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Thread: New Gaming night at an Irish Pub

  1. #1

    Default New Gaming night at an Irish Pub

    Hello all,

    Starting on March 24, 2013 TABS (Toronto Area Board Gaming Society) will be hosting a bi-weekly gaming night held at the Stout Irish Pub in Toronto. The pub apparently has generously donated their back room for the event. I believe it's a $10.00 fee per person, but this money is applied to beverages or food (I'm sure most of us will have no issue with quaffing at least $10 worth of good beer... or even bad beer LOL - or is there such thing?!). I'm hoping to attend and will be bringing some minis and WGF, unless the swmbo has alternate plans for me. The evening event tuns from 5:30 pm and goes till 11:30 pm... I think they'll probably run later if people are making purchases (don't think this will be much of an issue as it's a pub). All sorts of gaming will be going on.... but I'm hoping to introduce some people to the game and let older players know that the game is back in full force. So if any of you are in the Big Smoke and need to get some Sorties in here's your chance. I will confirm my attendance closer to date and hopefully a few members of the Canadian Wing can hoist a glass or two together.

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Good Luck!!

  4. #4


    I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I wish I lived in Toronto, as I would most definitely attend this event.

  5. #5


    Unfortunately, my plans have been changed for this evening so I will not be attending this weeks opening of the night. The next one is scheduled for 2 weeks from today and I'm planning on being there with a few planes and the Basic rules for WGF. If anyone does go tonight please post how it went and what you saw, from what I have seen of this pub it looks like an amazing venue with a huge selection of different beverages and gourmet food. I'm feeling sad about not being able to attend this evening, but the swmbo has agreed to owing me a gaming night with plenty of bevies. I see a long night of Wings gaming in her near future!

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