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View Poll Results: When is your DIY plane "perfect enough"?

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  • I buy blank planes and I play with them unpainted. As long as the mini is on the table, it's fine!

    2 1.94%
  • I paint my planes as I like it, historical accuracy isn't important.

    12 11.65%
  • I paint them to a historical standart, but I add details to separate planes between them.

    42 40.78%
  • I love history and will detail my planes as closely as possible to historical standards.

    42 40.78%
  • I build all the planes from a specific squadron or JaSta, with all the bells and whistles

    2 1.94%
  • You can take a picture of my plane and say it was taken in 1917. (and they'll believe you!)

    3 2.91%
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Thread: When is your DIY plane "perfect enough"?

  1. #51


    Imperfection is the perfection of life. I'm scared of perfection. When you at perfection, perfection looks back at you and you always lose.
    I paint my planes to create my imperfect stories.

  2. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by Blackronin View Post
    Imperfection is the perfection of life. I'm scared of perfection. When you at perfection, perfection looks back at you and you always lose.
    I paint my planes to create my imperfect stories.
    In the Islamic religion they believe that only God makes things perfect, and thus always put a slight mistake into anything they make.
    that's good enough for me. Well It's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  3. #53


    I usually go too far on little details only I will know are there. It is difficult to stop as there is always something more you can do. Mostly I paint historical schemes but not a specific pilot. (I'm sure I will at some point) I try to make each one better than the last or try a new scheme I haven't tried before to develope a new technique. I'm happy with how my green streaked Fokker DIIs came out so I will definitely try more like that, but refining the technique and final look.
    I enjoy my own custom planes I paint for my wife and myself.

  4. #54


    I paint squadrons/flights, but not to any kind of "perfect" standard.
    With well over 500 minis now, I won't even ATTEMPT rigging any of them!

    I'm more than happy to play with/against any painted minis or figures, however rudimentary the paint job, but recoil in horror from unpainted ones!
    "Silver Legions" in demonstration games at conventions, rows of beautifully painted figures on glaring white plasticard bases, gorgeously painted and based figures on a blank fibreglass table top with unformed and unpainted terrain features: all are anathema for me.

    At least make a reasonable effort - have some PRIDE in your display games!!!!!!

  5. #55


    Continually humbled by quality of the art produced by members... I have yet to take the plunge, but I'm hopefully working myself up to giving it a go.

  6. #56



    One thing I have learned in my years of modeling experience is that there is always someone that can take it to the next level of realism. My first ever WnW kit was scary having seen the level of detail other modelers took it to and I really felt I couldn't do the kit justice (they really are amazing!) however I found that many of these pro builders are more than happy to share the techniques and 'secrets' more often than not posting tutorials on their blogs of forums.

    One thing I have learned though is that like any 'Art' or 'Mechanical' related hobby, having the right tools of a good or high standard is essential for the overall finish of the job.

  7. #57

    matt56's Avatar May you forever fly in blue skies.

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    After painting miniatures for years, I realized long ago that I need to paint them until I'm happy with them - once upon a time that went to pretty extreme lengths. With these lovely little planes, I find myself enjoying painting them to a certain level of detail, but then realizing that they are, after all, gaming pieces - that tends to rein me in a little.

    I really appreciate what you do, James, and those of you out there whose work is so inspirational. And Zoe, that Belgian Camel is a must-paint! I already want to do a couple of American No. 17 Squadron Camels, but I'll definitely pick up a couple of extras to do that one and another Belgian Camel - unless I can find Oelschlager's somewhere...thanks for sharing such a lovely profile!

    Always the best,

  8. #58


    I try to paint as much as historical as it can be done, but without historymania. Often is impossible to recreate all details or find data you need for particular painting scheme you like. So I stick to known standards in general, but with a sprinkle of improvisation.

  9. #59


    The last option is actually deceptive as you don't have to paint a historically perfect model to make it look like its from the era

  10. #60



    I try to make them as true as possible but, as many already has pointed out, it is hard to make all details totaly accurate.

  11. #61



    Quote Originally Posted by matt56 View Post
    they are, after all, gaming pieces
    So true, Matt.

  12. #62


    I paint them to look right for the period, but not always to be a representation of a specific aircraft.

    Grins, I've flown against multiple Voss's and once against four Red Barons all in triplanes in the past.
    And I admit I love making up my own squadron or jasta complete with daft pilot names.
    Current Belgian pilot is called - Horst Van Rintal

  13. #63


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    I paint them to a historical standard, but I add details to separate planes between them.

    I only repaint Official and have never delved into the world of Shapeways and the like. Sometimes I am restricted in terms of real historical accuracy by the decals I have available.

    Ten years of building 1/72 WW2 aircraft construction kits has taught me for example what the cammo patterns on Supermarine Spitfires look like - in other instances this background has taught me which shades of paint are better in comparison with others. But when I discovered Wings of Glory in February 2015 my interest in WW2 aviation desperately needed to change direction and become re-inspiring again: In February 2015 this happened for sure!

  14. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Aussietonka View Post
    Sometimes I am restricted in terms of real historical accuracy by the decals I have available.

    These are all homebrewed decals, what ones do you need?


  15. #65


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    What a terrific line-up of there Zoe - Currently after German Junkers Ju-87 Stuka and Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm normal / Pacific decals. Previously improvising from 1/72 scale decals and careful repainting

  16. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by Aussietonka View Post
    What a terrific line-up of there Zoe - Currently after German Junkers Ju-87 Stuka and Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm normal / Pacific decals. Previously improvising from 1/72 scale decals and careful repainting
    Like these?


  17. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by Carl_Brisgamer View Post
    If it looks good at arm's length then it's good enough to be on the gaming table.

    Having said that there is no denying the satisfaction generated by the 'Ohhhs' and 'Ahhhs' that accompany deployment of well painted miniatures.

  18. #68

  19. #69

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    For me its a hobby...and Im coming from Warhammer 40.000
    There is a MUST to paint, otherwise its not allowed to play.
    No Warhammer anymore (except Space Hulk) but A LOT of colors I have
    My WoG planes is a nice hobby....and I love the old Bi-Planes.Unfortunately there are not many movies available (no matter if historical correct or not, e.g. I like the Flyboys movie)
    I like to print them and search for a nice paintschema. Then Im trying to copy this to my model
    If not I lost a bit of time and resin. So I will try again

    For myself my models are nerver perfect. I always dream of adding this or that. But i know my abilities and what I can do (some of my friends are real artists in miniatures painting, their models are absolutley great)...and without magnifiying glasses its impossible to do anything
    My wife likes it (except it tooks too much space).....and they are figurines for a game. They will be touched.

    And its not only the planes.....I love to add all other things as 3D parts. As many as possible (Balloons, targets, FLAK, Card Holders, etc....)

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