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Thread: A question about polls

  1. #1

    Default A question about polls

    Hey everyone, I have a question about the polls.

    It's about the "make votes public" option on the poll options. I was looking through the polls and I came across the balloon poll. I looked at the votes before I voted, and there was a list of the names of the people who voted on that option under each option, but after I voted, the list of names was gone. Is there a reason, or is that a glich in the system or something?


  2. #2


    I think it's perhaps a native option of the forum software.

    If you start this kind of thread with "make votes public" you simple permit to the wingmen to know the tendency of polling before to vote without worries of a their conditional poll (clicking on the buttom).

    Without this option the wingman can't know the tendency So the pooling is less potentially affected by other wisdoms.

    I like "blind pollings" because the answer is more sincere even in those less influenced But it's a my arguable opinion about statistics.


  3. #3


    After you have voted, the names are "hidden". If you want to see them after voting, you have to click on the number of votes to see them again. Not sure why the software does it that way, but it does.


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