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11-04-2012, 00:44
I've finally arrived to Wings of Glory after many, many years playing Richthofen's War, Dawn Patrol and Knights of the Air.

My first aircraft have arrived and the rules are on their way.

I'm in Newcastle NSW and will be looking for some games in the New Year.

11-04-2012, 01:08
Welcome to the Aerodrome from Texas! :)

Zoe Brain
11-04-2012, 01:20
G'day from Canberra. Will we be seeing you at Cancon?

11-04-2012, 09:12
Welcome to the Aerodrome! I started w/ "Dawn Patrol" myself, but find WoG SO much faster & user friendly (not to knock DP as there are many things I like about it as well). WoG gives me all the action & experience w/ none of the record keeping or chart lookup's & moves fast & smooth, which keep the action going & the amount of time required down, which is a blessing. :)

11-04-2012, 16:27
:thumbsup: G'day Dean & again welcome to the Aerodrome.
Hope you might be able to attend Cancon at the end of January & thus meet a few of the local Pilots.:D

11-04-2012, 19:19
Hi Dean,
I'm in Mudgee.

11-05-2012, 04:21
Hi from Alberta

Flying Officer Kyte
11-05-2012, 12:42
On behalf of the Squadrons based here in Dear old Blighty, welcome to the Drome Dean.
Do pop into the Officers' Mess and make yourself known to the chaps.
They may even stand you a beer or three.

11-05-2012, 12:53
Welcome Dean, from Bristol UK, see you down the mess :)

11-05-2012, 13:17
We've now got a Librarian and a Dean! Who gets to be Bursar? (looks sideways at Kyte)

Welcome, welcome and thrice welcome.

11-05-2012, 14:58
Welcome to the 'Drome, Dean!:)

11-05-2012, 23:51
Hi Dean, and welcome to the 'drome from here in the UK

11-06-2012, 06:15
Welcome to the site, Dean. You are in the right place.

11-06-2012, 06:51
Hi Dean and welcome to the 'Drome!!! :salute:



Willi Von Klugermann
11-06-2012, 09:00
Welcome Dean.

11-22-2012, 01:42
Thanks for the warm welcome.
I've been hitting eBay and now have a range of scouts and 2 seaters. The rules have just arrived and will be under the Christmas tree :-)
I've also pre-ordered the duel packs. Pity they'll be delayed, hopefully the January date won't slip.

11-22-2012, 08:01
Thanks for the warm welcome.
I've been hitting eBay and now have a range of scouts and 2 seaters. The rules have just arrived and will be under the Christmas tree :-)
I've also pre-ordered the duel packs. Pity they'll be delayed, hopefully the January date won't slip.

Be strong and patient Dean, 'cos you are in good company: I ordered minis from Shapeways and the order (5 days left from expected target date) is still pending. I begin to be a little bit pessimist and I think I'll have them next year. So I will have to fill this gap with any other mini that will be available on the market!!!:money::money::money:


Baron Rolf
11-22-2012, 08:43
Welcome to the Aerodrome Dean , from a very soggy Blighty ;)

11-22-2012, 12:31
Welcome from Italy Welcome aboard
