Ares Games

Pasadena flight takes to the Sky (floor)

Pasadena Flight scrap.
  1. Staying close and shooting often. I poured alot of lead into both the German planes but could not bring them down.
  2. Kevin did a wonderful job of moving in behind me and got in a close range burst...oops sory Kevin no points for you!! I was lucky.
  3. I was the first to go down...I took the two fours on the last close range shot I took....could not belief my luck...all bad...Now Ed the newest...
  4. just watching and taking pictures
  5. Tom demonstrates one advantage to playing on the floor!
  6. Ed managed to bring Kevin down soon afterIi crashed.
  7. So that left the two newest pilots in the air.....In a second they realize they are on different teams!
  8. 30 Minutes...the time it took to shoot down Kevin and I. The Game lasted another hour....this is why!
  9. A breakaway to think things through.
  10. in a 30 minute period only one shot was fired....really....
  11. They refused to call it a draw and kept on going round and round......
  12. Finally Ed gets the kill shot....the picture is blurry...he was jumping up that fast....
  13. The winners, Ed and I...Of course he was the only one in a plane.....After our "hot wash" it was discovered I had done the most dammage....Just did...
  14. The crew...still smiling....(the knives are in back)
  15. Even on the floor we expected Ed to “fly off”…
  16. Picking planes….we use a pretty random method…except Tom…he always flys the same one..Picking teams is done by each Player cutting the damage...
  17. Tom (on the left) and Kevin....the dreaded Germans.
  18. Their planes, Tom on the left.
  19. Team Allies...Ed and I.
  20. Our Planes. me on the right
  21. With the entire floor to play on we still managed to stay very close....ok Me and the Germans did...My wingman saw a squirel and went to check on it.
  22. Measure twice and shoot once.  Alot of damage was done early.
  23. This is Ed giving Tom the "no you dont" look....
  24. Random shot...I took a picture at the end of every was alot of pictures!
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