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Thread: BoB 2020 Campaign: D-2. May 29th.

  1. #1

    Default BoB 2020 Campaign: D-2. May 29th.

    Operating out of an advanced airfield near Brussels JG51 Gruppe 1 commanded by Theo Osterkamp. Oberst Osterkamp had temporarily handed over command to Hauptmann Muncheburg as he had a serious leg injury which stopped him from flying.

    With the Battle for France in the end phase and the B.E.F. and remnants of French and Belgian units holding a bulging line from Zeeland to Abbeville the Luftwaffe were mopping up enemy air units still active.

    Haptmann Muncheburg sat in his deck chair outside his tent.

    The front was moving so fast his squadron were operating from temporary airfields. They had arrived yesterday.

    Intelligence reports indicated that there was an RAF airfield within operational range. He intended to send two aircraft, low level to strike the airfield. Surprise was paramount.

    “You sent for us sir” Oberleutnant Karl Ebbinghausen saluted smartly.
    “Yes, have a look here” he pointed to a location on the map in front of him. “Reports indicate an RAF airfield still operating in this sector. Take Noack. Low level all the way. Surprise them, hit them and destroy anything that can fly. Questions?”
    “None, Hauptmann”.
    “Good, study the map, take off in 15 minutes. Don’t be late back. We have liberated a nice juicy French pig and 2 crates of champagne. Dinner will be early tonight.”

    Ebbinghausen saluted smartly and took note of the location of the airfield.

    15 minutes later both Noack and himself were airborne, flying at 60 feet.

    RAF Airfield
    “OK chaps, most of the ground crew are heading for Dunkirk and we have these 3 Fairey Battles left to fly out. So I’m leaving 2 Hurricanes behind to act as escort whilst the remainder of the squadron are heading for the area south of Dunkirk as there are reports of bombers heading that way. One of the flak crews have volunteered to cover the take off, then they too will bug out. Questions. No. Right lets get off.”

    The squadron was airborne in less than 5 minutes heading north east, looking for German bombers. The Fairey Battles were finishing refuelling and the Hurricane was warming up ready to take off. Suddenly the air raid siren screamed out. The flak crew were pointing as two black shapes could be seen in the far distance. The crew loaded their guns and prepared to cover the Battles. A Hurricane had already taken off acting as a close air patrol and was circling overhead as the 2nd Hurricane started to taxi as the two black shapes got bigger.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails muncheburg relaxing 6.jpg   relaxing before take off 5.jpg  
    Last edited by Lt. S.Kafloc; 04-18-2020 at 16:55.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  2. #2


    JG51 Gruppe 1

    Location: Classified

    21st May 1940

    Haptmann Muncheburg sat in his deck chair outside his tent.

    “You sent for us sir” Oberleutnant Karl Ebbinghausen saluted smartly.

    “Yes, have a look here” he pointed to a location on the map in front of him. “Reports indicate an RAF airfield still operating in this sector. Take Noack. Low level all the way. Surprise them, hit them and destroy anything that can fly. Questions?”

    “None, Hauptmann”.

    “Good, study the map, take off in 15 minutes. Don’t be late back. We have liberated a nice juicy French pig and 2 crates of champagne. Dinner will be early tonight.”

    Ebbinghausen saluted smartly and took note of the location of the airfield.

    15 minutes later both Noack and himself were airborne, flying at 60 feet.

    Both pilots waved at each other as the 109’s screamed in at low level.

    Banking above the airfield the patrolling hurricane pilot spotted two black specks and knew what it was.

    “Bingo, Bingo, Bingo…….tally ho…….2 bandits to south……angels low……closing fast”.

    The air raid siren sounded its wail and the defenders sprang to life. The Fairey Battles were still under light cameoflage netting but the 2nd hurricane pilot had jumped into his plane and was even now getting ready to take off.

    “Erich split left at the airfield, I’ll split right”.

    Erich banked left and fired at the hurricane beginning its take off run

    The 109’s screamed in all guns blazing. Karl damaged an aircraft hidden under cam nets then banked right.

    The airborne hurricane climbed, flipped over and screamed back towards the airfield as Erich banked right trying his best to take down the charmed hurricane that so far was eluding all his bullets.

    Karl had destroyed one parked aircraft and was heading round to strafe the rest of the line when bullets thudded into his banking 109. He looked right as the hurricane flashed past banking right to come round at him again.

    Karl pressed on, lining up and firing at the parked aircraft. The last aircraft blew up. Ha, fuel tank, Gut. He thought to himself. The Hurricane had turned and was now coming at him over the low hangar rooftops.

    Erich watched the Hurricane pilot climb steadily into the air as his canon shells slammed into it. The hurricane pilot banked left and Erich cut inside the turn and blasted the hurricane to bits. HE looked over his right shoulder as the stricken hurricane slammed into the ground.

    Erich could see Karl was in a spot of trouble and kept turning until the other hurricane was in his sights. Karl immelled round and fired at the hurricane. His shells hit home and the Hurricane trailed smoke.

    Erich was too far away and Karl flying in the wrong direction to pursue as the hurricane limped away.

    With the parked aircraft destroyed or damaged and 1 kill the pair headed back for champagne and sizzling pork.

    The 2 109’s circled the temporary airfield and came into land. Erich’s wheels touched first, Karl, a second or two behind screamed in horror as the undercarriage failed and his 109 ploughed into the field.

    A few days later German ground troops overran the airfield and Erich and Karl went to see their handywork.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails initial pic.jpg   cap 1.jpg   IMG_20200418_223959.jpg   IMG_20200418_223321.jpg   IMG_20200418_223448.jpg  

    109 down.jpg   IMG_20200418_225241.jpg   IMG_20200418_225343.jpg   IMG_20200418_230810.jpg   IMG_20200418_224539.jpg  

    IMG_20200418_224824.jpg   IMG_20200418_225110.jpg   IMG_20200418_231350.jpg   destroyed aircraft 2.jpg  
    Last edited by Lt. S.Kafloc; 04-19-2020 at 03:11.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  3. #3


    1. You can tell I haven't played in a while. Taking B damage chits for A damage chits! Exchanged the zero A chits for zero C chits. Re drew the damage on the first parked aircraft and drew a zero C chit so disregard the 4 A chit.

    2. All the combat was at low level.

    3. Did a landing roll for Karl as his 109 was badly damaged. (optional rules)

    Butchers Bill:

    2 parked Fairey Battles destroyed, 3rd badly damaged..
    1 Hurricane shot down.

    Oberleutnant Karl Ebbinghausen: RTB/13 damage
    Landing: Rolled a 6-2 (50-75% damage) +1 evasive pilot skill = 5 injured, rolled 1 (miss 1 scenario)

    Oberleutnant Erich Noack: RTB/1 kill
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_20200418_232121.jpg   IMG_20200418_232343.jpg   IMG_20200418_232357.jpg  
    Last edited by Lt. S.Kafloc; 04-19-2020 at 02:39.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  4. #4


    So F.O.D. cleared from runway, 1st mission completed full AAR tomorrow. Pics added to post 1.

    See you on the Dark Side......

  5. #5


    A bit of a marathon getting this all played, photographed and written up.

    See you on the Dark Side......

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by Skafloc View Post
    A bit of a marathon getting this all played, photographed and written up.

    Nice result though. So it was worth .

    I get also sometimes tired in the end of missions with many aircraft to handle ..

  7. #7


    The marathon was the time to get it actually on the table. Just seemed to get it going and the table was requisitioned by SWMBO.

    Flying multiple aircraft this time was easy, I've flown 15-17 in 1 WW2 Pacific game and at least the same probably more in at least 1 WW1 game.

    I just love bigger games.


    PS: This is the score from the WW1 game.

    Sous Lt Fernand Aloys Thieffrey: Shot down. Pilot wounded. rolled 8-1(wound) bruised misses 1 mission.
    Sous Lt Maximiilian Alphonse Jacquet : 1 damage, struts minor damage. RTB. (pic 323 is an extra 8 damage on this plane I missed)
    Sous Lt Constant Raymond (rep): 3 damage. RTB.
    Sous Lt Henri Buchard: Shot down. Pilot wounded. Explosion. rolled 6-3 (exp)-1 (wnd)=2 KIA.
    Sous Lt Damian Gragette: 5 damage. RTB.
    Sous Lt Robert Hullais: 7 damage. Pilot Wounded. rolled 4-1(wnd)+3 (airfield)=6, rolled 2=miss 1 mission.
    2Lt Walter Wilson: No damage. RTB.
    Capt Kenneth Grayson: Shot down. Pilot Wounded. Explosion. rolled 3-3 (exp)-1(wnd)=-1 KIA.
    Sous Lt Georges Portron (rep): Shot down. In flames. rolled 6=injured rolled 6=misses 3 missions.
    Sous Lt Groerges Barcat (rep): Shot down. Pilot wounded. 1 kill. rolled 10-1 (wnd)=9 lands well.
    Sous Lt Marcel Hauss (rep): Shot down. In flames. rolled 6=bruised, rolled 5=misses 3 missions.
    Lt Richard 'Daisey' Butterworth (rep)(Camel red v): shot down. Pilot killed
    Sous Lt Antoine Cardon (rep): shot down. 16 damage.Pilot ok. rolled 8=bruised=Miss 1 mission
    Sous Lt Pierre Cayol (rep): shot down. 20 damage. Pilot wounded. rolled 7-1(wnd)=6, rolled 5=Miss 3 missions.
    Sous Lt Honore de Bonard (rep): shot down. 15 damage. Pilot badly burned. Retired.
    2Lt Harold 'Jugs' Pinter (rep)Camel Hearts: 8 damage. RTB.
    2Lt Donald 'Aussie' Roogh (rep) Camel circles 10 damage. Pilot wounded. rolled 10-1(wnd)+3(landed airfield)= 12 RTB.
    RE8 Sous Lt Antoine Blanc (rep) and Sous Lt Pierre Leroy Buisson (rep): 2 damage RTB. 1 kill (Buisson)

    OLt Karl Bolle: Shot down. rolled 9+2(ace)=11=RTB.
    Fw Ernst Boreman: 5 damage. RTB. 1 balloon.
    2Lt Freidrich Dausmann (rep): 4 damage. RTB. 2 Kills.
    Lt Hermann Vallendor: Pilot wounded. 7 damage. rolled 5-1(wnd)+3(airfield)=7 bruised=miss 1 mission. RTB.
    Lt Richard Plange (white crosses): 9 damage. RTB.
    2 Lt Karl Erlich (rep) (Black white red): 10 damage. RTB. 1 kill
    2 Lt Wilhelm Fraumann (rep)(yellow/white/yellow): 4 damage. RTB. 2 kills.
    2 Lt Jan Kirlmun (rep)(Yellow K): 2 damage.RTB. 1 kill
    Alb 1 2 Lt Manfred Hummel (rep): 23 damage. Blown apart by archie. Pilot KIA. 1 kill
    Alb 2 2 Lt Johannes Freiburg (rep): 15 damage. Pilot wounded. rolled 7-1=6, rolled 1 miss 1 mission. Escaping enemy territory rolled 2-1(wnd)=Captured. POW. 1 kill
    Alb 3 2 Lt Joachim Fastbender (rep): 10 damage. Pilot wounded. rolled 2-2(2 wnds)=makes a hash of landing and kills himself flipping aircraft over. 1 balloon. 1 kill
    2-seater 1 Lt Jacob Hassenhirn/Cpl Hans Alofft: 2 damage RTB.
    2-seater Lt Willhelm Schnitzel/Lt Otto Bumsen: 6 damage. RTB. 1 AA gun 2 trench mg’s. 1 kill (|Schnitzel)

    A pic from the Tulagi strike game:

    Quote Originally Posted by gutland View Post
    Nice result though. So it was worth .

    I get also sometimes tired in the end of missions with many aircraft to handle ..
    Last edited by Lt. S.Kafloc; 04-19-2020 at 05:06.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  8. #8

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    These are really big

  9. #9


    Good start for your Falcons.(?) AA didn't seem to play a part in this one, luckily for you. Good job giving the RAF a bloody nose.

    Largest solo I've flown was 26 planes. Incredible battle. I loved it but it took a long time to play out!

  10. #10


    The airfield AA was very active but couldn't hit a barn door. Took over 60 photos, hard to decide what to include and what not too:

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_20200418_221747.jpg   IMG_20200418_224118.jpg  
    See you on the Dark Side......

  11. #11


    Good start for JG51
    Nice to see things from The Dark Side perspective at last.
    This campaign I have decided to go with the Brits for a change.
    WGF I have always played the side with the crosses.

    I like your idea for landing, but think it's just a bit harsh.
    I commented on your other post.

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