Ares Games

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  1. Chapter 4: Biggles and the Harry Tate

    "Ah Algy. Last mission today then a day off. Fancy a run into town or croquet?".
    "Croquet Biggles, croquet. You hate the game, so I guess it’s a run into town. Think Mac will lend us his Harry Tate?"
    "Dunno, but I'll ask before we leave, fancy a G&T or a nice cuppa?"
    "Oh a nice cuppa me thinks, it’s getting chilly early today"
    "Cpl Jones be a good chap and bring a fresh pot out will you, and some of the Adjutants ...

    Updated 07-16-2014 at 10:34 by Lt. S.Kafloc

  2. Chapter 3: Low Level

    Captain Mahoney had gathered his fledglings at the side of the hangar and was explaining the use of the cooper bomb. Each aircraft would carry 4 20lb cooper bombs, 2 under each wing. He explained the release mechanism and hammered home not to play with it or touch it during take-off or flight other than over the target. The mechanism was temperamental and any slight knock or movement could release the bombs prematurely. The 2 rookie pilots, Brian Sylvester and Henry Watkins, both nodded their heads ...

    Updated 07-16-2014 at 10:35 by Lt. S.Kafloc

  3. Chapter 2: Combat Patrol

    Captain Maclaren was getting ready to lead B flight out on an offensive combat patrol. Accompanying him would be 2Lt John Howell and 2Lt Peter Fortymore. Fortymore was younger than Howell by 2 years. 3 months ago he had left his school with Rip Ripley. Found some of his brothers uniforms at home. Then audaciously they had taken 2 camels from Hendon and flew them to France. It was only after a few hair rising missions that Biggles and Major Mullen had learned the truth. However because of their ...

    Updated 07-16-2014 at 10:37 by Lt. S.Kafloc

  4. Chapter 1: Dawn Patrol

    Biggles was talking to his mechanic, Flight Sergeant Smyth, just inside the hangar; when his new ‘Egg’ ran around the corner and unceremoniously knocked the pair to the ground. “Sorry, err Sir”, blurted Harcourt, “Overslept a trifle, won’t happen again…Sir.” Biggles and flight sergeant Smyth picked themselves up off the ground and dusted themselves off. Biggles was just about to reprimand his new rookie pilot when a burst of laughter caught his attention. ...

    Updated 07-16-2014 at 10:39 by Lt. S.Kafloc

  5. The continuing daring exploits of 266 Squadron RFC.

    Major Mullen had a quick gander round the mess. His eyes caught the gaze of the person he wanted and without a word the other followed him outside. “Now look James, I know it’s hard but you have to accept it, losses are inevitable. I’m assigning young Harcourt to your flight.” James looked the CO in the eyes, “Another piece of Hun Fodder? He will make the 5th in a month.” Looking at the floor Major Mullen gave him the only answer he could; “We all had to go through it, so must they”. ...

    Updated 07-16-2014 at 10:39 by Lt. S.Kafloc
