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Thread: Fire in the Skies 2020: Battle of Britain Campaign Rules

  1. #1

    Default Fire in the Skies 2020: Battle of Britain Campaign Rules

    Fire in the Skies Rules:

    1. The Campaign
    The Campaign simulates, through the completion of scenarios, the Battle of Britain from the Fall of France to the end of the Battle of Britain: Five main phases can be identified:

    • 26 June – 16 July: Störangriffe ("nuisance raids"), scattered small scale probing attacks both day and night, armed reconnaissance and mine-laying sorties. From 4 July, daylight Kanalkampf (The Channel Battles) against shipping.
    • 17 July – 12 August: daylight Kanalkampf attacks on shipping intensify through this period, increased attacks on ports and coastal airfields, night raids on RAF and aircraft manufacturing.
    • 13 August – 6 September: Adlerangriff ("Eagle Attack"), the main assault; attempt to destroy the RAF in southern England, including massive daylight attacks on RAF airfields, followed from 19 August by heavy night bombing of ports and industrial cities, including suburbs of London.
    • 7 September – 2 October: The Blitz commences, main focus day and night attacks on London.
    • 3–31 October: large scale night bombing raids, mostly on London; daylight attacks now confined to small scale fighter-bomber Störangriffe raids luring RAF fighters into dogfights.

    The Campaign management comprehends only two aspects: Squadron maintenance and pilot evolution.

    1.1. Allied vs. Axis
    Each player chooses if he wants to belong to the Allies or to the Axis.
    Players choose 12 pilots that will pilot whatever models the players have available:
    1 Ace with one Ace ability and the Evasion Ability;
    3 Veteran pilots with the Evasion Ability;
    6 Standard pilots and;
    2 Rookies that have the "take two damage counters and choose the smaller Rookie Ability". Rookies stop being rookies after combat missions where they successfully fire against the enemy or shoot down a plane and gain a total of 5XP.

    1.2. Pilot Evolution
    Pilots that survive battles and take down enemy planes evolve during the campaign.
    A pilot gains abilities and loses the rookie ability by flying missions and taking down planes.
    Each successful mission flown gives the pilot 1 Experience Point (XP). Successful missions are those where the pilot is not shot down and fires with success against at least one enemy plane.
    Each plane shot down gives the pilot 2 Experience Point.

    1.3. Squadron Management
    This is pretty straightforward. Here we manage what happens to wounded pilots, shot down planes and replacements.

    1.3.1. Start up squadron crew skills remain as they are ie ACE Evasion + 1 Skill, Vet Evasion, Rookie = Rookie.
    1.3.2. Rookies progress to standard after gaining 5 XP's from successful missions.
    1.3.3. Standard Pilots/Crew progress to Veteran after gaining 10 XP's from successful missions. Bonus gains evasion/hard as nails respectively.
    1.3.4. To qualify to be an ACE and have a free choice of ACE skill its the same as OTT every 5 kills.
    5. Replacement pilots/crew using the following start with the skills indicated:

    1.4. Pilot Replacement Table (roll 1D6)
    1-3 Rookie with Rookie ability
    4 Standard
    5 - Veteran
    6 - Roll again: 1-2 Standard, 3-5 Veteran + evasion, 6 - Ace with 1 ace ability + evasion

    1.5. Crew Replacement Table (roll 1D6)
    1-3 Rookie with Rookie ability
    4 Standard
    5 - Veteran
    6 - Roll again: 1-2 Standard, 3-5 Veteran + perfect aim, 6 - Ace with ace ability sniper + hard as nails

    1.6 Replacement pilot and plane will arrive (1D6):
    1-3 - In time for the next battle;
    4-5 - After the end of the next battle;
    6 - Not in time to take part of the action (scratch one plane from your squadron)

    1.7 Resolution of Crashes/Wounds etc:

    Roll 2D6

    Note can only bail out if peg height is 3+.

    Crashing/Bailing Out and wounded Effects Table: Roll 2d6

    2 or less - Dead!
    3 - Severely Injured - Skip 1D6+1 Scenarios then roll on table 1.8 for return
    4 - Badly Injured - Skip 1D6 Scenarios then roll on table 1.8 for return
    5 - Injured - Skip 1D3+1 Scenarios
    6 - Injured - Skip 1d3 scenarios
    7-8 - Concussed - Skip 1D2 Scenarios
    9 - Fuzzy head, Doctors orders - skip 1 Scenario
    10+ - All is well when you land well

    Modifiers to Crash dice roll:
    Ace: +1 (+ special see below)-----------Your pilots skill helps his landing
    Veteran: +1 -----------------------------Your pilots skill helps his landing
    Exploded: -4 -----------------------------Boom card drawn for any reason - overrides flamer/collision
    Flamer: -3 -------------------------------Downed by fire or downed whilst burning
    Collision: -2 ------------------------------Downed due to Collision
    Shot Down -1 ----------------------------Just shot to bits! (Not cumulative with the above)
    Wounded: -1 per wound ------------------Receive 2 wounds & you're shot down
    Rookie: -1---------------------------------Not like what the manual advised
    Bailing out: +1----------------------------Nothing like hitting the silk.
    Landed safely in Aerodrome: +3----------Made it !
    Crash landed in Enemy Territory/Sea -1 --Not the safest or smoothest place to land
    Failed exhaustion roll -2--------------------Too many missions to care

    Ace Special:
    To Crash landing/bail out add +1 to roll for any of the following skills:
    Acrobatic Pilot
    Exceptional Pilot
    Golden Touch
    Lucky Git

    Escaping Enemy Territory Table:
    4 or less - Captured! The war ended for this pilot...
    5 - Captured and escaped! - Skip 1D3+1 Scenarios
    6 - In hiding! - Skip 1D3 Scenarios
    7 - Almost home - skip 1d2 scenarios
    8 - The last hurdle! - Skip 1 Scenario
    9+ - Lucky break helpful natives or ship/plane/sub picks you up!

    Modifiers to the EE dice roll:
    Flamer: -1 (smoke of your aircraft's funeral pyre draws unwanted attention)
    Wounded: -1 per wound (Includes wound sustained from crash ie a crash result between 3 or 8 = -1WIC)
    Bailed out: -1 due to canopy being observed.
    Behind enemy lines: -2
    In Sea: -1 (Cumulative with above)

    A sea landing is penalised in both and is cumulative with being Behind enemy lines for E&E calculation.

    To Clarify:
    You need only roll on aircraft that crash for any reason or wounded pilots in any circumstance or a combination of both.
    Planes that get off the table are presumed RTB unless they are on fire with chits still to draw, in which case those chits are drawn and result applied, if they survive they are RTB if not they are flamers and kill can be awarded.

    Butchers Tally Example:

    Pilots name / what happened to them & where / injuries / Victories

    eg: Lt Stan Deasey / SD ET / WIA / 1 Kill

    Use this to help calculate what happens to them & write it out eg:

    Crash: Rolled 9 -1SD -1WIA = 7 concussed - Skip 1D2 Scenarios. Rolled 4 = Skip 2
    E&E: Rolled 12 -2BEL -1WIA -1WIC = 8 last hurdle = skip 1! Total Skips 3

    RTB- Returned to base (-E = engine damage, -W = Pilot wounded, -D = severe damage)
    SD - Shot down
    EXP - Shot down Boom card
    COL - Downed by Collision
    FLM - Shot down flamer
    WIA - Wounded in Action (ie shot)
    WIC - Wounded in Crash
    KIA - Killed
    FT - Friendly Territory
    ET - Enemy Territory
    S - Sea (well someone's bound to !) [/B]

    1.8 Wounded Pilots returning to base or for severely/badly injured pilots after missed scenarios: (roll 1D6):
    1 - Out of Action for good
    2 - Out of Action for 2 Scenario
    3 - Out of Action for 1 scenario
    4-6 - Just a Scratch. Some iodine and he's ready for action.

    Each wound after the first -1
    Plane went down in flames but pilot survived -2

    (Added an 'out of action for good' to the wounds table & did away with the pilot modifiers - flash)

    1.9 Probables:
    If an aircraft that has engine/smoke/fire damage ongoing when it breaks off & it has to return over the sea then the pilot causing the engine/fire/smoke etc may claim a probable.
    Such damaged aircraft roll 1D6 - on a 1 they ditch - Roll on the Shot Down Table.

    (For wounded pilots, engine damage, 50% or more damage)

    ..4...MISS 1 SCENARIO.......................
    ..5...PULLED FROM SEA OK.....................

    +1 Ace (+ special see below)
    +1 Vet
    -1 Rookie
    -1 +50% damage
    -1 Engine damage
    -2 +75% damage
    -3 1HP remaining
    -1 damaged Carrier

    Ace Special:
    To ditching add +1 to roll for any of the following skills:
    Acrobatic Pilot
    Exceptional Pilot
    Golden Touch
    Lucky Git

    Please remember to use the Butchers Tally format at the end of your AAR as it makes the admin much easier:

    Pilots name / what happened to them & where / injuries / Victories
    eg: Lt Stan Deasey / SD ET / WIA / 1 Kill

    RTB- Returned to base
    SD - Shot down
    EXP - Shot down Boom card
    COL - Downed by Collision
    FLM - Shot down flamer
    WIA - Wounded
    KIA - Killed
    FT - Friendly Territory
    ET - Enemy Territory
    S - Sea (well someone's bound to !)

    Note: Failure to do so will result in your game stats going unrecorded, kills unconfirmed
    Last edited by Lt. S.Kafloc; 03-08-2020 at 15:18.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  2. #2


    Ace Abilities for Solo Missions

    Acrobatic Pilot
    (Players and AI's)
    This pilot may perform a non-straight manoeuvre after a reverse manoeuvre. When you use this ability, take five Recovery counters.

    (Players only)
    This pilot may perform two steep manoeuvres in succession. Take four Recovery counters when you execute the second steep manoeuvre.

    Exceptional Pilot
    (Players only)
    This pilot can use the Reverse Manoeuvre card twice in a row. Use the Exceptional Pilot counter to remember that you will make another Reverse Manoeuvre card. If two Reverse Manoeuvre cards are performed in succession, take four Recovery counters after the second manoeuvre.

    Golden Touch
    This pilot is gifted at dificult landings when his aircraft is badly damaged. Use only when attempting a landing with 50% or greater damage or when bailing out/crash landing.

    (Players and AI's)
    This pilot may choose to ignore a single damage token during the game, after drawing and seeing it. The ignored token is shuffled back into its group. To remember that this skill has been used, turn its token face-down.

    Good at Escaping
    (Players and AI's)
    This skill is useful only when the Tailing optional rule is in use. This pilot’s plane may not be tailed unless the tailing plane’s pilot also is an ace with the Good at Escaping skill.

    Super Ace
    (Players and AI's)
    The player discards two counters from each of the pilot’s skills after each manoeuvre, rather than just one.

    Perfect Aim
    (Players and AI's)
    When firing, this crewman may choose to have his opponent take an additional “A” token of damage, even if he did not shoot at the same plane
    in the previous firing phase. You must decide to use this ability before your opponent draws damage counters. This ability has no effect if you are using the Aim optional rule and the ace did shoot the same plane in the previous phase. When you use this ability, take three Recovery counters.

    (Players and AI's)
    When this ace fires at an enemy plane, he tends to hit a bull’s-eye. When he fires, he may partially choose one of the damage tokens that his opponent has to draw. Instead of his opponent drawing the selected token, the player controlling the sniper draws two of the tokens with the selected letter, looks at them, gives the one of his choice to his opponent, and places the other back among the others, reshuffling them.
    If the opponent had to draw multiple damage tokens, he draws the other tokens normally. When you use this ability, take four Recovery counters.

    Itchy Trigger Finger
    (Players and AI's)
    Aces with this ability may resolve their firing before other crewmen. If they do, all the damage that they cause is resolved before the simultaneous fire of crewmen who do not have the Itchy Trigger Finger skill. If the target plane is shot down, it does not get to fire (unless it is manned by another ace with Itchy Trigger Finger). When you use this ability, take four Recovery counters. Aces with this ability may choose to fire normally (to avoid taking Recovery
    counters) and may fire normally when their Itchy Trigger Finger skill has Recovery counters on it.

    Always coming Home
    Pilot's Only
    When crashes, the Pilot will always find a way to return home to the aerodrome. He has a +3 bonus when rolling for bailing out and escaping.
    Only one of your pilots may have this ability; it doesn't count as an 'ace abilty' but rather an inherent ability of the selected pilot from his start in the campaign.

    Lucky Git
    (Players and AI's)
    The first damage chit from the current turn that the player or AI draws is taken following these rules: take two damage chits of the appropriate colour. If the chits don't have special damage, use the one with smaller damage on in. If any of the chits have special damage, use that chit. If both chits have special damage, return both chits to the chit cup - no damage is dealt.

    Hard as Nails
    (Players and AI's)
    The first pilot wounded chit doesn't have any effect. Flesh wound! The second is treated as the first normal wound and the third will incapacitate/kill the pilot as per rules.

    Rookie Ability
    (Players and AI's)
    When being shot by a rookie, the player takes two damage counters per damage counter he receives and choose the smaller one. Rookies stop being rookies and become standard pilots after 2 combat missions where they successfully fire against the enemy or when they shoot down a plane.

    Perfect Bombardier:
    When a bomb card falls on a target, if the bomb card does not cover the red dot at its centre but it is within a rulers width of it, consider it as if it covers the red dot.
    Last edited by Lt. S.Kafloc; 04-09-2020 at 13:48.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  3. #3


    Link to BoB 2020 Squadron roster spreadsheet
    See you on the Dark Side......

  4. #4


    Here is a simplified scenario generator if you're stuck. These can be amended and played at any time. They are not perfect and may contain glitches. If you use them and find something is not quite right let me know with how you think it should be played and I can amend it if required.


    Scenario Generation:
    This Scenario Generator is heavily based on Andrzej's Scenario Generator and only has some minor modifications for WW2. Use it, amend it have fun with it.
    All rolls are made with 1D10. Easily changed to 1D6 if someone needs to.
    Check if the enemy flight is led by an ace pilot:
    0-2: ace pilot is present.
    Check what type of ace he is:
    0-5: 1 random skill 6-8: 2 random skills 9: 3 random skills
    1. Who is the Attacker?(1D10)
    0-4 - Luftwaffe
    5-9 - RAF

    2. Your flight consists of...
    0: your plane only.
    1-6: you and a wingman.
    7-8: you and two wingmen.
    9: you and three wingmen.

    3. Attacker's Mission assignment:
    0-3: Interception of enemy planes.
    4-6: Patrol over the Channel.
    7-9: Patrol over land.
    3.1. Interception of enemy plane (Attacker and Defender).
    What will you encounter?
    0-4: Attacker and defender: enemy fighter flight.
    5-7: Attacker: Escorting recon flight. Defender: Intercepting recon flight.
    8-9: Attacker: Escorting Bomber flight. Defender: Intercepting Bomber flight.

    Enemy flight consists of...
    0: 2 plane.
    1-7: 3 planes
    8-9: 4 planes.

    3.2. Patrol over the Channel (Attacker and Defender).
    What will you encounter?
    0-4: enemy fighter flight.
    5-7: enemy recon flight.
    8-9: enemy bombing flight.

    Enemy fighter flight consists of...
    0: 1 plane.
    1-7: 2 planes
    8-9: 3 planes.

    Enemy recon or bomb flight consists of...
    0-4: 1 2 engine or bombing plane,
    5-8: 2 2 engine or bombing planes.
    9: 3 2 engine or bombing planes.

    Is it escorted?
    0-5: No escorts.
    6: 1 fighter.
    7-8: 2 fighters.
    9: 3 fighters.

    Where do you meet the enemy flight?
    0-3: 3 rulers ahead.
    4-7: 2 rulers on your side, no matter right or left.
    8-9: 2 rulers behind you.

    Enemy is heading...
    Recon planes and bombers – always straight to your side of the playing area.

    Fighter patrol:
    0-4: toward your flight.
    5-9: the same direction as your flight.
    If the enemy flight is behind you, it always heads toward your planes.

    3.3.1. Patrol over land (Attacker).
    What will you encounter?
    0-5: Searchlight position. (Light AA - Destroy 6 positions)
    6-8: Radar Site. (Light AA and Heavy AA - Destroy 3 guns)
    9: Train. (Destroy Train)

    Enemy fighter flight defending consists of...
    0: 1 plane.
    1-7: 2 planes
    8-9: 3 planes.

    3.3.2. Patrol over land (Defender).
    What will you defend?
    0-5: Searchlight. (Light AA - Defend 6 positions)
    6-8: Radar Site. (Protect)
    9: Train. (Defend Train)

    Enemy fighter flight attacking consists of...
    0: 1 fighter and 1 two-seater.
    1-7: 2 fighters and 1 two-seater.
    8-9: 2 fighters and 2 two-seaters.

    At any time, the AI planes check if the are more than 1 ruler away from the enemy planes, if they are, they will move towards the closest target.
    See you on the Dark Side......

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