Ares Games

Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Some Updates

    It has been a bit since I have posted to the blog, so perhaps a bit of an update is due....

    I have been slowly reading Theodore Hamady's The Nieuport 28: America's First Fighter and it is changing the way I think about the N28 and how it should be rated in Wings of War/Glory. When the Americans are first deployed to the front, the N28 was equipped with one Vickers machinegun. That means B Deck. In reading pilot accounts it could seemingly dogfight with the best of the German aircraft, ...
  2. Spending Spree!

    Oh Lord, do not let the better half see this post!

    Because of my renewed interest in Wings of Glory, I have been buying items that continues to stoke my interest. My recent purchases are either directly related to Wings of Glory/War, or World War I reference materials. Over the last couple of months I have purchased the following:

    Airco DH.2
    Aviatik D.I
    Breguet BR.14 B2
    De Havilland D.H.4
    Fokker Dr.I
    Fokker E.III ...
  3. And We Keep Growing...

    Our little band of gamers grows here on the Aerodrome. Four of us now grace the forum, and I hope to recruit a few more. Seems like a truly grand place with lots of helpful and friendly members. Besides myself, Smitch, Adler64, and The G Dog are onboard. We are all longtime miniatures gamers, with Adler64 and The G Dog getting me hooked years ago at college (Miami University) where they were doing a micro armor game. I had been a boardgamer for a number of years before that, an older cousin ...
  4. We're...Addicted

    Quote Originally Posted by predhead View Post
    Adler64. The G Dog, Smitch, and myself...we have a problem...a BIG problem. Call the families, we need an intervention. Call the mental ward, we need a permanent wing. You see, we have TOO MANY PLANES! Between the four of us we have @150 Nexus/Ares Wings of War/Wings of Glory aircraft, along with balloons.

    I made a mistake I tell you...I started talking about gaming WoW again a couple of months ago, and I think that renewed the arms race. I had a few aircraft from a