I have been thnking about adding a house rule to cover spins
I want to use them in conjunction with the altitude rules
the basic idea is to allow you to do three or more steep moves in a sequence
but if you try to do extra steep moves there is a chance you will enter a spin

What i propose is a a form of damage deck, with a series of spins that can also give damage to the aircraft as well as allowing the pilot to recover from the spin

After entering the spin the player draws a card each turn this either continues the spin ans well as losing an altitude level and possibly damaging the aircraft or will allow the pilot to recover from the spin with a random facing

An expert pilot may also choose to spin the aircraft to avoid an enemy aircraft but when attempting to recover will draw three cards and choose which one to play

I propose 3 decks giving 25,50 and 75% chances of entering a spin depending on the aircraft and skill of the pilot

I am currently creating the decks and if there is interest i will post them in the files section