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Thread: A new air war video game: Scramble, battle of Britain

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    Default A new air war video game: Scramble, battle of Britain

    I’ve played WoG for more than a year. As a beta tester, I also was recently able to test a new video game in development : Scramble, battle of Britain.

    Those two games share a lot in common while not being the same. As I see it, Scramble has everything to become a great game. So I decided to let you know of it in this post.

    Those games have in common to be tactical turn-based dogfighting wargames in which the players (and optionally an AI/bots) can fly several planes, first planning their maneuvers at the same time (WEGO), then watching their planes move and fire.

    As its name implies it, Scramble is about the Battle of Britain. But if the success is there and if enough people demanded it (and are vocal enough), there could be a WWI variant in the future (but also other planes and time periods too, such as WW2 planes from France, the USA…).

    From my point of view, the main differences between WoG and Scramble are, apart from the technology (miniatures vs 3D models), that in Scramble :
    - you will really deal with the 3rd dimension (altitude),
    - trajectories are more freely defined by the player,
    - you’ll be able to manage an RAF squadron as a Squadron leader.

    Of course, this is not to say that one game is ‘better’ than the other. But chances are high that a WoG fan (like me) who likes video games will like playing Scramble too.

    This game will be available on Steam. You can already read its description here :

    The blue and red ribbons you'll see on the pics are the trajectories of the planes.

    A demo that anybody will be able to download and play freely will be available from June the 10th to 17th on Steam during the ‘Steam Next Fest Demo!’ on this page.

    Here is a video of the developer speaking of his game with alpha footage :
    Last edited by Le Piaf; 05-18-2024 at 22:46.

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