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Thread: David (Dr.I) vs. Goliath (SE5a)

  1. #1

    Default David (Dr.I) vs. Goliath (SE5a)

    After recently responding to the thread about our favorite pilots, I decided I wanted to recreate, in part, the historic match-up of Werner Voss in his Fokker tri-plane against the flight of SE5's. Since taking on more than one SE5 would be crazy, I scaled back the recreation to a one on one. My son initially refused to fly the mission, saying it was a total mismatch and he didn't feel right about it. However, after I threatened to never play with him again, he finally agreed.

    Here's how it unfolded . . .

    The lone Fokker Dr.I glided through the afternoon sky, searching for enemy aircraft. A shape emerged in the distance and quickly grew larger. The plane was moving too fast to be anything other than a Spad XIII or the dreaded SE5a. The Dr.I immediately breaks left in hopes of gaining an advantage of a right hand turning fight. As the enemy closes, his adversary is identified - the SE5a. The plane closes with amazing quickness and the two immediately exchange gunfire. The two planes pass and both simultaneously execute an Immelmann, and again bullets tear into each plane.

    The two planes maneuver like skilled dancers in the sky as the Dr.I attempts to stay in close while the speed of the SE5 keeps the Fokker from its goal. The two planes continue to pepper each other with bullets with neither plane seeming to gain the advantage. Finally, after a long range exchange of gunfire, the Dr.I gets a break!! He spots the SE5 pilot desperately hammering on his gun and sees his opportunity. He quickly executes an Immelmann so to catch the SE5 defensless. But much to his dismay the SE5 is already out of gun range as he comes out of his Immelmann!!

    Again the planes jocky for position, each looking for that one mistake from their enemy. With each plane suffering at least moderate damage, the battle intesifies. Both know a mistake could mean the end. The Dr.I is battered and full of holes, but the pilot is determined to continue the fight. He thinks at least some of his bullets have caused more than cosmetic damage, so he presses the fight.

    After more circling, the Dr.I banks hard right in a flat spin, pushes full throttle into an Immelmann, and finds himself closing on the enemy's six!! He fires, sending bullets tearing through the enemy tail section. Still, the SE5 flies on, seemingly ignorant of the damage. The planes again exchange fire and the Dr.I's engine sputters. Engine damage!! This does not deter the Fokker as it uses the stalling engine to it's advatage to keep the speeding SE5 at a distance.

    The dogfight continues on and by now both pilots are exhausted, having pushed their planes and bodies to their physical limits. The planes again circle, and the two find themselves turning into a head on pass, a situation the Dr.I had been avoiding. His plane has suffered heavy damage and the SE5, although moderately damaged itself, seems to be able to withstand tremendous punishment!! The two pilots, their planes converging mere yards from one another, stare into each others eyes as both pull the triggers. Bullets tear into both planes with horrifying sound!! The planes shudder from the impact of the near point blank exchange!! The Dr.I, it's engine already damaged, shakes violently as the engine bursts into flames. His plane is going down!! Battling flames and a sputtering engine, his plane goes into a dive. Despite the damage and the flames, the pilot manages to hold enough control of the plane to attempt a crash landing. With oil spraying his goggles, he desperately aims for what looks to be a clear patch of farmland. He holds the dive as long as he can in hopes that the SE5 will consider him dead and not pursue. The effort works and as the ground closes in he pulls up on the stick with all his remaining strength. The trusty Fokker responds with a groan and as it levels out hits hard into the ground. The plane bounces twice, three times and then noses over into the ground!!

    The pilot, battered, his arm and ribs broken from the impact, crawls from the wreckage. He's alive, but his plane is destroyed. He takes one last moment to glance upwards. The SE5, trailing smoke, circles once and then slowly limps home in victory. His brow furrows as he sees how close he was to victory and he vows to battle the speedy fighter again. Slowly he limps to the treeline. First he needs to get home . . .

    [Hunter flew the SE5 and I flew the Dr.I. It was one of the most enjoyable one on one dogfights I've ever played. The maneuverability of the Dr.I vs. the speed of the SE5. Battle notes - I suffered engine damage midway through the battle; Hunter suffered the only gun jam. On the final pass I had three points remaining while Hunter had 7. I drew a 2 (fire) and 2 and Hunter took 4 damage also. He limped home with only 3 health remaining. I can't wait to try this one again. Hunter had to admit that it wasn't nearly the mismatch that he had expected!]


  2. #2


    That is a COOL battle report! Has anyone else ever attempted to recreate historic dogfights?

  3. #3


    A well-written battle report! You and Hunter have some pretty epic battles.

    SE5as seem really popular among Allied players. We had two new guys join us last night at our FLGS and both tried SE5as. They liked them...though one player had a bit of difficulty with the speed and shot off the map unintentionally at one point.

  4. #4


    A superb account of what was obviously a near run thing. You must both gain much out of your sorties against each other. I know my sons and I do although they are much older than Hunter. Which reminds me, look out for the further adventures of Nigel Bouncer-Smythe after the weekend.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfbiter View Post
    ...though one player had a bit of difficulty with the speed and shot off the map unintentionally at one point.
    That sentence made me laugh right out loud at my computer!! Matter of fact, I'm still giggling about it as I write this! Something about envisioning the player and the look on his face as he shoots off the playing surface by mistake . . . classic!!


  6. #6


    Great AAR Scott! I look forward to the days when I can play against my son (5) and daughter (3) and fear being shot down! I have a soft spot for the good ol Fokker Dr.I and I feel confident that it can hold its own in the game with the S.E.5a. Keep having fun and let us know how the rematch turns out.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by rkhlegacy View Post
    Great AAR Scott! I look forward to the days when I can play against my son (5) and daughter (3) and fear being shot down! I have a soft spot for the good ol Fokker Dr.I and I feel confident that it can hold its own in the game with the S.E.5a. Keep having fun and let us know how the rematch turns out.
    Hi Ryan. I always like taking on the challenge of a supposed mismatch and like pushing my flying skills to the limits against a superior fighter. In this case, I loved the match-up. The slower, highly maneuverable but more fragile Dr.I against the sturdy, super fast and maneuverable SE5. I figured I could use the SE5's speed against it and rely on the Dr.I's great turning ability. As the dogfight unfolded, I realized it would take much more to down the SE5. We both flew our planes well but I came up just short of victory. I know the Dr.I can beat the SE5, and hopefully soon I'll have a write-up to prove it.

    Oh, and you're in for quite a treat when your kids are old enough to play. What a joy it is sharing this wonderful game with my son!! (even if I get shot down more often than not!!)


  8. #8


    Very Cool post.Well done!
    Once I played with my brother a similar dogfight with cards,so we used all the 7 SE5s involved(using some modified rules) but,as you can imagine,my Dr1 was shot down almost on the first turn!

  9. #9


    Fantastic report! I''m sure your son was starting to sweat a bit when you lined him up for a few shots...

    I'm also beginning to appreciate the slower planes. They are far more predictible and mistakes are easier to correct.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Von Pupp View Post
    Very Cool post.Well done!
    Once I played with my brother a similar dogfight with cards,so we used all the 7 SE5s involved(using some modified rules) but,as you can imagine,my Dr1 was shot down almost on the first turn!
    From my limited experience it even appears that survival in a 2v1 is almost impossible between evenly matched machines.

    Maybe I'll be able to convince my kids to take my Alb DIII on with a couple of
    Nieuports this evening.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Goering Ace View Post
    Hunter had to admit that it wasn't nearly the mismatch that he had expected!

    But I still won.
    Last edited by Aero825; 10-09-2010 at 08:29.

  12. #12


    Great write up and well done to Hunter on the win and making Captain . I have to admit the first time I used my SE 5A I over shot the table edge.

    But I'm slowly getting used to it now and have spent time working out moves and play testing them. I think my wife thinks it funny watching me working out where I'll end up after I've played all three cards.

    Cheers Aled

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Pope View Post
    Great write up and well done to Hunter on the win and making Captain .
    Thanks Aled! Being a Captain feels good.


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