Ares Games

View Poll Results: How many planes have you been in a battle with?

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  • Planes 2-4

    52 26.67%
  • Planes 6-8

    91 46.67%
  • Planes 10-up

    59 30.26%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Battle Size

  1. #51


    So far the biggest battle I have played was a two players battle with a two-seater and 2 scouts on each side.

    Full narrative AAR with pictures is here:

  2. #52


    And a very good AAR it was too, if I remember correctly. May revisit and remind myself of that.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  3. #53


    I have got to admit that I like the larger games and the largest I've played was 5 a side. It gets to be fun not only do you have to anticipate your oponents moves but you have to work out what players on your side are doing. I avoid collisions I generally fly one increment higher or lower, this tactic helps me avoid collisons with my own side. WW2 is different (as in WW1 i useually fly only 1 plane) as I always fly with a wingman so 2 planes bomber up to 3 planes in formation. Any more and I lose track.

  4. #54


    Last fall at Rock-Con I ran a scenario with ten players, 2 planes apiece, 4 Entente players, 6 Central Powers on the two official play mats. I didn't play juet refereed. I have operated 5 different planes in a scenario, complicated and took a long time.

  5. #55


    I'm new to the game so I must be crazy. 2 players with 8 planes each for 16 planes total, a balloon on each side and airports to take off at. (WWI) 2 players with 6 planes each doing a bomb a bridge with landing strips. (WWII) Just need to take your time and make sure the deck matches the plane before you move. We slowly added rules to make turn habits to make it smoother.

  6. #56


    I think the largest (WWI) game that I have run or played in was probably 10-12 planes total; that was at SPARTACON in Lansing, MI in January 2011. My local gaming group typically gets 4-8 players, including my two youngest sons (ages 7 & 13). Personally, I find the more the merrier... up to a point. It also depends on the experience level of the players. And the quantity/quality of the side-bar conversations... but that is part of why we get together to play table-top games instead of computer/video games... social interaction with a real, interesting, human being.

    Chris Maes

  7. #57



    At the moment our group only plays WW1.
    If I can remember correctly, the largest battle we had involved about seven planes, possibly eight.

    I'd love to do a match with loads of pilots, I think we'd have to get more damage cards though (or just mark down the damage and put the cards back at the bottom of the deck).

  8. #58


    Since there are three of us playing normally one plane each,sometimes two of us gang up on a lone two-seater,or one will fly two planes.

  9. #59



    Quote Originally Posted by WizardsWarlords View Post
    At the moment our group only plays WW1.
    If I can remember correctly, the largest battle we had involved about seven planes, possibly eight.

    I'd love to do a match with loads of pilots, I think we'd have to get more damage cards though (or just mark down the damage and put the cards back at the bottom of the deck).
    Well after running the table with the rest of the crew at Legionary yesterday, I can now update my battle size to roughly 14 people.

    We had an excellent first session which started off with us attempting to begin a small dogfight to show off the game but before we could even make one move people flocked around the table and all joined in.
    It was great to see so many fans of the game and to try out the game with a larger number of pilots engaged in battle.

  10. #60


    Fourteen airplanes is my biggest battle.

  11. #61


    Local games, 8 planes, 4 players. Summer classes, 10 planes, 10 players. My largest that I played in was 12 planes, 12 players.

  12. #62


    must have missed this poll. biggest battle ive been in an invitational at origins game fair. i dont recall the exact number but it was around 24-25

  13. #63


    At Origins I usually run 14 player games. I have my planes in jasta/escadrille/squadrons of six planes each. So I throw two of these units at each other and add two bomber/recon planes into the mix to give a motive for the game. I usually these as two hour games and they are very eventful.

    Here's to them what are like us. Damn few and they're all dead.

  14. #64


    If you count 'Ace of Aces' at Doncaster, it must be approaching 30 WW1 planes.

  15. #65


    Kinda of envious of you guys fighting huge battles. Still trying to get our historical group to play with no joy so far. So, normally just myself and someone else in the family. No more than 2 planes each; usually just one.

  16. #66


    One frame of a long-delayed stop-motion project for a Battle of Britain scenario. I put pretty much every plane I had on the table, and started moving them along. I did the first shoot over a day, but the sun came through the windows in the garage, and messed up the lighting over the last part of the sequence.

    Anyway, there were 18 planes in this attempt. I have a few more now, including a kette of He.111s and a Battle of Britian Starter Set, if I were to try this again.

    Two Spitfires on the left, approaching the He.111 on the upper left. Three Belgian Hurricanes (repainted as No. 1 Sqn RCAF, now) attacking a Bf.110 in the upper center right, with two Bf.109s (JG 26 Galland and re-decaled winger Lt Horton) coming behind the Bf.110 further to the right. Below them, three Hurricanes of No. 46 Sqn RAF (courtesy of Dave [clipper1801] that I borrowed from the HMS Glorious set he provided to me), attacking two Ju.86 Stukas. Just to the right of the Skukas are two more Bf.109s coming in to assist the Stukas (JG 51 re-decals, Black 2 and Black 3) Bottom right are two Bf.109s (JG 51 Molders and re-decaled Lt Walter Fiel).
    "Flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss" Douglas Adams
    "Wings of Glory won't skin your elbows and knees while practicing." OldGuy59

  17. #67


    Just did a battle of 22 planes, took so long to shoot everybody down.
    Last edited by Future Pilot; 12-30-2018 at 06:17. Reason: wrong number

  18. #68


    You're all mad! Mad I tell you. Muwahha!

    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  19. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Officer Kyte View Post
    You're all mad! Mad I tell you. Muwahha!

    I was just wondering who you are talking about.

  20. #70


    Solo WW2: 15

    Solo WW1: 20+

    Doncaster Ace of Aces: I think the largest we've run so far was 26 aircraft, 13 a side.

    Origins: WW1 invitational run by the Oberst in 2015 must have been 20+.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  21. #71


    My biggest battle was a mash up. My brother had eighteen planes, against me with twelve planes. Some how we managed to fit all the planes on one mat.
    The most amazing thing was that I shot down all eighteen of his planes with the loss of a single Dauntless dive bomber. I don't know what happened. Most of my planes were heavily damaged though.
    Last edited by Future Pilot; 10-18-2019 at 05:52.

  22. #72


    Running a WW2 game at a show I had ~24 planes in the air. Once in the WWI solo campaign I had 25 up. Quite a few for one player but not nearly as many as Dave (Flash) had flown, 60!

  23. #73


    Since my last post in 2010 I've done a bit more gaming...
    Origins - 13 Players, I ran 3 Ca3 with 3 N.28 escorts against 9 Alb D.Va scouts.!/page3
    Solo - 21, 44 & 62!

    Sapiens qui vigilat... "He is wise who watches"

  24. #74


    In solo play 6 is the most I've done. I've played in a number of Peter's (Teaticket) convention games that had quite a few planes in the air at the same time (although I didn't count they must have approached 10). I played in a Schenectady Wargamers Association "Game-a-thon" free for all that had at least 10 (maybe 12) planes in the air at one time....can't imagine what it must be like to have more.

  25. #75


    Well the sky is the limit eh chaps.

    I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
    Coming down is the hardest thing

  26. #76


    At Gen Con 2018, I was in NOVAG's Mega WW1 game, 64 players, 32 on a side. We each had one plane. It was great. Most of my fights are 2-4 planes, but I have had an 8 plane fight where I had 4 planes under my control.

  27. #77

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    Typical we play a game of four planes, as there is only enough space for one table/game mat beside the other wargames in our wargaming club. As I could spark two RC-modelling guys for wargaming and especially WoG, recently, we will have more larger scale games in the future, hopefully. On last Friday we played the scenarios Looking down! (Ca. 3 + Hanriot vs. Dr. I + Phönix D. I) and RAID OVER ISTRIANA (on only one mat; Roland + Dr. I vs. Snipe + Nieuport 17) with four players, each.

    The biggest game I've ever played was a dogfight between three Dr. I vs. three Camels it was great fun!

    There's a photo of one of our past games at the wargaming club:
    Attached Images
    Last edited by Karo7; 02-11-2019 at 15:28.

  28. #78


    Most I have flown in any one battle is 4. Only do 2 now. However, I have run scenarios at Rock Con with 10 people per side everybody flew 2 planes. Glorious chaos! Only play WW1.

  29. #79


    Thanks for posting the picture and giving an insight into the Club where you play Florian.

    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  30. #80


    One time we tried a battle with all the planes we owned, approximately 30 or so, on one mat. It didn't take long for the mat to become rather crowded...

  31. #81


    I should imagine it would Nate.
    The main thing is did you enjoy the experience.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  32. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Officer Kyte View Post
    I should imagine it would Nate.
    The main thing is did you enjoy the experience.
    ...and how many decks you found mixed .
    <img src= border=0 alt= />
    "We do not stop playing when we get old, but we get old when we stop playing."

  33. #83


    Haven't we had a big 4 vs. 4 evening at Jürgens place, some weeks before I moved away? I remember some Drachens and Staakens on the table as well. Alas, I miss wargaming with you guys!

  34. #84


    WMMS a few years ago, we had a German (and Austrian) bomber scenario where we had, I think it was 33 Gothas’s and AEGs plus a Staaken (Float variant if remember correctly) plus about a dozen Entente aircraft desperately trying to thin the horde... am sure there are a few photos in one of the albums to verify this....

    Never Knowingly Undergunned !!

  35. #85


    33 Gothas..... you have more than the Kaiser had!

  36. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Ross View Post
    33 Gothas..... you have more than the Kaiser had!
    Blame Tim, lol

    Never Knowingly Undergunned !!

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