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Files: WWI Aircraft Reference

WWI Aircraft Reference

Uploaded by brdavis - 06-16-2016
Author Author brdavis
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This is my personal reference sheet, I thought I would upload it here in case anyone else finds it useful. Data is borrowed from different sources, including the Ares website, the 'Tactical Walkthrough' thread by forum member Flash, and various other sources, I only compiled it.

The Early/Mid/Late column is my own classification, the dates I chose for this classification are somewhat arbitrary and are found in a note at the bottom of the file. Some values in this column have a *, which indicates that I have modified the Early/Mid/Late classification for game balance purposes. For example, I classified the R.E.8 as 'mid-war' because I don't think it competes well against late-war aircraft, even though historically it was used through the end of the war.

I'm making the Excel spreadsheet available so you can edit your own copy as you please.

Warning: If you re-sort the rows you might have trouble with the 'Deck Summary' and A/B/C images getting mixed up.

Please feel free to PM with questions, comments or suggestions.

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More on column R:

I've classed planes as 'E' 'M' or 'L' or early/mid/late war. There are also some 'E-M' and 'M-L' for those that are in-between classes. I haven't tested exhaustively, but I think any 'M' plane can be matched with any other 'M' plane and give a well balanced game. Like wise any 'E' to 'E' pairing or 'L' to 'L' pairing. You can also match a 'M-L' plane with a 'L' plane, knowing that the 'L' plane will have a slight advantage. Matching a 'L' to a 'M' plane will give a larger advantage to one side. Of course there are levels even within the same set of aircraft - ie, the Breguet is classified as 'M-L' but one has B/B guns, one has B/A guns, and one has A/A guns. It's certainly not a perfect system but can hopefully be useful along with Andrea's point value.

Jun 16, 2016 - First version

Jul 26, 2016 - Updated series 9 with model numbers, minor formatting changes. The preview provided by DropBox shows some of the images as missing or out of place - download the file and they will appear correctly.

Nov 16, 2016 - Corrected the Kibanov Nieuport - should be a Nieuport 23, B gun, and 56 points. Also split the dates of service into two columns. I put 'Nov 1918' for the end date because that is the end of the war, though many aircraft likely continued to be 'in service' beyond that date.

Nov 18, 2016 - Corrected several climb/ceiling values to match the Ares table.

Feb 24, 2017 - Corrected point value for Sopwith Pup (changed 81 to 63)

Mar 22, 2017 - Added rows for new series 3 reprints, added rows for duel pack planes, correct a manufacture error (changed Ares to Nexus)

September 2, 2020 - Added new rows for the series 1 and series 4 reprints. I also re-ordered the rows with Nexus models are above the Ares models within each type. Corrections welcome, esp with the new SE5 and Breguet stats. Still missing are the two new Nieuport rocket models that were released with Tripods & Triplanes.




Ken at Sunrise
11-16-2016 at 10:22
Hey this looks awesome.

Thank you for your work on this.

I do have a couple of questions and one request.
- I thought the Series 3 Kabinov was a Nieuport 23 and has a different gun?
- I'm guessing the speed rating is the higher the number the faster the deck.
-- Also this is one comparing the deck on the actual aircraft. Is that correct?
-- The Zeppelin Staaken isn't really that slow, but this due to it's base even though the deck appears slow.
- Is there a key to the special maneuvers symbols? Sometimes you have the same symbol but different colours.
- Just a thought, if you put the Dates of Service in two columns (Intro and Retire) then using Excel Filters you could easily sort for a specific date range.

Does anyone know how to subscribe to this like an article so I get notified if there is an update?

Thanks Brian
11-17-2016 at 10:55
Response to Ken:

You are right on the Kibanov Nieuport - it should be a Nieuport 23 with a B gun, for 56 points. I've updated the file - thanks for the heads-up!

You are correct on the speed rating & the number. The number I got from somewhere else and I believe it represents the length of the long straight arrow, in centimeters. I haven't actually measured, but yes, 2.9 is the slowest speed band (DH2's, Eindeckers, etc) then 3.5, 4.7, and 6.0 is the Spad XIII and Se5a.

The 2.0 speed for the Zeppelin Staaken (again, from what I understand, that data was pulled from other sources) takes into account the larger base of that aircraft. Likewise with the other bombers with larger bases. I'll see if I can find the reference I used for that info and send it to you.

The maneuver symbols again are based on another source - look at the image for the DVII and I'll explain the symbols going left to right:

1) the 'open' triangle seen on the DVII represents the turning stall that only that aircraft has.
2) The solid version of that triangle is a 90 degree turn.
3) The blank space would be a left-pointing arrow (see the Snipe, the DVII doesn't have this one) is a wide side-slip.
4) The arrow that points up and left, is a short side-slip.
5) The solid triangle pointing down is the imelmann or reverse card.
6) the other symbols of course represent turns to the right.

There is no symbol for the three straights, two stalls, climb and dive, which every aircraft has.
This image scheme doesn't account for the new short dive characteristic of the Phonix D.I -- so that representation isn't quite correct.

A tan background indicates that there is one copy of that card in the deck. A grey background means there are two copies, and blue means there are three copies.
Thus, the difference between the Albatros D.III (J deck) and the Spad XIII (A deck) is of course speed, and the J deck has three of the short side slips in each direction where the A deck only has two in each direction.

That is a good suggestion about putting the dates in separate columns for sorting - however when I have tried to sort by column, the images in columns N-Q get all messed up for some reason. That being said, I've update the file so the dates are in two columns now.

Thanks for your input!
06-28-2016 at 13:57
Excellent work.
07-26-2016 at 23:39
Excellent effort! Thanks very much
12-21-2017 at 15:00
Fantastic!! Just starting out with WOG and this document helped answer a lot of questions. Thanks.

Question: Were does the Ball's Nieuport 16 fit into this? In the comments section of Ares latest KS people have been talking as though this aircraft had been released before. I only see the 16 at the bottom of you doc listed as other.
01-25-2018 at 09:31
Re: Ball's Nieuport 16

This paint scheme hasn't been released before. I'll update the spreadsheet when it is.
01-25-2018 at 09:44
Regarding Ball's N.16, this paint scheme hasn't been released before, though other N.16's have, with the old Wings of War 'Balloon Busters' box. Since the N.16 wasn't released individually, there isn't a 'standard' photo in the same style as the other planes, and that is why it appears in my spreadsheet in the 'other' section.

When the Ball N.16 is officially released, I'll update the spreadsheet with the photo and other information.
01-25-2018 at 09:45
Editing / Deleting comments isn't working. Sorry for the duplicate.
Grey House
01-25-2018 at 11:30
Thanks for this!