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Thread: Problem flying certain aircraft

  1. #1

    Default Problem flying certain aircraft

    Over the last week or so we have had an old friend staying with us and we have had about 12 to 18 games of W O W WW1 . The one thing we noticed was that certain aircraft are harder to 'fly' than others , ie the Spad and the Neiuport . The Spad being very fast and not to manoverable and the Neiuport seems a bit delicate although quite manoverable . I know this reflects the historical performances of these aircraft , but these two where the ones that seemed to always get shot down ! . We did try to fly them against ' inperiod' planes, it may be that we hav'nt got our heads around the secreats of using these two aircraft - anybody else have experences like this or tips on using them ?

  2. #2


    In our group the SPAD is an annoyance and very hard to kill. We mostly had multiplayer games and the SPADs usually keeps out of the melee using their speed and Immelmanns, sniping at those engaged in dogfights.

  3. #3

    krolik's Avatar

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    Spad XIII should use boom & zoom tactics as we call it. Don't get into a turning fight with a Spad, use immelman's and split-s to turn around, and use it's speed to stay away from slower more maneuverable aircraft.

  4. #4


    The previous 2 posts have it right with the Spad. Zoom through a dogfight then use the immelman or split -S to turn around after you come out the other side.

    The Neiuport is tougher as it is one of the earlier planes we have models for. It will have a difficult time of it vs. Dr1s and albatros III as both of these are really later planes. At least I have found it so. Even when attacking 2 seaters, you need to be extra careful because of its fragility. That being said, it is one of my favorites to fly.


  5. #5


    Don't forget that stall in the Spad deck either... your enemy will most of the time so you can really throw them off by playing it from time to time. One on one against a really maneuverable enemy, the Spad will still have some problems. Almost all of the other planes can turn around in time to pretty much always get a shot on you as you come in on your Boom and Zoom (which is the correct tactic). In these fights you are just going to have to pick and chose your time to press the attack and trust in your higher damage amounts to see you though. Just remember to mix up your maneuvers so the enemy is always guessing.

  6. #6


    Interesting insight on the Spad. I didn'tuse mine (which came with the Delux Starter) until now because I didn't like it's poor maneuverability but maybe I should give zooming and booming a try...

  7. #7

    Flying Scotsman


    Funny The SPAD and Nieuport are my favorite planes to fly (and I fly The Nieuport 23)

    My Tips for Flying a SPAD.

    People usually underestimate just how fast you actually go so if you plan it right you can hit them a maneuver earlier than they expected and catch them out of place.

    I try to finish a set of maneuvers on a strait if I Can to give myself the most options planing the next 3 maneuvers.

    If a strait is not needed for a following maneuver throw in a slipstream or a pair of opposing turns just to keep the enemy unbalanced.

    My favorite defensive trick is to turn away from my real objective at the end of a set of maneuvers (or preferably a turn and a strait) then immelman as part of the next maneuvers. If your opponent planed to follow your turn you can again catch them off-guard and get a shot off on them or using your speed advantage be well away to wards your real objective before they can catch up.

    For the Nieuport its much the same but without the speed advantage.
    but try to get your opponent to miss guess your plans and catch them out of place, fly defensively, slipstream and weave to keep out of obvious locations (works especially well against the big AA Guns)

  8. #8


    Thanks for the tips... I'll remember this when we meet again!

  9. #9


    Those two are my favorite planes as well. Now the Nieuport 17 is my plane of choice. To use it effectively you have to use altitude, with its maneuvering. By climbing and then diving on an enemy one can get out of range faster then fly away and climb as you do so. This also works best in a larger game as most players go for opportunity shots over a chase. And with two doing it from opposite directions one will always have a shot coming in.


  10. #10


    Meanwhile I've learned to love the SPAD. The high speed is realy nice and makes it a really nice plane as long as you play without altitude. With Altitude its climb rate is to bad...

  11. #11

    Cpt Thomas Spencer Howdy


    Maneuver- wise, the Spad XIII sucks. I mean, realistically, except for the Immelman card and the Power Dive option, it's no better than a bomber. But, then, so are the Albatrosses and Pfalzes out there...

    Speed is its forte. For a startling visual demonstration, lay your forearm on the table. That's about how far that turkey is going to move at full speed. Add the firing ruler, and that's how far you're dangerous at that altitude, baby! On a crowded table a Spad can often be mistaken by an opponent as too far off to worry about, giving you the satisfaction of a free third card shot on him.

    Don't become predictable by always Immelmanning. Throw a few 180 degree full circles out there to keep them geussing, and to give you some time and maneuvering space. Patience is a good virtue to have with a Spad, because in a knife fight it's a one- trick Immelmanning pony.

    The hardest thing we've seen with the Spad is not overshooting your target. That speed again, and it takes practice to get that right often enough. As Col. Hajj said above, don't forget your stall cards. They can adjust your position and throw your opponent's timing off. Sometimes I'll play stall/ straight/ stall just to mess with their heads.

    Now, the Nieuport 17-- I have no solid advice, just the observation I tell my opponents.

    "It's a little sad flying a plane that makes me envious of the hit points a DR I has!"

  12. #12


    I too have still to have a really decent fight with a Spad, but I believe it will come into it's own in a large dogfight.

    I quite enjoy flying the N17, and I think if fairly manouvreable, without a doubt it is fragile but if lady luck smiles it will outfight a lumbering Albatros.

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