Ares Games

Files: Random Placement Diagram

Random Placement Diagram

Uploaded by Charlie3 - 10-10-2009
Author Author Charlie3
File Size File Size 155.8 KB
Downloads Downloads 652
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Each side rolls 1 die. If both sides roll the same use the head to head set up in the Wings of War rules.
If a side rolls lower, they are the defenders. Place the defender planes in the center of the table.
Roll 2 dice and consult the diagram for location and facing of attackers.
Roll 1 die to deturming the distance from the defenders to set up. 1-3 is two range sticks, 4-6 is three range sticks.


  • Random Placement Diagram


09-02-2012 at 20:43
I like this! It will be highly useful for helping me to set up random scenarios.