View Full Version : AAR PTO 6: A difficult choice but a worthy sacrifice.

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-27-2015, 12:23
Zuikaku, Shoho, Chitose steaming with escorts en route for Guadacanal.


The groups split as Zuikaku steams south to join Shokaku in the search for the US carrier force.

A teaser of the game to follow.

01-27-2015, 17:02
:cheezy: You teaser you! :p

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-27-2015, 22:45
Another teaser Barry?

US Strike force approaches (there is a fourth torpedo bomber off shot left).
A Rufe on CAP reacts (using the universal card app - for all 14 aircraft!)

01-28-2015, 05:58

01-28-2015, 06:02
This ought to be good :)

01-28-2015, 06:13
Looking forward to this... have at it! :clap:

Flying Officer Kyte
01-28-2015, 08:46
This looks as if it will prove to be another diverting encounter Neil.

Gotham Resident
01-28-2015, 10:03
A Rufe on CAP reacts (using the universal card app - for all 14 aircraft!) Very interesting - using the app for everyone, that should make for an interesting AAR indeed.

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-28-2015, 10:59
Gave some very realistic combat too. Just wait for the pics.

Very interesting - using the app for everyone, that should make for an interesting AAR indeed.

01-28-2015, 17:51
Gave some very realistic combat too. Just wait for the pics.

:D With all those US aircraft Neil I reckon you had a real busy time.:eek:
Cant wait to see your AAR mate!:thumbsup:

01-29-2015, 02:20
See you had to borrow the Kindle Neil :) What happens if Karen wants it back during the game :lol:

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-29-2015, 10:46
swmbo at work, Neil playing with his toys at home. What swmbo doesn't know wont hurt.

See you had to borrow the Kindle Neil :) What happens if Karen wants it back during the game :lol:

01-29-2015, 10:53
Neil only pawn in game of life.

Mrs Kyte
01-29-2015, 11:09
swmbo at work, Neil playing with his toys at home. What swmbo doesn't know wont hurt.

This Swmbo is reading it though Neil!:hmm:
I am also in the middle of a very good detective story on my Kindle, so Rob's got no chance.

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-29-2015, 11:34
Arrh, this aint fair Rob. Mrs Kyte either you are or you are not a pilot or you are or you are not a swmbo....damn forgot women can multitask. Back to the drawing board....

This Swmbo is reading it though Neil!:hmm:
I am also in the middle of a very good detective story on my Kindle, so Rob's got no chance.

01-29-2015, 12:43
This Swmbo is reading it though Neil!:hmm:
I am also in the middle of a very good detective story on my Kindle, so Rob's got no chance.

So who done it ?

Flying Officer Kyte
01-29-2015, 14:37
So who done it ?

Neil apparently.
Well he dropped me in it.
Now I've no chance at borrowing Eileen's Kindle.

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-29-2015, 14:44
What, Me? Never said a thing. Just said I borrowed swmbo kindle. You'll have to keep your own house in order there WingCo.

01-29-2015, 15:41
This Swmbo is reading it though Neil!:hmm:
I am also in the middle of a very good detective story on my Kindle, so Rob's got no chance.

Whats the title Eileen?
I do like a good Detective story. DCI Banks, Ann Cleeves Shetland series etc etc!:D

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-29-2015, 23:40
I'm taking the 5th..

Neil apparently.
Well he dropped me in it.
Now I've no chance at borrowing Eileen's Kindle.

Mrs Kyte
01-30-2015, 00:58
Whats the title Eileen?
I do like a good Detective story. DCI Banks, Ann Cleeves Shetland series etc etc!

I'm reading a Thomas Chaloner tale, The Butcher of Smithfield by Suzanna Gregory, set in the late 17th century.
I don't know 'who done it' because I am only halfway through!:D


01-30-2015, 01:18
The Butcher did it :lol:

Flying Officer Kyte
01-30-2015, 01:25
I'm taking the 5th..

I think that this, "What swmbo doesn't know wont hurt." was the real bone of contention Neil.:eek:
I think the best thing we can do is run away to sea. Well to Sails of Glory at least.:lol:

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-30-2015, 09:32
Could always join a circus. That chap Richthofens circus is in town I hear.

01-30-2015, 10:15
Could always join a circus. That chap Richtofens circus is in town I here.

Nah Thats Monty and his Pythons.

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-30-2015, 11:41
Operation MO was well under way. Zuikaku was tasked with escorting Shoho, Chitose , 4 Cruisers and a number of transports to Tulagi and 3 other islands where sea plane bases were being established.


Nearing their first stop off, Zuikaku bade farewell to Shoho and the landing group as it steamed south west to join Shokaku in the hunt for the American Carriers which had launched planes to attack Tulagi yesterday.

USS Lexington


Chitose made its way to the identified anchorage with 1 cruiser and 2 transports.


Whilst Shoho steamed to the east to scout the far side of Guadacanal. Chitose put a Rufe, piloted by 2Lt Rikihei Inoguchi , up as a CAP whilst the transports began unloading.


Later that day Shoho steamed to the south, 2 Zero’s flying cap. Lt Watari Handa, an air group veteran and 2Lt Shindo Harada a rookie pilot with no combat experience.


A PBY had spotted a carrier steaming to the south of Tulagi.


Learning their lessons from the strike on Tulagi yesterday Lexington put up its entire air group.

"Let's be off and bag a flattop then"

and in a cloudless sky were able to form up and head towards Tulagi again. 4 Devastator torpedo bombers, 3 Dauntless Dive Bombers all escorted by 3 F4F Wildcats.


It was the CAP from Shoho that reacted first. Informing Shoho of the attack, Shoho could only steam and try to turn into the wind to launch more fighters. Chitose’s lone Rufe turned to join the action.


Squadron Leader Dizzy Wilson saw the threat. “Close up, close up. Follow me in and we’ll take the fighters. Cover the bombers. Let’s get them”. Ensigns Riker and Eddison followed their leader towards the zero’s.


Flying low the Devastators crossed under the Dauntless’ as they followed the Wildcats.


Lt Watari Handa shouted 'Banzai' into the mic as he opened the throttle to close fast and hit the bombers. 2Lt Shindo Harada stuck to his wingman like glue. The Dive bombers were their priority target. The Rufe could take the torpedo planes on.


‘Dizzy’s’ Wildcat shuddered almost to a standstill as the weight of cannon shells smashed into his plane. He got off a blast himself but at this rate he thought it was touch and go.


Dizzy saw the Zero flash past, his mind on it not the Rufe that suddenly shattered his perspex canopy with more cannon fire. Lt fired at Riker’s wildcat hard but smoke started coming out of his engine cowling from the return fire. Handa engaged Eddison but missed as did Eddison in return.


With the Wildcats taking care of the enemy CAP the bombers flew on, in formation, towards their target, a nice juicy Japanese flattop. Shoho was now turned into the wind and was readying another zero for takeoff


Having passed the Wildcats Harada fired a short range burst at the closest Dive bomber. His cannon shells ripped through the fuselage and ignited the bomb. The plane just blew apart. Handa engaged a second dive bomber but did not have the same effect as his wingman.


Inoguchi, flying the Rufe engaged Eddison and although he took damage was rewarded with seeing the American on fire after the exchange. Handa looped over and fired at the flaming wildcat


Eddison could do nothing but coast his dying almost dead wildcat into the shallows near the japanese island.


Having dived down to take the torpedo bombers on Harada was hit hard by the rear gunners as he passed the formation. Smoke still pouring from his plane.


The bomber formation neared their target.


‘Dizzy’ had to get back to the Lexington his Wildcat too damaged to stay in the fight. Riker turned to support the bombers.


With no cover the bombers were hit hard by Handa and Inoguchi. One torpedo bomber blew up and splashed into the ocean, a second was badly damaged. Harada was having trouble turning his zero Some of the damage must have affected his rudder his turn was sluggish.


Shoho had managed to launch another Zero, the captain doubting they would have time to launch another.
Handa and newly launched 2Lt Matsumani Kenkai managed to fire at the same torpedo bomber before it fell out of the sky.


The American bombers could not stand up to the intense cannon fire from the Japanese planes and were suffering. Although when they could the rear gunners were hitting back.


Handa’s zero could take no more damage. At this height he put the zero into a glide and landed on the surface of the silky smooth ocean. The Devastator flew on, on fire.


Battered and damaged one of the dive bombers miss timed his run and smashed into the Shoho afterdeck. Completely destroying the starboard aft AA position and starting a fire.


Riker now back in combat took on Kenkai, they traded shots and came out honours even.


Inoguchi in the Rufe came under unwelcome attention as he followed a dive bomber.


‘Torpedo away’ the torpedo lanced through the water. Shohos’ turn had put her broadside on. A tactic to miss the dive bombers but heaven for the torpedo plane.


A dive bomber over Shoho turned into a dive and dropped its deadly cargo right over the deck as the torpedo slammed into the aft section of the Shoho. The blast ripped a hole in the side of the Shoho and damaged her boilers starting a fire. Having to reduce speed the Shoho was a sitting duck.


Inoguchi fired one last shot and the hurtling dive bomber never pulled up before slamming into the deck just behind its bomb! Fuel line ripped apart and 2 new fires started the Shoho’s damage control teams were over stretched.




The last plane touches down on Lexington

The returning few

And we sank a flattop

Butchers Bill:


Lt Handa 17 damage/SD/FT/WIA/3 kills


2Lt Harada 7 damage RTB/1 kill


2Lt Kenkai 9 damage RTB/ 1 kill


2Lt Inoguchi 15 damage RTB/WIA/2 kills


Shoho sunk
Shoho took 12 points of damage from 1st aircraft hitting rear deck and lost STBD rear AA a fire started, the fire caused a further 8 points of damage before being put out.
A second dive bomber ploughed into the forward deck after dropping its bomb. Bomb damage 25 points, plane damage 20 points, which also caused a fire and damaged the fuel lines on the hangar deck causing another fire. The fires caused 18 points of damage but a 3rd fire flared up causing another 12 points of damage.
A torpedo slammed into the aft section of the ship damaging the boilers and holing the ship. 50 points of damage were caused and another fire started which caused 2 points of damage, resulting in another explosion which part ripped through the torpedo store causing yet another fire and causing 10 points of damage.
157 damage
With a 15 degree list to port and uncontrollable fires Shoho was abandoned.
2 cruisers escorts ok


Chitose, escort cruiser and 2 transports ok







TBD4: SD/ET/SEA/34 damage




SBD2: SD 20 dam/SEA/ET



Dizzy Wilson 13 damage RTB


Lt Eddison Wildcat SD/SEA/ET/FLM 18 damage


Lt Riker Wildcat RTB/ 13 damage

1. Played with a full air group off Lexington (10 models each representing 6 aircraft). Lexington has lost most of her air group in one attack).
2. Shoho and all planes lost.
3. Yorktown has lost all her dive bomber wing.
4. Hunt the carrier will be an exciting game to play from my point of view.
5. Great AAR to play used the kindle app for all 14 planes involved in this game. Cetainly speeded play up. 3 clicks and away we went for each plane. Initially the 3 groups moved as independent groups not independent aircraft. Once the fighters were engaged they moved individually but the dive bomber a nd torpedo bombers I reckoned would stay in formation for mutual defence and mass attack.

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-30-2015, 11:45
Still have a lot of rolls to do and apportion the kills. (apologies)

01-30-2015, 11:50
Absolutely epic, my friend!

01-30-2015, 12:22
:thumbsup: That was amazing! Great battle, with heavy casualties for both as can be expected in such a fray I imagine.
Could I ask how you came up with the damage/special damage for the carriers. I am interested in doing a carrier battle in the future but haven't quite figured out the best method for the amount of damage a ship can take or the amount dealt by a bomb/torpedo. Your method seems very well thought out!
Well fought!

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-30-2015, 12:27
Wes follow thew link and go to post #4. It has most of the links to what you want. The actual rules system is half way down.



:thumbsup: That was amazing! Great battle, with heavy casualties for both as can be expected in such a fray I imagine.
Could I ask how you came up with the damage/special damage for the carriers. I am interested in doing a carrier battle in the future but haven't quite figured out the best method for the amount of damage a ship can take or the amount dealt by a bomb/torpedo. Your method seems very well thought out!
Well fought!

01-30-2015, 12:31
Wes follow thew link and go to post #4. It has most of the links to what you want. The actual rules system is half way down.



Great, many thanks Neil!

Gotham Resident
01-30-2015, 13:10
:eek::envy: What a great battle. Looks like a grand time and a good use of all those models. Those Zero's really tore up the bombers. I don't seem to have such luck when I shoot. I will show this to little GR tonight, and I have a feeling we will be doing a carrier battle soon.

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-30-2015, 14:13
Kills now apportioned

01-30-2015, 14:39
Great battle Neil! This weekend I will be ordering my American dive and torpedo bombers. Thanks for the hook. :money::money::minis::minis:

01-30-2015, 15:20
I'm reading a Thomas Chaloner tale, The Butcher of Smithfield by Suzanna Gregory, set in the late 17th century.
I don't know 'who done it' because I am only halfway through!:D


:thumbsup: Yes I think I have read some of hers. :confused:
Is he the hunchback or do I have another character from that period in mind?

01-31-2015, 08:45
Great AAR Neil . Those Zeros certainly dished it out. What was your total points score on this one as per brief so I can chart them up.

Think I might fire up the engines this weekend for this mission.
Wonder if anyone is going to take the B17 option for this one. :o

Flying Helmut
01-31-2015, 11:06
Fantastic stuff Neil! :clap:

Oh, no! I feel the pull of WGS........:eek:

Flying Officer Kyte
01-31-2015, 11:32
Fantastic stuff Neil! :clap:

Oh, no! I feel the pull of WGS........:eek:

Feel the Force Tim.

01-31-2015, 13:34
Tim I am your father go with the Force . :)

Flying Helmut
01-31-2015, 13:42

01-31-2015, 15:59
:thumbsup: That was an Epic of Hollywood proportions Neil!
Brave man having & flying all those SBD's & TBD's.
Although the US losses where high another Japanese Flat Top ended in a watery grave.:D

Flying Officer Kyte
01-31-2015, 23:56
It has all been said Neil.
I'm amazed at the carnage wrought.
A great read.:clap:

Lt. S.Kafloc
02-01-2015, 13:35
Japanese force. 23
US force 17

Great AAR Neil . Those Zeros certainly dished it out. What was your total points score on this one as per brief so I can chart them up.

Think I might fire up the engines this weekend for this mission.
Wonder if anyone is going to take the B17 option for this one. :o