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Thread: Crisis 2012

  1. #1

    Default Crisis 2012

    Vermits ik hier een topic las over Crisis 2011 dan maar ineens de editie van dit jaar (tijdig) aankondigen :-)

    Wings of War miniatures zullen wel raar geworden zijn tegen dan, maar hopelijk zijn de nieuwe Wiongs of Glory modellen dan beschikbaar....

  2. #2


    Als ik geen weekenddienst heb ben ik van de partij

  3. #3


    Ik heb het ook in mijn agenda geschreven...

  4. #4


    Net mijn uurrooster voor de rest van het jaar ontvangen: onvoorziene omstandigheden buiten beschouwing gelaten moet ik niet werken dat weekend...
    Afspraak aan de bar?

  5. #5


    That's a date!

  6. #6


    Worden er daar ook demo's van WOG gedaan? Als het past wil ik wel met mijn WOG materiaal afkomen...

  7. #7


    Geen idee, maar dat zou mij ook interesseeren.

  8. #8


    Crisis 2012 nadert zienderogen...Ik ben er aan de tafel van "the Heavy Brigade" waar we een laat-middeleeuwse veldslag gaan voeren ( Boergondiërs tegen de Zwitsers geloof ik)
    Onze tafel staat in hall 2 en ik ben er vroeg omdat we de tafel moeten opstellen. Ik heb m'n spaarcentjes mee om de handelaars content te stellen:zeker een van de handige valiesjes van K&R en hopelijk valt er nog iets anders van WOG te zien en te kopen

    See you guys there?

  9. #9


    Heb een goede tijd, en vergeet niet de foto's.

  10. #10


    Ik zal er in ieder geval ook zijn!

  11. #11


    I keep forgetting that our English-speaking friends visit us here... Sorry about that:embarass:

    Anyway...This is by far the largest Wargaming -convention in Belgium and although we are not playing WOG I sure hope some traders will have WOG goodies to sell. One thing I am sure of is that my credit card will need a transfusion at the end of the day

    I'lll be sure to have my mobile with me so if you want to find me just call or text 0497 309817 or visit gaming table 2/10 ( map(s) of the hall can be downloaded here : )

    Pictures will follow as requested by Rob

    P.S There's a slideshow on the same page of the image report of Crisis 2011. Watch 06.12: yours truly in an animated conversation with tomitchoe ( I'm the good-looking one with the glasses and the red sweater ...sorry Tom couldn't resist )
    Last edited by Bluedevil; 10-23-2012 at 05:28.

  12. #12


    This is one I would have got to (as I have every year before now) but sadly I couldn't get the time off work.

    Missing the Kulminator already

  13. #13


    Maybe next year Steve? Our Club could prepare a big WOG game where we all could get together?

  14. #14


    The Largest Wings of Glory Game Ever World Record title is still to be conquered.

  15. #15


    Heel hartelijk bedankt. Ik zal proberen om pop in vaker om je te herinneren Alex.
    Hebben een zeer goede show. Geniet ervan chaps. Het spijt me alleen dat Gunners niet zullen er zijn om ons te vertegenwoordigen dit jaar.

  16. #16


    Ik ben droevig ook, want het is een zeer goede show

  17. #17


    And suddenly everybody starts writing Dutch

    If you can make it next year Steve be sure to let me know: it would be nice to meet in person

    But it is a thought...organising a big game I mean...I'll have to talk to my fellow club-members about this

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Bluedevil View Post
    And suddenly everybody starts writing Dutch
    Het is alleen goede manieren als we binnenvallen uw nationaal forum dierbare vriend.

  19. #19


    I know you are a true gentleman Rob

  20. #20


    Crisis 2012 is history...A new location with plenty of space, a zillion traders and exciting games... A very succesful event and a big congratulations to the "Tin Soldiers Antwerp" who organized this milestone gameshow!

    A part fom enjoying a very nicegame I also scored some goodies: 2KR hangars for my WOG mini's ( big thank you to Ian and his companion for helping me out customizing them) an Immelman EIII, a Halberstadt and the YellowNexus Balloon...Add several sheets of 1/144 decals and some other small stuff and i went home a very happy camper

  21. #21


    Glad you enjoyed it Alex, it always is a very good show. Hope to see you there next year and stand you a beer - my sources report that there was a good range on offer at the venue.

  22. #22


    It would be nice to be able to meet in person next year ( and grab a couple of beers ) There was a lot to see, the games were of very high quality and I think the traders had a field day...

    I went to the KR stand a little before the show officially opended, as we were in early to put up our gaming table ( late medieval Burgundy vs Swiss ), and there was a pile of cases stacked against the wall then...around 17.00 Hours that same stack had widdled down to a small amount of trays and card cases... So I guess KR at least did some good bussiness. As far as I could see trade went fairly well everywhere.

    I took some pictures but they didn't turn out so year I really should take my big camera instead of the small (cheap ) one...

    Name:  BILD3064.JPG
Views: 378
Size:  274.8 KB

    our gaming set up

    Name:  BILD3063.JPG
Views: 377
Size:  293.9 KB

    An impression of the size of the second hall ( yup... there were 2 like this )

  23. #23


    Glad you had a good time Alex. It certainly looks like a good event from your photograph.
    What game were you putting on?

  24. #24


    Couldn't go! The babysitter for my (Alzheimer stricken) wife called off at the last second. I'm soooo p!ssed!

  25. #25



    The first picture is our table: Late medieval Burgundian war...Swiss against the Burgundians
    THe second picture was the gaming table of a British club ( can't remember their name ): early world War I skirmish set around the town of Dixmude... French against Germans.

    @ Petitbilbo

    I wondered what happened... I was constantly looking at my mobile phone to see if you had texted me. Let's try again next year.

  26. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Bluedevil View Post

    The first picture is our table: Late medieval Burgundian war...Swiss against the Burgundians
    THe second picture was the gaming table of a British club ( can't remember their name ): early world War I skirmish set around the town of Dixmude... French against Germans.

    @ Petitbilbo

    I wondered what happened... I was constantly looking at my mobile phone to see if you had texted me. Let's try again next year.
    Great Alex. Thanks.
    I'm just finishing off a Bergundian Army of my own, packed with a contingent of English archers. Well I would have to do this wouldn't I.
    I will try to get a photo to send you soon.
    Do you have any info on the french standards as I don't have much to go on for them when I start this army.

  27. #27



    I've been searching the web for several days to find info on the French standards.. My army is that of Louis XI, the spider King , and although much can be found about him the information about his army is very scarce.

    I think there is some very useful info on the following site :

    Every line you click on gives you an image of flags and /or standards.

    I hope you can find something useful here

  28. #28

  29. #29

  30. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Bluedevil View Post

    @ Petitbilbo

    I wondered what happened... I was constantly looking at my mobile phone to see if you had texted me. Let's try again next year.
    It's one of those rare occasions when I could have "gone out by my own". But our daughter, or "designated mother-sitter" , made a slight error in her schedule when she accepted the task: she actually had a trip to London planned for the whole week-end and though Crisis would be next week.
    What can I say... she brought back a Highland Park 12 year old, a Pig's Nose (my favourite blended whisky), two big bottles of Irn Bru (ghaaaaaa! drool!) and half a dozen bottles of real ale (long live CAMRA!).
    I think I can forgive her. Dunno why!?

  31. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Bluedevil View Post
    My pleasure!
    And my pleasure was out at lunch time at a meeting of friends with my Good lady to discover Steen Brugge, Dubbel Bruin Bier 6% by Brouwerij Palm.
    I am just going for a lie down.

  32. #32


    @ Bilbo... I think we should keep the next convention at your home...

    @ Rob... strangely enough I've never tasted that beer. But being brewed by Palm I can understand you needed a little lie down

  33. #33


    As soon as I saw it I thought of yourself, and said to my Good Lady that I must sample it or I would feel that I was letting Alex and my Belgian Allies down.
    It is an excellent beer. Nothing like the light beers that one so often gets.
    I will be visiting that establishment again no doubt about that.

  34. #34


    For Flags have you seen the Website WARFLAG if you google you should find. These are free or at least we're and can be downloaded and printed off.
    Lots of Napoleonic but seem to remember some Medieval standards, have a gander

  35. #35


    Had a look Chris.
    There may well be something I can work up into colours for my troops.
    Thanks. Rob.

  36. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Bluedevil View Post

    I've been searching the web for several days to find info on the French standards.. My army is that of Louis XI, the spider King , and although much can be found about him the information about his army is very scarce.

    I think there is some very useful info on the following site :

    Every line you click on gives you an image of flags and /or standards.

    I hope you can find something useful here
    I have had a look here now Alex and found some flags in the Medieval and Renaissance section. With the ones that Chris has found, I should have enoughg to get the look of a French Army.

  37. #37


    Glad to be of help Rob!

  38. #38

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    En voor degene die echt niet kunnen wachten.... Crisis 2013 is op 2 November dit jaar , zelfde lokatie....
    Ga met Ludo en Ourson eens bespreken of we geen opvallende 'Wings' toestand kunnen opzetten. Ik weet dat er op de club een heleboel modellen zijn en sinds kort hebben Albert en ik ook Shapeways ontdekt.

  39. #39


    Hey Willie! Welkom op de Belgische afdeling van de Wings of Glory aerodrome!
    Ik kijk al volop uit naar de 2013 versie van Crisis! ik vind jouw voorstel i.v.m WOG een zeer goed idee... Hou je ons hier op de hoogte?

    Oh ja.. Nu je het forum hier ontdekt hebt...Don't be a stranger!

  40. #40

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    Ben momenteel samen met Albert (Ourson hier op 't forum) iets aan het uitwerken voor Crisis '13. Hopelijk hebben we tegen die tijd alle nodige modellen- er zullen ook wat Shapeways tussen zitten- geschilderd gekregen.
    De eerste 3 maanden absoluut geen tijd wegens de voorbereiding van ons Salute game voor dit jaar. Maar.. ik ga af en toe wel eens prutsen aan mijn vliegtuigjes

  41. #41


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