there was only positive motivation used here on the Aerodrome (Anchorage included), not the negative one. I would be happy if we can stick to this tradition.

    Nothing more to say, howgh.

  30. #80


    Thank you Dan for clearing that up. I must have got you at cross purposes. No problem with that concept of yours. It is totally correct.
    Sorry for the misunderstanding.

    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  31. #81


    Thank you for your open mind, admiral

  32. #82


    My apologies for bein little testy as well. Not as bad as it used to be albeit largely thanks to our dwindling numbers, but it just generally frosts me all around when people--and again I'm not accusing anyone here--proclaim ssomething "of nearest and dearest importance" then refuse to give it even the simplest, smallest contribution when it counts.

    Here in the US, there is an epidemic of that in certain activist communities: "This law they just passed is wrong!" "Did you write your legislator to oppose it?" "No, I'm too busy!" Then someone starts a repeal initiative and when you ask the complainer to support it, "I don't have time or money!" out one side of his mouth while out the other bragging about his new outdoor-toy he just bought at Walmart walking RIGHT past the signature gatherer's table... I think we "lost" most of the freeloaders when Nexus folded and they wrote it off as "dead game" at that pont, though. One of the few good things about a small, close-knit community on life support.
    Historical Consultant/Researcher, Wings and Sails lines - Unless stated otherwise, all comments are personal opinion only and NOT official Ares policy.
    Wings Checklists: WWI (complete, FINALLY!) | WWII (complete)

  33. #83


    Now that funding is secured to continue this website albeit with a new host it seems a bit trifling to mention this but .....

    Elephant in the room:-

    No one has mentioned Boardgamegeek in relation to either Wings or Sails. Both of those games are well represented in BGG although the forums are not used as often as this site. There is a wealth of information and files dating back over 20 years over there. Just look at and you can find most of what is available here and more. I know that it is hard when one has poured their life into something to change track but if things are getting hard (and we are all certainly getting older) then we should maybe look at a BGG option.

  34. #84


    There is a small problem with that... many years ago, there was a schism where the community split for some reason, I don't understand it myself and I'm not going to try to judge, but a certain group of once-prolific members stormed out from here and concentrated on becoming the core of the BGG Wings presence.

    Maybe time and a Near Death Experience with the brand have helped heal the wound, but it's not odds I'd be comfortable calling my old bookie in Vegas to put money on.
    Historical Consultant/Researcher, Wings and Sails lines - Unless stated otherwise, all comments are personal opinion only and NOT official Ares policy.
    Wings Checklists: WWI (complete, FINALLY!) | WWII (complete)

  35. #85


    Responding to a couple of points…

    Although there is stuff posted on BGG for WoG, it’s not organized as the Aerodrome. You have to do a lot of searching to find what you’re looking for. There is a lot of stuff posted on here that is not in the proper place - for example, the alternate movement cards for the A6M2 with the 90-degree turns, which is not in the files section, but it’s still better than BGG.

    Since the financial goal has been reached and exceeded to continue the Aerodrome I don’t see why we would want to now move it to something like BGG. As long as there is someone willing to run it I think it’s best to remain independent and be focused on just this game, and not be just a small part of a much larger (and less organized) site.

    As to the Sails forum I’m not sure what the answer would be. Probably the best answer is to create a page for it on this forum. It sounds like there are not enough active users to be able to save their existing forum. Having a page here would at least give it a home, though it sounds like the number of players has dwindled, which will of course happen when a company that produces a game goes years without releasing new product (cough, cough).

  36. #86


    I tried to donate, but it insists I use Paypal, which has locked me out by insisting my old mobile number gets a message, I lost it, so I cannot use paypal.

  37. #87


    Have you tried contacting Paypal Support?

    Re the Anchorage, it's a given there WILL be one in Aerodrome 2.0. The concern with us over there is looking for a way to preserve the database and its content in-toto and buy time to move content over without losing a decade-plus of information and contributions. My research notes alone, it would be a BIG help if we could get even the bones of a lifeboat section here before the move to start migrating rather than have to move them from there to the Lifeboat Discord I've established and back again... (Keith, please note, the Lifeboat is intended as a complement and companion to the Anchorage, not a replacement--the military term is PACE, Primary/Alternate/Contingency/Emergency and it's meant to be an alternate option to let people keep in touch when the main site isn't available like an unplanned outage.)
    Last edited by Diamondback; 08-31-2024 at 19:53.
    Historical Consultant/Researcher, Wings and Sails lines - Unless stated otherwise, all comments are personal opinion only and NOT official Ares policy.
    Wings Checklists: WWI (complete, FINALLY!) | WWII (complete)

  38. #88


    I don't log in as often as I perhaps should, but I saw the red headline, had a quick look and donated, then went through the rest of this chain. I am also on SoG, though I haven't been on it in over a year
    Sorry Rob.
    I think that as we are approaching $2,500 we keep going to see if we can hit the necessary figures to save both sites, they both serve as connections for an international community of like minded souls and have great value because of that.

    Lest we forget

  39. #89


    Following Gary's (Baxter) link to BGG a site I've rarely used, the last post for Wings seemed to be 5 months ago. It may be I'm looking in the wrong place, but interestingly I found a question about Solo rules and this was the reply.

    Andrea Angiolino Designer
    There should be several at The Aerodrome, the community of Wings of Glory players. Ask there:

    Interesting response.

  40. #90


    I think that as we are approaching $2,500 we keep going to see if we can hit the necessary figures to save both sites, they both serve as connections for an international community of like minded souls and have great value because of that.
    I agree with John. Having aready donated to the Aerodrome move I am willing to donate again towards saving the Anchorage, preferably to a seperate dedicated fund. Is one likely to be created?

  41. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by Herkybird View Post
    I tried to donate, but it insists I use Paypal, which has locked me out by insisting my old mobile number gets a message, I lost it, so I cannot use paypal.
    Site has a card payment section below the paypal I think

    I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
    Coming down is the hardest thing

  42. #92


    Donation made

    Never Knowingly Undergunned !!

  43. #93


    Sorry I am a little late to this thread.... Donation Made. Hopefully enough funds can be raised to support SoG as well. Thanks for all the hard work Keith

  44. #94


    I hope that the next server will notify you of posts you are following by E Mail like it did in the early days.
    That feature , and uploading multiple pics to an album seeem to have disapeared

    I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
    Coming down is the hardest thing

  45. #95


    I know we’re over the target but I’ve chipped in a bit. I’ve got a lot of value out of Wings and this site so really want to see it continue.


  46. #96


    Donated! And wow, the total is now sitting at $2,942.

  47. #97

  48. #98


    A little contribution sent.

  49. #99


    My Silver Membership payment renewed on 9/1.

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