Ares Games

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  1. The Kindness of Strangers – Chapter 6 – Hunters Hunted

    13 May 1940, somewhere in NE France

    [I]“Attention! Pilote allemande… Que pensez-vous que vous ętes en train de faire!?”[/I]

    I stopped, taking care to make nothing that could be interpreted as a threatening gesture, and offered with genuine offense, [I]“Allemand? Mais non... Anglais ! Je suis un pilote anglais....”[/I] Turning slowly, I favored the owner of the gravelly voice and ancient fowling piece with an exhausted silence.

    Nothing forthcoming from ...
  2. How to make and paint up smoke and flames

    Quote Originally Posted by Teaticket View Post
    Playing WoG has been great. Then at a convention I saw someone using the Litko smoke and flame markers, that was cool. I didn't buy any though as I thought it could look better. I recently made some smoke and flames and thought I'd pass along how I did it.
    Not sure how to put this in the 'How To' section so I'll post here.

    First of all, you will need pipe cleaners, (I chose black) cotton balls, white glue, craft paint, (black, orange, red and yellow) and a paint brush. (maybe
  3. Over the Front - Military Heritage Chapter Meeting

    Over the Front, the League of World War One Aviation Historians, has two chapters that meet on occasion. For those of you near the National Museum of the United States Air Force, the Military Heritage Chapter is meeting at 1:00 p.m. on January 25th at the museum. I am not certain if there are chapter membership dues (will post as soon as I find out), but for those "historians" within ...
  4. The Kindness of Strangers - Chapter 5 – September Blood

    [B][I]September 3, 1939[/I][/B]

    Joaquim arrived late August at my doorstep. I was surprised. "What are you doing here, my friend?" "Trying to enter Soviet Union", he said with a tired voice. I nodded. "But now that's unimportant. You must get me to fly with you Polish", he continued in a harsh voice. I was surprised again. "Why?" I gave him a drink. "Don't you understand, Andrzej?! They're coming." "The German?" He laughed. ...
  5. Wings of War and Glory - Interlude 4: Infirmary

    [B][I]December 15, 1915[/I][/B]

    I wake up and fall again and again into darkness and fever for the last two weeks. Cold soft hands keep my hope and sanity when I feel them in my head. Rita's soft voice brings me back from feverish nightmares and from time to time my comrades come visit me. The bomber pilots have been here. I heard them, like in a dream, recounting my last mission to Rita. They brought me a present. "They brought you a present", I heard Rita telling me, ...