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Thread: TFM Mission1: Where are we? The wasps start buzzing around (Nightbomber)

  1. #1

    Default TFM Mission1: Where are we? The wasps start buzzing around (Nightbomber)

    Rittmeister Wilhelm Schneider to his father:
    Lieber Vater. This is the first time I got some young Schlesier under my command. They are quite different from the rest of the pilots here and I am afraid I'll have to get used to them. I mean, they are not bad at all, but... you see, they do not follow our jokes. On the other hand they are quite reliable men and follow the orders without hesitation. The job must be done and they know it. However, I am not convinced they can turn out to be real fighters with imagination and spirit to stand the fights we are awaiting here. Just an example. Today I sent two of them, Schymalla a white 2 and Mainka a yellow 1, in their wasp-painted planes for a recon mission. They had to identify some landmarks around here. Just look what happened...

    Once they got over the nearby forest they entered the mission area. But on the horizon they reported two enemy scouts closing.

    They started to identify the landmarks immediately and individually.

    They reported the French Spads (if they reconed the EA well) were flying higher, trying to retain the altitude advantage.

    Since the danger from enemy planes was not imminent, they said they had been trying to go on with their duty.

    The French were just circling above them, didn't want to attack the Albatroses. That was strange.

    The boys almost completed their tasks without being interrupted.

    ...and only one landmark was left for Mainka to be identified...

    ...when things went terribly wrong. A hidden Anti Aircraft Artillery position was revealed. Mainka's plane got under heavy shell fire and started flaming!

    While Schymalla finished his job he started to fly for home, hoping the French fighters will not catch up with him and saw that Mainka also had turned his burning crate eastward.

    All in all Mainka also managed to bring the plane back to the aerodrome with only minor fire damage.

    The mission goal was reached, all 6 important landmarks were identified so the rest of the chaps will have a detailed map what is where down there. The machines and pilots returned home. The French fighters were not really aggressive. As the Schlesier said: the job had been done, Kommandeur, but I can get no satisfaction of their performance. I thought they would clash with enemy and bring some roundels back with them as souvenirs. But maybe I expect too much of them?

    By the way, could you believe Papa? The French started to paint their planes and now they start to look like parrots. Wespen und Papageien. And Bulldogs. We are going to have a nasty zoo here.

    Mission goals accomplished. No dogfight, no kills nor losses this time.

    Last edited by Nightbomber; 03-25-2013 at 16:35.

  2. #2


    The reason there was no fighting was the permanent altitude advantage the enemies tried to keep. It caused they had to get closer to a half ruler distance to get a chance for firing, but they did not manage to do it. When I decided to head for home, it was easy to dive and get away from them. I also prepared limited ammo option and every plane got 8 A cards in advance. But no one got in range through the whole game. Well, it was the mission to be accomplished and it was not a fighter sweep. The guys stayed alive to fly another day and Mainka smelled the burning crate gaining some experience points I forgot he should not have fly straights while on fire, but anyway, he would easily reach the map edge even sliding to both sides.

  3. #3


    Very instructive AAR. Having just started playing with the advanced rules, I found the altitude effect here informative, especially the option of diving when leaving to remain out of range - great stuff that I would never have thought of. Thanks for the tutorial.

    Nice dramatic AA recounting.

    I really like the letter writing of the commander to his father format, and great introduction of the Bulldog paint schemes.

    Congratulations on a successful mission and enjoyable write-up. See you in the mess.

  4. #4


    Huh. First time I've seen that.

    Surprised the French SPADs weren't able (or willing?) to engage... were the Wespe... er... Albatri too maneuverable? Perhaps the French were... simply there to observe as well?

    Either way, well flown! Any sortie you RTB from is a good one!

  5. #5


    The enemy were obviously on their own mission here. They probably could not identify what type of insect you were and left well alone when they recognised the sting you carried. Well flown, well executed and nice to have the boys back home alive and well.


  6. #6


    Well your new pilots learnt to complete the mission & not go out "Glory Hunting" so that at least shows some sensible restraint.
    I am sure their C.O. will whip them into shape & ease them into combat at the proper time.

    Very interesting AAR Andrezj & unusual in no dogfighting at all.

  7. #7


    Once more you've presented us with another entertaining AAR Andrzej

  8. #8


    Another entertaining AAR Andrzej We have used altitude rules for three years at my club, and the "dive for safety" tactic works 9 times out of 10 for us too

  9. #9


    First sortie over the new front section.

    The Wasps did their duty and find the needed informations.

    Good AAR, Andrzej!

    ...the new SPAD XIIIs look interesting.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Marechallannes View Post
    ...the new SPAD XIIIs look interesting.[/I]
    And that's about all they will do if they fail to engage !
    I had exactly the same problem in Mission 15, not only was it hard to get a shot but it was also hard to get them to change altitude when their opposition did so. Can't see their 'maintaining altitude advantage' as being advantageous !
    All very frustrating.
    Last edited by flash; 03-26-2013 at 02:54.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    Can't see their 'maintaining altitude advantage' as being advantageous !
    All very frustrating.
    I interpret this somewhat loosely... I assume that they maintain a climb counter advantage, if not an altitude level advantage... wherever appropriate. I also take into account their mission... if it's to engage, then they'll do what they can to do so.

  12. #12


    To get them to attack I sometimes take the dive option if there is a straight in the combo to get them near the action.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Skafloc View Post
    To get them to attack I sometimes take the dive option if there is a straight in the combo to get them near the action.
    I do the same... and reversals serve as a Split-S or Immelman, depending upon whether they need to dive or climb. I'm not so concerned about the AI kites performing illegal maneuvers... it increases their lethality and provides more of a challenge.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Skafloc View Post
    To get them to attack I sometimes take the dive option if there is a straight in the combo to get them near the action.
    The key word there is if - when I wanted/needed one (bearing in mind I'm on the other side) they did not come up so for me made it a rather poor game on the adversary front but unmolested on the bombing front ! Bitter sweet game I suppose

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by flash View Post
    The key word there is if - when I wanted/needed one (bearing in mind I'm on the other side) they did not come up so for me made it a rather poor game on the adversary front but unmolested on the bombing front ! Bitter sweet game I suppose
    A mixed blessing, to be sure, but one all the lads returned home from. So, in my estimation, a success!

    I guess it makes sense that the AI rules, despite being more than solid, will throw out an unusual combination of moves/events every so often

  16. #16


    Nice AAR there Andrzej!!!!!I think it very interesting, because do not have any fight, but anyway... it's great!!!


  17. #17


    Well written and a superb presentation.
    Great show. Thanks Andrzej.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by fast.git View Post
    A mixed blessing, to be sure, but one all the lads returned home from. So, in my estimation, a success!
    I guess it makes sense that the AI rules, despite being more than solid, will throw out an unusual combination of moves/events every so often
    That seems quite frequent with some types - had some crazy moves recently !
    Mind you, after the shellacking in mission 17 I don't blame the French for keeping their distance from pilots Andrzej fields !

  19. #19


    Thanks Dave But the result makes me reconsider the use of solo-altitude rules in further missions. I wonder how many of Campaigners here use them.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Nightbomber View Post
    Thanks Dave But the result makes me reconsider the use of solo-altitude rules in further missions. I wonder how many of Campaigners here use them.
    I use a hybrid, at best. The AI usually begin with the advantage, but that inevitably disappears as they drop down to engage the EA. After that, I usually forget about them... lots going on and they get lost in the shuffle. When I have remembered them, I usually try to keep the AI at the same altitude level, but a climb counter or two above the kites I'm flying. It's usually enough to keep them with the upper hand, unless I'm flying Dr.1s or SS D.IIIs & IVs.

    Altitude most often comes into play when someone needs to dive: either in an attempt to escape, or an attempt to extinguish a fire.

  21. #21


    Great AAR as usual Andrzej. I'm not too keen on the altitude rule as more than often as has been said in previous posts, you end up chasing shadows.
    As for the new fire rule where straights are out I'm taking that one with a pinch of salt.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Nightbomber View Post
    Thanks Dave But the result makes me reconsider the use of solo-altitude rules in further missions. I wonder how many of Campaigners here use them.
    I have not included them yet. I am interested but wary at the same time, for reasons like yours. Plus it's one more thing to keep track of. I figure if I DO use them I'll be randomizing if they STAY at altitude or dive to meet their opponents/climb to (re)gain height advantage.

    I just had an idea pop in on a way to do that with out extra rolling. Maybe when rolling for maneuvers for the turn specify on an ODD roll they will Dive to same level or Climb to regain advantage on straights/stalls as usual, EVEN roll they stay at altitude.

    If I take the plunge I may try that & see.

  23. #23


    I said the French had lost their Elan. Maybe they just did not fancy buzzing the wasps at all.
    I expect that I will just keep playing the dive to the same height as the other plane as soon as you can rule. I never bother too much about a height advantage as I prefer to get down to my prey and just pump lead.
    I did, however, like this AAR simply because of the effect it had on the story line. It does reflect very well some of the action reports from real pilots, where they just stooged about for 20 minutes without getting off a shot and then called it a day. Not that I would enjoy it if it became a habit in the game.

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