I could not find anything in the house rules sections about targeting crew members of a bomber.
So, I have been experimenting with my own rules. I hope I did not reinvent the wheel, though.


Crew members are represented on the airplane base by the origin of their respective defensive fire arc. Pilots are represented by the base center.


1) Announce aimed shot

A player that whishes to perform an aimed shot must announce his intention BEFORE the movement phase.
He indicates which crew member he is targeting.

3) Check aim

In the shooting phase, place the ruler from the center of the attacker's base and point it towards the targeted crew member.
The aim is correct if following conditions are met:

The target is inside the attacker's fire arc and the ruler reaches the target without crossing any other airplane base

The ruler passes through the relevant edge of the target airlplane base, e.g.
- rear edge if rear gunner is targeted
- front edge if front gunner or pilot are targeted
- any edge if dorsal turret gunner

If the target is reached in the second half of the ruler (long range) the attacker must also have the consecutive
fire aim bonus. In case of short range the bonus is not required.

4) Resolve shot

-If the aim is correct:
Draw damage counters according to attackes's fire power.
If all counters are zeros the shot is a miss. If at least one counter is non-zero, the target is hit.
In either case put all counters back as they do not count for the total damage tally.

-If the aim is not correct:
the shot is a miss. No damage counters are drawn


I have played several games with an automatic B17 or Lancaster against two Bf109. The bomber's missions was to reach the opposite edge of the table, 140 cm from the start.

It quickly became apparent that it was almost impossible to obtain the aim bonus against a B17. So I disallowed the consecutive-fire bonus for bomber defensive fire.
Still the fighters were crippled quite often. On the other hand, if I relaxed the conditions by dropping (c) it became
too easy to knock out the dorsal turret. To my taste an aimed shot should not be too common.

Naturally, the fighters performed better against the less armed Lancaster. In some games, aimed shots were unnecessary when the official multi-crew damage rule would silence several gunners in one standard shot.

In summary, it was fun to play with this rules in this simple setup. However, I'm not quite sure yet whether the conditions (a) (b) (c) are optimal, though.

Any feedback?