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Thread: Board Games by the Bay Hamilton. November 10-11-2012

  1. #1


    Default Board Games by the Bay Hamilton. November 10-11-2012

    November 10 at 11:00am until November 11 at 7:00pm
    Hamilton Contract Bridge Club Inc, 20 Richmond Street, Hamilton

    I am looking at going for a new NZ record for pilots in a single battle at Board Games by the Bay Hamilton.
    At this time the record stands at 20. This was reached at the recent Board Games by the Bay Tauranga event.
    With a little help from a few others that will be attending the record can be broken (twice in two months!).

    This is what we need:
    * A Damage decks [marked or named with your initial in the bottom right corner with permanent marker on the same side as the numerical damage].
    * Players that are wings of war players to bring their own plane models: specifically the mid-late war single fighters, early-mid war two-seaters which have B/B machine guns.
    * B Damage Decks [marked or named with your initial in the bottom right corner with permanent marker on the same side as the numerical damage].
    * As many new Rookie Pilots as possible, it doesn't matter if they have never played before.
    * Observation Balloon models: this is to run a balloon barrage mission earlier in the event before the main dogfight.
    * Damage Rulers

    Please post here if you are attending AND whether you can assist with stuff from the list above.

    I am also going to post here the rules we will be playing by on the day and details about the Mission Brief. This info will also be available at the event on a flyer for players not on this site.
    Site members who have been following the thread about the Tauranga BGBTB wings of war event will already know most of Mission info which will be reposted here shortly.
    Last edited by Kiwi_Ace; 10-02-2012 at 12:32.

  2. #2



    MISSION RULES for Hamilton BGBTB

    These rules have been refined over two large Wings of War battles involving 15-20 pilots. They are intended to streamline a large dogfight so that the mission runs smoothly and efficiently. These rules will be available to all players prior to the start of the mission. Players will be assigned a team: Central Powers or Allies. The Central Powers team will be the attacking team. The Allies will be the defending team. At least 10 minutes (but no more that 20min) will be allocated for each team meet with their Squadron Leaders for a MISSION BRIEFING and to answer questions regarding the basic rules below as well as give all players an opportunity to contribute to mission tactics. It is recommended that rookie pilots are included in a flight (3+ planes) or paired with a wingman that has some level of experience. How each team groups its pilots is up to them.
    Important decisions that will be made in during the Mission Briefing are:
    * who will pilot which plane?
    * who will be the second in command? Which ace ability will he select?
    * which Central Powers pilots will locate and destroy the two AA Guns?
    * who will fly the bombers for the Central Powers? which airfields will they take off from? in which turns will they be launched? Turn4? Turn5? Turn6?
    * which Central Powers pilots will escort the bombers?
    * who will go for the enemy squadron leader?

    Each single seater fighter pilot will be issued with the 8 random A Damage Cards at the start of the mission.
    Two seater planes will have 16 B Damage Cards, 8 for each gun at the start of the mission.
    When firing at LONG RANGE pilots deal ONE damage card from their OWN DAMAGE DECK.
    When firing at SHORT RANGE pilots deal ONE damage card from their OWN DAMAGE DECK and ONE damage card from a COMMUNAL DAMAGE DECK.
    REARMING is allowed when the player lands at a friendly airfield and passes their next turn.

    When damage is dealt it is revealed face up initially but it is then placed face down under the targets planning board.

    When two allied planes are within ONE RULER LENGTH of one another they may freely share information about planned manouvres for that round. This simulates they are able to give each other hand signals/relay info only when they have line of sight with friendly planes. A difficult rule to enforce but it is just a matter of players being honest about it.

    A group of at least 3 experienced players will meet before the start of the mission and decide the specific time allocation that will be used for every planning phase. This will be timed with a timing device such as a stopwatch or chess clock.
    Rookie pilots will have ONE extended planning round which will allow them to use ONE extra minute of planning time without incurring any penalty for slow planning. This extra minute will be marked with a #1 token on the rookie players board. The intention is to tighten up on repeated slow play which impacts on the whole group who must wait until everyone has planned 3 cards and placed them on their planning board.
    It is likely that rule 1.2 [SHARING INFO ABOUT MANOUVRES] will also help to restrict slow planning, as only players who's planes are close to one another should be sharing information during the planning phase.
    The penalty for slow planning will be decided on the day. It will likely be replacing all unplanned manouvre cards with a LONG STRAIGHT manouvre.

    1.4 Squadron Leader A Squadron Leader will be selected for each team: Central Powers vs Allies. This pilot will have first pick of any plane for the era appropriate for the mission. They will also have TWO Ace Abilities.
    Choose ONE level one Ace Ability & One level two Ace ability.
    LEVEL ONE Ace Abilities
    Exceptional Pilot - select one manouvre card from another plane from the same era. Play this card as if it is in their actual manouvre deck.
    Lady Luck - may ignore any one damage card per game except the explosion card
    LEVEL TWO Ace Abilities
    Dedicated Ground Crew - Guns never jam
    Acrobatic Pilot - Do not need to do a long straight after an immelman.

    1.5 Second in Command

    Choose ONE level one Ace Ability from these options:
    Exceptional Pilot - select one manouvre card from another plane from the same era. Play this card as if it is in their actual manouvre deck.
    Lady Luck - may ignore any one damage card per game except the explosion card
    Last edited by Kiwi_Ace; 10-08-2012 at 18:42.

  3. #3



    The *object *of *the *game *is *for the attacking team to *eliminate *the *defenders *aerodrome *(60 *damage *points).

    1. Destroy the 2 bombers [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #1]
    2. Protect the aerodrome (It has 60 hit points) [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #2]
    3. Destroy all enemy aircraft [MINOR OBJECTIVE #1] & shoot down the enemy Squadron Leader [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #3]

    1. Protect the bombers and ensure they reach the enemy aerodrome [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #1]
    2. Scout all ground targets [MINOR OBJECTIVE #1] and destroy the 2x AA Guns [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #2]
    3. Destroy the defending teams aerodrome (It has 60 hit points) [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #3]
    4. destroy all enemy aircraft [MINOR OBJECTIVE #2] & shoot down the enemy Squadron Leader [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #4]

    Defending Team [SET-UP]
    1) 1x aerodrome with 60 Hit Points positioned in the opposite corner to the enemy aerodrome [defending this is a major objective for the defending team]
    2) 1x airfield positioned anywhere on the defenders side, at least one ruler length from the edge of the table [This is one site where defending planes can be re-armed]
    3) 2x hidden Anti Aircraft Guns positioned anywhere on the defenders side, at least one ruler length from the edge of the table. [destroying these 2x AA Guns is a major objective for the attacking team]
    4) 4x B Machine Guns positioned anywhere on the defenders side, at least one ruler length from the edge of the table.

    Attacking Team [SET-UP]

    1) 2x airfields positioned anywhere on the defenders side, at least one ruler length from the edge of the table [This is one site where defending planes can be re-armed]. These are also the sites where the bombers will start the mission.
    2) 4x B Machine Guns positioned anywhere on the defenders side, at least one ruler length from the edge of the table.
    3) 2x Bombers which launch from either of the airfields during turns 5 and 6 [Destroying these 2x bombers is a major objective for the defending team]
    Last edited by Kiwi_Ace; 10-03-2012 at 13:12.

  4. #4



    Although it should be obvious who has won the mission I am going to award Mission Points to help determine the degree of success/failure.

    Defending Team MISSION POINTS
    15pts each bomber destroyed before it reaches its bombing target [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #1]
    20pts If the aerodrome has over 30 hit points at mission end [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #2]
    10pts If the aerodrome has less than 30 hit points at mission end [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #2]
    2pts for each enemy fighter/2-seater plane destroyed
    5pts for shooting down the enemy Squadron Leader [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #3]
    max mission pts = 55pts + 2pts for each enemy plane destroyed

    Attacking Team MISSION POINTS

    10pts Each bomber that reaches the target aerodrome and drops its bombs [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #1]
    5pts each AA Gun destroyed [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #2]
    20pts Destroy the defending teams aerodrome (It has 60 hit points) [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #3]
    10pts Inflicting at least 30pts of damage to enemy aerodrome but not destroying.
    2pts for each enemy fighter/2-seater plane destroyed
    5pts for shooting down the enemy Squadron Leader [MAJOR OBJECTIVE #3]
    max mission pts = 55pts + 2pts for each enemy plane destroyed
    Last edited by Kiwi_Ace; 10-02-2012 at 12:29.

  5. #5


    I'm in! As I said to you Jody, I'll add my assistance and experience wherever needed and look forward to setting a worthy record.
    I can only provide a dozen models (most people know my opinion on models) and one of each damage deck.
    Ps. Ian... If you read this are you planning a trip up? Also empty your message box 'cause I can't send you a message!
    Last edited by Max Headroom; 10-04-2012 at 17:59.

  6. #6



    We're really looking forward to Hamilton! So much so, in fact, that we've extended Saturday's gaming by 4 hours!

    Saturday will now be from 10am until 10pm, while Sunday remains 10am until 6pm.

    That's 20% more gaming for 0% more cost!

  7. #7



    Quote Originally Posted by SeriouslyBoard View Post
    We're really looking forward to Hamilton! So much so, in fact, that we've extended Saturday's gaming by 4 hours!

    Saturday will now be from 10am until 10pm, while Sunday remains 10am until 6pm.

    That's 20% more gaming for 0% more cost!
    hmm thats making me think sat is the day i wanna b there. will keep u posted on that. i know my time will b split between x-wing and wow/wog. having more time to do both seems like a sound strategy.

  8. #8



    gonna stay with Sunday only at this stage but the plan will be to play X-Wing in the am and Wings of War in the arvo

  9. #9



    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi_Ace View Post
    gonna stay with Sunday only at this stage but the plan will be to play X-Wing in the am and Wings of War in the arvo
    That sounds fine, Jody. I'll text you this evening for details as we'll be having our final planning meeting on the morrow.

    Just over a week to go!

  10. #10



    Quote Originally Posted by SeriouslyBoard View Post
    That sounds fine, Jody. I'll text you this evening for details as we'll be having our final planning meeting on the morrow.

    Just over a week to go!
    im still gonna bring along my wings of war planes but i think my x-wing game will get the most play.

  11. #11

    Baron Von Smutz


    Hi all, how did this go? Gutted I missed it! Hope you cracked it

  12. #12


    Bay of Plenty? Hamilton by the Bay? Do you folks have any normal named places or all they all sort of wack jobs?
    Sounds like a great place with lots of energy!

  13. #13

    Baron Von Smutz


    Quote Originally Posted by redcoon2 View Post
    Bay of Plenty? Hamilton by the Bay? Do you folks have any normal named places or all they all sort of wack jobs?
    Sounds like a great place with lots of energy!

    Lol, Hamilton, New Zealand. It's an inland City that is about an hour from Tauraunga and the Bay of Plenty area. So...actually, not that close to the coast, but close enough for a game!

  14. #14



    Quote Originally Posted by Baron Von Smutz View Post
    Lol, Hamilton, New Zealand. It's an inland City that is about an hour from Tauraunga and the Bay of Plenty area. So...actually, not that close to the coast, but close enough for a game!
    Yes, Board Games By The Bay is getting less by the bay with each passing year.

    2011: Auckland, Tauranga
    2012: Auckland, Tauranga, Hamilton
    2013: Auckland, Tauranga, Hamilton, Palmerston North

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