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Thread: What languages do you know?

  1. #251



    Spanish--Good enough to get to some place

    German--not good at all

  2. #252


    Hmmm, well, apart from my English (which is obvious, me being on an english forum):

    Read - fluent
    Write - fluent
    Speak - fluent
    Understand - proficient

    So if anyone finds Russian document and need translations, let me know, happy to help.
    Last edited by Dog of War; 11-15-2018 at 21:41.

  3. #253

  4. #254

    Lindinho's Avatar
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    German - my native tongue
    English - good
    French - moderate
    Portugese - a little (better hear than speak)

  5. #255


    English (especially the Australian variety)
    native, so speak, read, write and understand well

    Bislama (of Vanuatu)
    Read - okay
    Write - can with some effort
    Speak - not as well as I used to
    Comprehend - fairly well, depending a bit on who is speaking

  6. #256


    Czech - native
    English - with a heavy Czech accent
    German - very poorly, but i can turn any shop name into a loud imperative, especially when i am drunk in Dresden.
    French - just to impress people who don't speak French at all
    Russian - poorly (willingly)
    Spanish - just enough to understand my mother-in-law is saying evil things about me behing my back
    Portugese - just enough to understand my father-in-law is saying evil things about me behing my back
    Last edited by Honza; 01-23-2020 at 02:09.

  7. #257


    Quote Originally Posted by Honza View Post
    Czech - native
    English - with a heavy Czech accent
    German - very poorly, but i can turn any shop name into a loud imperative, especially when i am drunk in Dresden.
    French - just to impress people who don't speak French at all
    Russian - poorly (willingly)
    Spanish - just enough to understand my mother-in-law is saying evil things about me behing my back
    Portugese - just enough to understand my father-in-law is saying evil things about me behing my back
    Very funny. Sad, but nonetheless, I can so see this (as a general life thing, not you personally). Your In-laws don't appreciate you nearly well enough.
    "Flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss" Douglas Adams
    "Wings of Glory won't skin your elbows and knees while practicing." OldGuy59

  8. #258


    I was exagerrating a little, it is not as bad as it sounds. I love them. I believe it is mutual.

  9. #259


    I'm always impressed with people that know several languages. In Junior High school I had French and in High school some Spanish. Took a couple semesters of German in collage but with no one to speak with I forgot just about all of it. As a joke whenever someone would ask me to say something in German I'd reply "Ich Weiss es nicht". They'd ask me what it meant and my reply with a smile was "I don't know"!

    Funny how much you can remember though. Once for work I was on Easter Island for a few days. I ended up renting a room from a local that only spoke Spanish. I understood enough to know what they were saying to me but sadly could not say much back.

  10. #260


    Quote Originally Posted by Teaticket View Post

    Funny how much you can remember though. Once for work I was on Easter Island for a few days. I ended up renting a room from a local that only spoke Spanish. I understood enough to know what they were saying to me but sadly could not say much back.
    I only learned German for one year at school, but later on in Austria I discovered that a surprising amount readily came back to me.

    While skiing in the Italian Alps, I found myself on a 3-seat chairlift with my Austrian instructor and an American tourist, who were conversing in German, ripping into the other members of my ski group, oblivious to the fact that I spoke, and understood, a little German!
    When I joined their conversation, "innocently" lavishing my small German vocabulary upon them, they immediately clammed up, and flushed as red as the instructors ski hat!
    I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away!

  11. #261


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Helmut View Post
    ...When I joined their conversation, "innocently" lavishing my small German vocabulary upon them, they immediately clammed up, and flushed as red as the instructors ski hat!
    Oh how sweet it is !
    My mate was a traffic cop, married to a German and was fluent in the language, if with a Brummie accent !
    He pulled over a German trucker one day to check his tacho, docs & vehicle and though this bloke understood & spoke a little English he spoke German as he produced the required documentation, you know - usual stuff, "here's my licence" in English "you a******e" in German, so on and so forth.
    My mate let it go on and on then, having established some offences, prepared the ticket and issued it to the driver in fluent German along with lengthy advice about showing proper respect to police officers and the potential consequences of public order offences for a foreign national if he didn't - he went an odd shade of white apparently !

    Another colleague is an ex Hong Kong Inspector, I was with him when he ordered a Chinese takeaway for scoff at work.
    After what he heard the manager saying about us he delivered him a similar dressing down in fluent Cantonese. They nearly had kittens - Priceless !

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  12. #262


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Helmut View Post
    I only learned German for one year at school, but later on in Austria I discovered that a surprising amount readily came back to me.

    While skiing in the Italian Alps, I found myself on a 3-seat chairlift with my Austrian instructor and an American tourist, who were conversing in German, ripping into the other members of my ski group, oblivious to the fact that I spoke, and understood, a little German!
    When I joined their conversation, "innocently" lavishing my small German vocabulary upon them, they immediately clammed up, and flushed as red as the instructors ski hat!
    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    Oh how sweet it is !
    My mate was a traffic cop, married to a German and was fluent in the language, if with a Brummie accent !
    He pulled over a German trucker one day to check his tacho, docs & vehicle and though this bloke understood & spoke a little English he spoke German as he produced the required documentation, you know - usual stuff, "here's my licence" in English "you a******e" in German, so on and so forth.
    My mate let it go on and on then, having established some offences, prepared the ticket and issued it to the driver in fluent German along with lengthy advice about showing proper respect to police officers and the potential consequences of public order offences for a foreign national if he didn't - he went an odd shade of white apparently !

    Another colleague is an ex Hong Kong Inspector, I was with him when he ordered a Chinese takeaway for scoff at work.
    After what he heard the manager saying about us he delivered him a similar dressing down in fluent Cantonese. They nearly had kittens - Priceless !
    Love it!

    I grew up in an area with a predominant Portuguese minority. Of course there was the usual stupid tension between them and the locals. A lot of my friends were Portuguese so I had heard it spoken quite a bit. Once just standing waiting in a line I was being insulted for no reason by several young guys. I could pick out the choice words. I just turned to them and smiled saying 'obrigado' (thank you) They were very quite after that. Not as sharp as your stories but it was satisfying at the time.

  13. #263


    I talk American real good.

    Here's to them what are like us. Damn few and they're all dead.

  14. #264



    Speak -Somewhat well
    Read -Very little
    Write -None

  15. #265


    Unfortunately i am a 'typical' American (that is, from the United States). I only know how to speak, read/write, English, but i try to learn phrases from other languages.

  16. #266


    German like a Nativ
    English allmost perfect

  17. #267


    Fluent in English. Conversationally fluent in Spanish.

  18. #268


    English good London variant
    Rubbish 100% effluent

  19. #269


    English and Franglish

  20. #270

    CaptainChip's Avatar
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    Read: Some
    Speak: Some
    Understand: Some
    Write: None

  21. #271


    Quote Originally Posted by camel crew View Post
    English good London variant
    Rubbish 100% effluent
    Readers of Shaw's Pygmalion know that there are many different varieties of London English. Which street accent?

  22. #272


    Read: Some
    Speak: Some
    Understand: Some
    Write: None
    Am trying hard to learn Irish myself, Brian, on Duo Lingo. Not the easiest I have to say. I have, now, a large phrase book in my head, but I doubt I could understand any fluent speaker if I tried! So yes, read, speak, understand, write, some

  23. #273

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    Yeah, it is difficult but it is very beautiful. Met someone who spoke it fluently at one of my reenactments.

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