Ares Games

Old pictures and documents

  1. Machine gun
  2. Recruiting poster
  3. Poster supporting French loans
  4. British tank
  5. Some Camels
  6. German tanks
  7. Zeppelin - old picture taken in Hamburg 1929
  8. Letter wrote to the parents of a soldier at war. The reason was the 25th anniversary of their marriage.
  9. Recent stamp showing the poster of the international aviation convention in Frankfurt 1909.
  10. Stereoview front - a stereoview was a way to see 3D pictures during the change of the century. You need special lenses to see it the right way. Those...
  11. Stereoview back
  12. A book produced 1941 (this one is a reprint). It is a parody on the original Struwwelpeter by Robert and Philip Spence. 
On the first page it says:...
  13. Old plane on a stamp (Romania) - Eindecker
  14. Old plane on a stamp (Germany) - Grade Eindecker
  15. Old plane on a stamp (Hungary) - Lloyd CII
  16. Old plane on a stamp (Hungary) - Brandenburg CI
  17. Old plane on a stamp (Hungary) - UFAG CI
  18. Old plane on a stamp (Hungary) - Gerle 13
  19. Old plane on a stamp (Cuba) - Junkers Ju 52 (aka "Tante Ju", which means "Aunt Ju")
  20. Old plane on a stamp (Germany) - Junkers F13
  21. Coins from WWI 
From above: 
- 1/2 mark (1917) 
- 1 mark (1915) 
- 3 marks (1909): The coinage says "Wilhelm II German Emperor 5th King of...
  22. A German soldier and his wife (postcard)
  23. German pilot during downtime next to his family.
  24. Found this in a football magazine and it comes with a nice little anecdote:  
The picture shows “Graf Zeppelin“ above the Wembley stadium in 1930....
  25. see the biplane in upper left corner
  26. artillerie
  27. machine gun
  28. a closer view - see the zeppelin the upper right corner.
  29. An old document of my great-grandfather who served in WWI. 
The text says: 
"1914 war chronicle 1918 
(Name of my great-grandfather) 
Private in...
  30. An old document of my great-grandfather who served in WWI.
Showing photos 1 to 30 of 30