Ares Games

Files: Timeline of the Air War Over the Western Front

Timeline of the Air War Over the Western Front

Uploaded by MoonSylver - 01-30-2013
Author Author MoonSylver
File Size File Size 541.5 KB
Downloads Downloads 292
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A Brief Timeline of the Air War Over the Western Front 1914-1918 : What began as a simple spread sheet grew into something larger & more complex. This PDF was designed as an educational process for myself initially, & is being shared now to hopefully serve as a primer to those new to WW1 aerial combat, & as a handy reference of (what I consider to be) the major events of the war.


  • Timeline of the Air War Over the Western Front


09-28-2013 at 20:39
Thanks for all the work you put into this, MoonSylver
Le Falcon
02-08-2013 at 12:34
Great stuff. Thanks.
10-20-2017 at 19:02
Very cool. Thanks