Ares Games

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  1. A Moral Question

    There was once a poll [URL=""]When was the best time to be a pilot[/URL] in which the question was "When was the best time to be a combat pilot?" and the possible answers were
    [LIST][*]WWI[*]WWII[*]Corean War[*]Viet Nam[*]Other Cold War Conflicts (Yom Kippur, Falklands, etc.)[*]Modern Conflicts (Gulf War, GWOT)[*]Future conflicts[/LIST]

    The two first received the most ...
  2. Very easy smoke and flame markers (3)

    [Part 3: [B]oh and by the way...[/B]]

    Here's the PDF!


    Do with it as you please...


    petitbilbo (the mussels from Brussels)
  3. Very easy smoke and flame markers (2)

    [Part 2:[B] lessons learned[/B]!]

    Thanks for the remarks chaps, but I actually did something else!

    I printed my design on transparents and cut them out
    a small hole (2mm)
    put it on the plane's peg, set it back on the base
    and voilą!

    I like this one ...
  4. Very easy smoke and flame markers (1)

    [Part 1: [B]how not to do it[/B]!]

    Hello tout le monde,

    here's the tale of my first attempt at making my own markers.
    The idea was to make them as easy and low cost as I could, using the materials I would normally use.

    First, I've designed and printed the makers on paper:
    Then, I wanted to glue it on some foamboard:
    But of course, as Murphy would have it, just ...
  5. Foamcore cockpit (2)

    Not my idea! I saw it on one of the Col's designs and thought the same as you did.
    Plus, if (as shown in on of the pictures) you put them back in, but with the front side towards the other player(s) when you have finished your movement, others can check for any unlawful movements.

    Already done... link here under.
    It wasn't much, just two words. Mouvement became Movement...

    Flight of the Giants.

    But you can ...