Ares Games

Mission 2 - The Pumpernickel Conflict

"He stole my pumpernickel - I shall have my revenge"
  1. Mission 2.01   The Pumpernickel conflict
  2. Mission 2.02   the Red Dragon and Blue Pumpernickel
  3. Mission 2.03   The Black Knight and Red Baronet
  4. Mission 2.04   You stole my pumpernickel
  5. Mission 2.05   the first engagement
  6. Mission 2.06   The Red Baronet watches
  7. Mission 2.07   The Red Baron guns jam
  8. Mission 2.08   the black knight takes a hit
  9. Mission 2.09   Red Baronet hones in
  10. Mission 2.10   a perfect shot
  11. Mission 2.11   The Black Knight de horsed
  12. Mission 2.12   The blue pumpernickel is avenged
  13. Mission 2.13   The Red Dragon de flamed
  14. Mission 2.14   Height Superiority game of chicken
  15. Mission 2.15   I SEEE YOU!!
  16. Mission 2.16   The deciding conflict
  17. Mission 2.17   About to fire
  18. Mission 2.18   Last chance shot
  19. Mission 2.19   The Red Baronet survives
  20. Mission 2.20   the blue pumpernickel defeated
  21. Mission 2.21   the Red Baronet limps home
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