Ares Games

Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Spending Spree!

    Oh Lord, do not let the better half see this post!

    Because of my renewed interest in Wings of Glory, I have been buying items that continues to stoke my interest. My recent purchases are either directly related to Wings of Glory/War, or World War I reference materials. Over the last couple of months I have purchased the following:

    Airco DH.2
    Aviatik D.I
    Breguet BR.14 B2
    De Havilland D.H.4
    Fokker Dr.I
    Fokker E.III ...
  2. Two More Scenarios, Better Personal Success!

    Quote Originally Posted by predhead View Post
    Due to some last minute issues we moved this month's gaming session to Smitch's place (thanks for that flexibility, Smitch!). We wanted to use some early war planes just to give them a try and because they look pretty cool. Four of us (including Adler64) were present, so I took Buddecke's Fokker E.III, Adler had Immelman's E.III, which Smitch had a Morane, and Bob (not a forum member) choose the super DH.2. We had two mats and came in from one side each, with Adler and I moving north/south, Smitch
  3. Aerodrome Accessories Orders/New Birds/Readings

    Very recently I placed two orders a few days apart for some new toys. Rulers, fire and smoke markers (for scouts, bombers, and balloons), and three aircraft (Fokker E.III, Airco DH.2, and the Aviatik D.I). I wanted to enhance my gaming table a bit with the rulers and damage markers, and wanted a couple of early war kites to use. The Linke-Crawford Aviatik just looks so COOL I had to scoop up one of those as well.

    Ordering from AA, as I am sure you all know, is very easy. Turnaround ...