Ares Games

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  1. The Kindness of Strangers WW2 Solo Campaign: Chapter 12 - Opening Stages

    [B][I]July 11, 1940[/I][/B]

    [I]After Dunkirk we've had less than a month to build up the battered and dwindled squadrons that fought in France. Under the guidance of Squadron Leader Kyte we've made several flights getting acquainted with the Spitfires. But it wasn't enough. The pilots that became Green Section arrived three days ago. And now the Germans were again on the move. Sinking ships and probing our defenses. And once again, we weren't ready. But this time, we had at least ...
  2. The Kindness of Strangers WW2 Solo Campaign: Chapter 11 - Falcons and eagles

    [I][B]June 7, 1940[/B][/I]

    [I]They were eager to know the story. Kyte served drinks and then he sat himself in a green sofa expecting me to begin. I looked at Joachim. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. I looked at the other ones, Eris, James, Nick, Dave, Mike and Johnny and I felt a strange comradeship, even if to some of them I was but a stranger a few days ago. "Go on, Andrzej", said Nick, anxious for me to start. "Well... We were now in the middle of the Summer ...
  3. The Kindness of Strangers - Interlude 2 – They Called Them Spitfires

    June 4, 1940

    "Squadron Leader Barrie was fished alive in the Channel", Kyte told us and everybody applauded. "Bad news is, he's got one broken leg, several broken ribs and a few burnings in his face." And all our cheering went silent. "And the others", asked Joachim. Kyte shook his head. “Apart from James and Nick here, there's no notice of any of them." We all look at the group. Six pilots. Five other were gone. One in the hospital for a long ...

    Updated 09-15-2014 at 15:45 by Blackronin

  4. The Kindness of Strangers WW2 Solo Campaign: Chapter 10 - Upper Hand

    [I][B]June 3, 1940[/B][/I]

    [I]I sat on the sofa after debriefing. Joachim served us all drinks. Eris looked down and we all sipped our drinks silently. After a while, Kyte looked a few moments to his watch. "If they didn't land in another airstrip, the're already out of petrol..." Joachim went out and we sat there waiting. We knew that he went out to call HQ to know what happened to Red and Yellow sections. Eris kept looking down. "If you ever", started Kyte sofly, ...
  5. The Kindness of Strangers - Chapter 9 - Last Stand

    [B][I]June 9, 1940[/I][/B]

    [I]"You've never finish the story of that mission in the P-40's, Joachim." "I did so." "No you didn't! We scrambled for an interception and you didn't have the time to finish the tale." "You're right, Kyte! Where was I, when we were interrupted?" "You had left your wingman... ah... the Polish one... dealing with the last Messerschmitt and you went on..." "Andrzej! Yes! That was the last time I saw him... ...
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