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Thread: The REAL Immelmann turn

  1. #1

    Default The REAL Immelmann turn

    The "turn" that airshow announcers and gamers call an "Immelmann" isn't. When gaining altitude it is a half-loop and when losing altitude it is a Split S. So what does an Immelmann turn look like. Well, today we call it a Hammerhead Stall.

    Immelman would approach a two seater from the side, make his attack, fly past, pull the nose up, nearly stalling the plane, then kick the rudder in the direction the enemy was flying. This would bring him back down with an easy firing solution to make his next pass.

    What we need is a card that rotates you 120 degrees to the left or right and doesn't change your altitude. Then we have the real Immelman turn as performed by the man himself.

  2. #2


    Hi Phil,
    You may find the following threads of interest.
    Manouver book, by Flash.
    The Stall turn or hammerheadturn manouver, by USMC 1855 and
    Halberstadt CL-11 , by Bellis4Rius.
    They all back up your premise. Now all we need to do is persuade Nexus to bring out a card for it.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  3. #3


    Maybe a 120 degree left or right in green? That would distinguish it from the blue or red cards.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Officer Kyte View Post
    Hi Phil,
    You may find the following threads of interest.
    Manouver book, by Flash.
    The Stall turn or hammerheadturn manouver, by USMC 1855 and
    Halberstadt CL-11 , by Bellis4Rius.
    They all back up your premise. Now all we need to do is persuade Nexus to bring out a card for it.
    Imagine the logistics of Fantasy Flight supplying a replacement Immelman card for each deck a player has... I am thinking the only way you will see that is if you made the card yourself and added it to each deck in addition to the "half loop, split S" card... perhaps Fantasy Flight could supply a .pdf with one for each deck that we could print from???

    Not to be a "negative nellie or anything"... ok wait... yes I was... I really need to work on my cynycism issues....
    Ken Head - "The Cowman"
    “You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it.” Robin Williams

  5. #5


    This is the card sequence I proposed for this maneuver:

    The Stall-Turn or Hammerhead Turn Maneuver.

    I’ve been considering this maneuver since we worked on the Loop as a viable option in the game, and this is what I’ve come up with.

    This is a three card maneuver so that it is in keeping with the concept of the maneuver rules in the game.

    Only planes which have an Immelmann card in their maneuver deck can do this.

    -Preparatory to doing the three card Stall-Turn Maneuver: This Maneuver can only be played if the previous card was a long straight maneuver.

    1st Card is the short Climb Card, Gain 1 climb counter. (Card 'A' in the first illustration below)

    2d Card is the Stall card. (Card 'B' in the first illustration below) Do not move the airplane card forward as normal. Keep it in the location it was in after placing the first card, hold down the top right (or left) corner of the airplanes card (in effect-pinning it in place), and rotate the planes card to the right or left 180 degrees, facing it in the opposite direction, but simultaneously flipping/moving/rotating the aircraft one card width to which ever side you rotated the card towards.

    3d Card is a long straight maneuver card. Lose one climb counter. (Card 'C' in the first illustration below)

    (Aces could have the option of replacing the third card with any level flight card, vice the long straight card)

    (see the original post from the link above, to see the illustrations)

  6. #6

    Von Pupp


    You can see Brown with his camel performing a correct immelmann in the film Red Baron that came out recently.
    I agree with you Brian.I apply the same method to do the immelmann

  7. #7


    Hi Phil - I think the closest you will get to the feel of the 'real thing' is Brians hammerhead turn. Other than that, like the rest of us, bite the bullet & take it for what it is. I have used the Immelmann card in loads of manoeuvres I have created - usually as an upward or downward half loop - but as I normally play without altitude rules I usually take it as the original move albeit in its limited fashion.
    I recently saw some footage of the original WW1 Immelmann where the plane came from ahead & below of its target, climbed slightly above then turned right onto its tail & nailed it. Impressive tactic.

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  8. #8


    Thanks for the references to other threads. I would suggest that it be a three card maneuver of: longest possible straight (building up speed), the Immelman, then a non-stall straight. It would be possible to use the current 180 turn by announcing that you are only turning 120 (half way between a 90 and 180 turn), then rotating to that position.

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