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Thread: Ambushed by Carrots

  1. #1

    Default Ambushed by Carrots

    Soviet ‘alert flight’ scramble to intercept incoming German fighters
    Players: 2 (Decks Z, 2xJ, K)

    Gaming Surface: Length: 150 cm (60in.) Width: 90cm (37in.), designate one short side the base side.

    Axis Player(s): 1 Bf 110, 2 rulers from the side opposite the base side. Altitude 0+2 climb. If you’re using the ace rules then you may have 1 special skill.

    Allied Players (s): 2 I-16 Type 10s, 1 I-16 Type 24, arranged at the base end pointing to one of the long sides, altitude 0.

    Rules Needed: Basic Rules, Take-offs, Ace Rules.

    Winning Conditions: Soviets win by taking down the Bf 110, the Axis side wins by destroying all 3 I-16’s.

    Variants: Add in AA for the allied player and up to 2 Bf 110E’s and more I-16's to taste.

    Historical Background: 11th July 1941, Shonguy (Just south of Murmansk, Northern Russia.)
    Since the Germans and Finns crossed the Russian border, the Luftwaffe had been working hard to establish air superiority as they had on the more southerly borders. One particular pilot, flying the Bf 110E-2 Zerstörer (M8+YE Stab/ZG 76), had started to carve out a reputation. Hptm. Gerhard Schaschke was nicknamed Ryzhyy (Carrots) by the Soviets and had started to accumulate a steady number of kills. Generally he’d work in collusion with wingmen flying Bf 109’s who would flush out targets whilst Schaschke would prowl along at tree top height waiting to pounce.
    On this day Schaschke and 2 others, 1./JG 77’s Rotte Oblt. Horst Carganico and Fw. Hugo Dahmer, where on a free hunt and brazenly attacked 145 IAP’s base at Shonguy. Carganico and Dahmer flow over the base as bait to tempt up the Soviets. This was answered by a Zveno of 3 4th Eskadrilya I-16’s command by Lt. Ishakov. As the I-16’s took off Schaschke came in at tree top height and took out both of Ishakov’s wingmen before he’d even noticed, Ishakov soon followed and despite baling out he was too low and his parachute failed to deploy on time. In the meantime Schaschke performed a victory roll over the base before heading home, Schascke would go on to claim 22 kills.
    Last edited by Stormkahn; 02-03-2011 at 22:48. Reason: Corrected 110 Deck

  2. #2



    So...did you actually get to try this? When I saw "carrots" in the title I thought maybe they were some new Iranian ground to air missile ;-0)

  3. #3


    I did try it out solo, it was very tight but does seem to hinge on the hits/ deck you use for the Bf110...the axis player should have taken down 1-2 of the VVS a/c before they really get into the fight. I use the Z deck from the files section and the 110 has 18 hits.




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