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Thread: Got my Balloon today!

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Got my Balloon today!

    I was impressed with the size of the box-- it was a lot bigger than I had expected. The balloon itself was a little bigger than I expected, too.

    The Nieuport 16 with the rockets is a nice looking plane, too.

    I haven't decided if I'm going to do anything to "improve" the balloon. I will certainly airbrush a coat of flat clear on it-- to get rid of the plastic shine. haven't decided if I'm going to put the markings on it-- I may leave it unmarked so I can use it on either side of the table....

    If I get really ambitions, I might repaint it-- I like the look of the overall light gray balloon used on the illustrations for the game materials.

    Finally, I was glad I read the warning about the mis-labeling here and in the Yahoo WoW group. I got the Balloon set by ordering the one I didn't want!

  2. #2


    I was also thinking about not putting decals on my two for the same reason.

  3. #3


    Did not put markings on the balloon, either. Otherwise I would need the double amount of balloons...

  4. #4


    I'm jealous... where did you order from?

  5. #5


    I ordered mine from the war store-- they have them for $45, which seems to be to be a very good price. All told, it was $50 with shipping.

  6. #6


    I picked up mine from a local hobby store for $60. Its available at 2 locations I know of for that price. When I get around to picking up the 2nd, I think I'll go mail order and save a few dollars.


  7. #7


    Miniature Market has them for $45 apiece, with free shipping in the U.S.

    I got mine from them, speedy fast!

    Actually, with an unexpected $18 dollar credit back to my Pay Pal account that I couldn't otherwise reaquire in any fashion other than spending it, I wound up only shelling out $73.XX for the two. The free shipping was nice, UPS too. Tracked it the whole way, and it was quick.

    The first time I've done business with them, but I was impressed. A friend of mine recommended them, and I believe I may just go back to them when the WWI series IV comes out.

  8. #8

    Default Mis-labelled Balloons?

    Got one of each from my local hobby shop. I agree that they're a bit pricey...but they sure look great! I too read the info re: mis-labeling them. But now I'm confused...Is the yellow one the allied one or not? Thanks in advance...

  9. #9


    I think I'll be giving the official ones a miss, they're £40 over here ($60 !). Even if I ordered from the US, by the time I added on postage and customs charges I wouldn't be saving anything. Pity, they're pretty sweet.

  10. #10


    Got mine today! Nice product... still hate the plastic packaging tray. RC- thanks for the suggestion about the War Store... great price and quick shipping!

    Quote Originally Posted by rcboater View Post
    I ordered mine from the war store-- they have them for $45, which seems to be to be a very good price. All told, it was $50 with shipping.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by IRM View Post
    I think I'll be giving the official ones a miss, they're £40 over here ($60 !). Even if I ordered from the US, by the time I added on postage and customs charges I wouldn't be saving anything. Pity, they're pretty sweet.
    Here you can get them for 33 Euro + 16 Euro Porto if you order 1 or 12 Euro Porto if you order both. Should be a little less expansive but it still is a lot of money...

  12. #12


    That was the shop you told me earlier, and I ordered right away. Both balloon were out of supply then, they arrived about a week later - I think they made good job, thumbs up! The packing was fine but gigantic.

  13. #13

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    Purchased the bright Yellow one last week.
    After seeing a Sulphur Crested Cockatoo eat a lemon from our tree I must make a note not to ever leave it outside.

    The box contents look a little sparse compared to the volume of the actual box.
    I've already repainted the Neuport's rockets red and brown instead of the supplied silver.

  14. #14


    I got both balloons, as I only have space to use one at a time I put on the markings, german cross on white background on the brown balloon which realy stands out, and British markings on the yellow Balloon, I also repainted the Neiuport 16's rockets red, at the moment I am debating as to whether I paint the rigging on the yellow balloon a more rope type colour. I was impressed with there being an observer in the basket. I would surgest to members living 'Rip off Brittian' that the baloons are worth getting but from an European country where they are cheeper.

  15. #15


    After a long time searching for the baloons I found them in a gameshop. Iám thinking of repainting them. Does anyone got any idea about the paintschemes for german and british baloons? Light grey are my first guess for the german one and brown for the british, but there are a lot of diffrent shadings. Any suggestions? Plz help.

  16. #16


    Someone repainted one gray here on the site and posted a thread about it.

  17. #17


    I missed that one. I was thinking of doing a How to article of painting my balloon, but if someone have done this it isn´t so fun.

  18. #18
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

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