Sortie 1:

Barker's Sopwith vs. Richthofen's DR1

It started out pretty good with Barker diving to the left of Richthofen to avoid those nasty right hand turns. Unfortunately he overshot Richthofen who then go to take advantage of a couple tight turns and had Barker in his sights for a few hits.

We missed each other quite a few times and on about the 5th turn Richthofen landed the kill shot with an explosion. Barker went down in flames after a stunning series of Immelman's over the last 2 turns that landed 4 shots on Richthofen.

Victor: Richthofen

Sortie 2:

Barker's Sopwith vs. Richthofen's DR1

I thought I might try to overtake Richthofen head on. A nice series of sideslips to the right of Barker and Richthofen was in perfect position use his deadly 90 degree turns. Barker tried to shake him and got in a few good shots but had a gun jam and then caught fire. A series of lucky card draws ran to an end when Richthofen finally got tailing on Barker and it was all over.

Victor: Richthofen

Sortie 3:

Richthofen & Voss vs. Barker & Rickenbacker

Going back to the original tactic of getting to the left of both Voss & Richthofen worked stunningly well. Both Barker and Rickenbacker got off the first shots against Richthofen & Voss who struggled to regain position. In the midst of this Voss flew straight into Richthofen and both took damage from the collision. Rickenbacker seeing his time had come to take down the Red Baron managed to get in a couple more good shots with landed a right rudder jam and pilot damage. Meanwhile Voss & Barker struggled for position on each other. An Immelman and a straight from Barker caused a turn and a straight from Voss to lead to another collision. Truly it was not Voss' day...the crash lead to Voss' immediate death while Barker took no damage.

That left both Barker and Rickenbacker virtually untouched. Richthofen is a craft guy though and he managed to get in a couple decent shots for damage on Barker until Rickenbacker came at him from his side. Unable to return fire for 2 phases Rickenbacker's guns struck home and he died in an explosion.

Victors: Barker & Rickenbacker

Sortie 4:

Richthofen & Voss vs. Balloon, AA Gun & Barker

The balloon was set up with the AA Gun 1 ruler from the edge. Barker would come on to the field of battle immediately following the destruction of the balloon and try to take down either German pilot. If both made it back to their edge of the battlefield alive it was a win if either one got shot down...they lost.

Richthofen & Voss took down the balloon stunningly early with a 5th turn Explosion. Richthofen only took a few damage points from the AA, but the battle had just begun.

Both Voss & Richthofen decided to charge into battle against Barker who had just entered the fray. Barker took a hard right and tried to lead them around while the AA gun took pot shots at the damaged Richthofen. Richthofen got hit twice in 2 turns and took fire on the second. At this point both Richthofen & Voss bugged out and headed back having chased Barker out of pursuit distance. The AA missed on it's final shot attempt and the fire was not enough to overtake Richthofen who flew a plane that was nearly ready to give out back to his aerodrome.

Victors: Richthofen & Voss