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Thread: 4th Solitaire game with Richard Bradley solo rules and getting bigger

  1. #1

    Default 4th Solitaire game with Richard Bradley solo rules: The Wingman

    Late morning. Open blue sky, no clouds and getting hotter by the minute. Dry mouth and very hot inside the flight jacket as the Albatros gains altitude. The Hauptmann's speech still ringing in my ears. Even to give me praise must he always use verbal violence?!... One day I'm going to hide his glasses under the wheel of an Albatros...

    "Once again, you were very lucky in your last flight, Rittmeister Joachim!" "Jawoll, herr Hauptmann!" "It was a lucky shot that enabled you to take the Breguet, wasn't it?!" "Jawoll, herr Hauptmann!" "You were even luckier to be able to return with your plane flying. Your Albatros was a mess! It looked like it couldn't be repaired..." "Jawoll, herr Hauptmann!" "I have to give you a medal sent by the high command for what you've done and it is with a great displeasure that I give you this medal. Pin it yourself!" "Jawoll, herr Hauptmann!" "And now, you have earned the right to have a wingman... Poor fellow! Try to keep him alive, will you?" "Jawoll, herr Hauptmann!"

    A bomber escorted by two Camels! I point them to my wingman - his name is Willarm and he seems to be nice and stout. Let's get these boys. He smiles back at me.

    I dive to gain speed and he keeps up with me in a very sharply way. I'm impressed with his skill. I sign him that I'll try to get the bomber. He sticks the thump up and smiles again.

    As we approach them, the Brits maintain their level flight. They're going into a bombing mission that I'll try to end before it starts.

    I point my Albatros straight to one of the Camel, exchanging fire with him, and he hits me hard. I feel that I barely scratched his plane.

    My wingman crosses the path of the other Camel while I, after making an Immelmann, glue myself to the Camel I just shot, firing round after round - but to no avail - he keeps flying steadily.

    The Camel ditches me and turns hardly to the right. I put my eyes at the RE8 and I score round after round to his fuselage. After the second burst he goes down in flames. My very third victory. My plane is dying on me...

    After losing a moment watching the RE8 going down I look for my wingman and I see that I trailed far away from him. I see the Camels ganging upon him. I make the Albatros engine scream trying to reach him on time.

    But while under fire, he is able to pull a lucky shot and one of the Camels explodes in the sky. This is going to get very easy from now on...

    But as I am approaching, the last Camel runs away into his lines. We pull back to our aerodrome. The sun is warm on my face and this is going to be a splendid day to see the Hauptmann's face when we report to him.

    After Action Report

    I played my fourth solo scenario with my pilot - Rittmeister Joachim. I used again this new table that I added to the Richard Bradley Solo Rules:

    Die Roll: --------- 1 --------------------------- 6 --------
    1/12 Stall/Straight/Stall --------- Straight/Straight/Loop
    2/3 Hard Turn R./Stall/Hard Turn R. -- Straight/Straight/Loop
    5/4 Straight/Loop/Straight -------- Straight/Loop/Straight
    6/7 ---------------------- No changes ----------------------
    8/9 Straight/Loop/Straight -------- Straight/Loop/Straight
    10/11 Hard Turn L./Stall/Hard Turn L. -- Straight/Straight/Loop

    I played with an wingman that also uses the solo rules. It was amazing since I didn't control his plane.
    To balance that I gave myself an ace rule - Deadly Aim. (One of the cards of damage I deal gives +1 damage.)

    Characters in the Campaign:

    Rittmeister Joachim - 3 Kills Ability: Deadly Aim
    Leutnant Willarm - 1 Kill

    Hauptmann Schroeder (Jasta 23 Operational Officer)
    Last edited by Blackronin; 04-21-2012 at 12:58. Reason: Revamping the Scenario and now re-uploading the photos.

  2. #2


    Seems as if you are giving my boys a hard time of it on your part of the front Joaquim.
    I may have to send one of my crack squadrons down there to sort you out.
    The AAR. was as usual most entertaining and well illustrated by your photographs.
    Thanks for the report. I look forward to your next brush with the Hauptmann.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  3. #3


    Oh yes! Please do send me some of your boys against me. Are they solo players?!

  4. #4


    Extraordinary well done, Lieber Freund. Your hero's deeds in the skies become legendary. The girls in town must be all over him I wouldn't mind if he decide to join my Jasta for a happy hunting here, over Arras one day.

    Hauptmann Nightbomber,
    Douai, 20th April, 1917.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />
    "We do not stop playing when we get old, but we get old when we stop playing."

  5. #5


    I'll most gladly go meet you in your Jasta and make some sorties with you. As for the girls... I might add one in the 5th mission.

  6. #6


    I remember the last mission when the Rittmeister brought back a bullet pierced Albatros.

    Nice AAR, Blackronin!
    Voilą le soleil d'Austerlitz!

  7. #7

  8. #8

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