Ares Games

Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Extra Decks - XD Deck

    Much like the post on the XB Deck, the decision here is relatively easy. While the choices are many, the focus is to fill in gaps, mostly from the Central Powers side. Also, there has to be a card already made by those wonderful folks here on the 'Drome who provide such things. Add to that the plane has to be available, and if not a full color print from R.A.F., then available in Gray PA12 so that the material is easier to work with. Oh, and let's not forget the paint scheme...cannot be beyond my ...
  2. Pfalzifying

    Pfalz E.IV

    Needing a few more opponents to face off against the Escadrille Americaine I decided to pick up a couple of Pfalz E types from Reduced Aircraft Factory. (isn't it ironic that we always seem to "need" more planes?) I have enjoyed the full color offerings from RAF, especially since the natural full color nylon 12 (MJF) has been added, making full color planes ...